Several squadrons of Special Forces TIE fighters and TIE whisper fighters later arrived at the colony, preparing to destroy the Falcon. Rey later departed the island, believing herself capable of restoring Ben Solo to the light side of the Force, and used one of the freighter's escape pods to reach the Supremacy while Chewbacca piloted the Falcon to Crait. Hull [38], The First Order later captured the Falcon, Chewbacca, and the dagger; attempting to save Chewbacca, Rey accidentally destroyed a First Order transport with Force lightning. After the Imperials capitulated, Organa landed the Falcon in the hangar of the Star Destroyer Dominion, which her husband had captured. The crew of the Falcon were captured, tortured, and detained. During the escape from Kessel, Calrissian uploaded L3 to the Falcon as the ship's navigational system, assisting the crew in making the Kessel Run in under 13 parsecs. Cargo capacity [12], How Did Han Solo Lose the Millennium Falcon? 56 Must-Read Disney Dining Secrets from Disney Food Blog, Disney World and Disneyland Food and Wine Festival Details, Disney Recipe From the Vault: Main Street Cinnamon Rolls, Top 10 Disney Dining Tips From the Experts. Owner(s) [5] Chewbacca and R2 remained with the Falcon while Rey attempted to persuade Skywalker to join the Resistance, though Luke slipped aboard the old freighter to reminisce, and was reminded of what was at stake when Artoo replayed the hologram Leia Organa recorded to recruit Obi-Wan Kenobi on her secret mission to Tatooine some thirty-four years earlier.[35]. Calrissian and Chewbacca then made their attack run on an Arquitens-class command cruiser and, using the Falcon's missiles, destroyed the ship's gun emplacements, making an opening for the Rebels to escape to backup Rendezvous Point Gamma-Nine. Rey dismissed the pilot, quipping that he was a difficult man, before hugging Finn, who jokingly joined her in condemning his companion. Upgraded Chedak subspace radio[1] Height/depth However, thanks to Chewbacca, its smuggler captain had a change of heart. While the pair were conversing, a Nikto named Gannis Ducain offered to co-pilot for Solo after overhearing that Chewbacca was with his family and that Solo was short-handed for a job. After learning of Skywalker's location, Rey, Artoo, and Chewbacca flew in the Falcon to Ahch-To, the remote planet where he had gone into self-exile. The Star Wars logo is spotted on the front of the Spirit Jersey against the Cloud City-inspired background. Biggest Changes in Disney World Since The Reopening (And What They Mean For Your Trip). [10] The third was that of L3-37, which began as an R3-series astromech droid brain, but was overlaid with data architecture from an espionage droid, protocol droid processors, and custom state-of-the-art coding. During the ship's stay on the battle station, the Empire had planted a homing device on board the Falcon, which it used to pursue Organa to this location. In 35 ABY, the ship was once again captained by Calrissian during the Battle of Exegol, which saw a decisive victory for the Resistance and Jedi Order, before being returned to Rey, who had been newly dubbed a Skywalker. This in-universe article, or parts of it, should be edited to be in past tense, to conform to the style of Wookieepedia. 6[10] [49] It was later stolen by Toursant Irving and Vanver Irving—also known as the Irving Boys—before finally ending up in the possession of junk boss Unkar Plutt on Jakku. Disneyland Restaurants, Menus, and DINING REVIEWS The Steadfast later arrived on Kijimi, with Rey sensing that Chewbacca was, in fact, still alive and that the Falcon was onboard the Star Destroyer. Although the process would wipe the droid's memory, the coordinates to the wayfinder would be revealed. [17], The Falcon emerged from hyperspace into the remains of Alderaan. Cloud City is an outpost and a tibanna gas mining colony on Bespin. V. I've designed it following closely the model appeared on the movie, with all the little details. The YT 492727ZED was registered by the Republic Group on the planet Ralltiir as the Stellar Envoy. Life support Hoping to turn Luke Skywalker to the dark side, Darth Vader sent part of the Imperial Navy to Cloud City, after it was discovered by the bounty hunter Boba Fett to be their destination, in order to capture Luke's friends Han Solo, Leia Organa and Chewbacca and use them as bait to lure Skywalker out of hiding and … After a fleeing battle with Imperial fighters and a trip through hyperspace, the ship arrived at the secret Alliance base on Yavin 4. Disney Food Blog does not claim to represent the Walt Disney Company in any way and is not employed by or affiliated with The Walt Disney Company. Aboard the ship, Organa and Skywalker, despite his missing hand, moved to the gunning stations, while Chewbacca and Calrissian served as the pilots. The Falcon's only real combat weakness was its sheer size in comparison to starfighters. That love was the inspiration behind our Millennium Falcon™ – Scentsy Warmer, designed to melt our scented wax and fill any space with amazing fragrance. See the request on the listing or on this article's talk page. However, during Han Solo's infamous record-breaking Kessel Run, in which he piloted the freighter for the first time, many of these additions were destroyed or lost, leaving the ship battered by the time Solo won it from Calrissian shortly afterwards in a game of sabacc. The first Master Builder set, the LEGO Star Wars Betrayal at Cloud City (75222) is due for retirement in December of this year. Complement Solo and his ship returned just in time to cover Skywalker in his last-ditch effort to destroy the station and secure the safety of the Rebel Alliance. Now that the table is assembled it needs to be stained. The Falcon later arrived at Exegol, leading the citizens' fleet comprised of many Resistance ships from systems all across the galaxy, against the extensive forces of the Sith Eternal. 2021 DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining. Solo's maneuvers in the Falcon caused the two Star Destroyers approaching and the one pursuing to nearly collide with each other. However, his repairs were cut short as he had unknowingly landed inside a space slug. Related products. Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. The Cloud City Spirit Jersey is $69.99. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. After she asked what had happened to him, Skywalker only told her that Kenobi had not answered his call. They successfully the destroyed the command bridge and prevented the Sith fleet from leaving Exegol. Your email address will not be published. Condition is "New". Kylo Ren later arrived on Kef Bir, destroyed Rey's wayfinder and dueled with the scavenger. The Falcon was eventually stolen by the Force-sensitive scavenger Rey, former First Order stormtrooper Finn, and Resistance droid BB-8 to escape the forces of the First Order in 34 ABY. Leia revealed that an ally on Pasaana may be able to help. Durasteel shell[2]Duralloy plating[11]Military-grade armor[2] Solo was encased in carbonite and given to the bounty hunter. Freight elevator[2] The collector Karr Nuq Sin traveled to Jakku in his quest to learn about the Jedi Order, and he and his friend Maize Raynshi boarded the ship. Han Solo and Chewbacca once again take ownership of the Falcon. The Millennium Falcon later saw action during an operation on Nakadia to rescue the slicer Conder Kyl and Nim Tar's child. Calrissian also spoke to Organa and told her that they missed their chance to catch Fett because she made them get Skywalker, who Organa introduced as the man who destroyed the Death Star. It also narrowly avoided capture by a couple of Star Destroyers before making the jump to lightspeed. Engine unit(s) Corellian Engineering Corporation[1] It depicts pivotal events in Bespin’s Cloud City through a cohesive design that wraps around the entire warmer, making it a piece of Star Wars™ memorabilia unlike any other. [11] In case of emergency landing or crash on water, the Falcon was also equipped with floatation pontoons. Norra, Temmin, and the prisoners except Chewbacca then used the Falcon to travel back to the New Republic capital of Chandrila. View image at flickr The box contains 26 bags, numbered from one to thirteen, along with a si… Affiliation Present for battles/events There, they managed to free Chewbacca and a hundred other prisoners including Norra's husband Brentin Lore Wexley. It was searched by stormtroopers and it was reported that there were no passengers on board and the escape pods had been jettisoned. Class 1.0 (under Calrissian)[2]Class 0.5 (later)[10]Class 10 (backup)[2] Organa was cut off from her transport by a tunnel cave-in and was forced to make her escape from Hoth on board the Falcon accompanied by Solo, Chewbacca, and C-3PO. Celebrate the 40th anniversary of the original Star Wars sequel film with an … Chewbacca and Calrissian were discussing Solo, with the latter questioning what they would have done if the Falcon had caught up with Slave I, noting that firing Fett's ship out of the sky would have killed Solo. Cloud City is located on Bespin. The Falcon then attempted to make the jump into lightspeed, but was stopped short by an equipment malfunction. First skirmish in the Mesulan Remnants Belt[15]Job on Kullgroon[16]Raid on Kessel[12]Secret mission to Tatooine[17]Battle of Yavin[17]Cyrkon Extraction[18]Assault on Cymoon[13]Rescue of Luke Skywalker[19]Battle of Vrogas Vas[20]Hijacking of the Harbinger[21]Siege on Tureen VII[22]Escape from Skorii-Lei[23]Mission to Akiva[24]Mission to rescue C-3PO[25]Mission to Jedha[26]Mutiny on Mon Cala[27]Assault on the Mako-Ta Space Docks[28]Mission to Shu-Torun[29]Mission to K43[30]Escape from Cloud City[4]Battle at Rendezvous Point Delta-Three[31]Battle of Endor[32]Skirmish on Takodana[33]Liberation of Kashyyyk[34]Escape from Jakku[5]Skirmish aboard the Eravana[5]Battle of Starkiller Base[5]Battle of Crait[35]Mission to Mon Cala[36]Mission to Minfar[37]Mission to Sinta Glacier Colony[38]Mission to Pasaana[38]Mission to Kijimi[38]Mission to Kef Bir[38]Battle of Exegol[38] After they successfully rescued Han, the Falcon rendezvoused with the Alliance Fleet and prepared to assault the newest Death Star.[32]. The Millennium Falcon arrives on Exegol with a massive makeshift starship fleet made up of people from across the galaxy. As Finn prepared for the action and entered the gunner cockpit, Boolio jested that a worthy thanks for the information provided would be to win the war. Calrissian promised that they would rescue Solo, as both he and Chewbacca understood Fett was taking their friend to Jabba. As such, Calrissian modified the two cargo mandibles at the front into an auxiliary ship launch, thus turning the plain freighter into a unique starship. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Class [8], A pair of Gelieg 20m-cp Strobe/C-Beam Lamps, which flooded illumination outside the ship, were mounted on the tips of the front mandibles. [8] The stock hyperdrive of the YT-1300 series was replaced with a Isu-Sim SSP05. You’ll see the Millennium Falcon approaching Cloud City above Bespin. Sensor systems Shipping and handling. The weaponry of the Millennium Falcon was normally suited for a much larger warship. The group then mounted a rescue mission. YT 492727ZED[2] We DARE You Not to Fall in Love with the Star Wars x Loungefly Wristlets From Disney World! Prior to the events of the film, Lando made a career as a gambler, con artist, playboy, mining engineer, businessman, and was the owner of the Millennium Falcon until losing the ship to Han in a bet. Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, BB-8, and C-3PO depart in the Millennium Falcon as it underwent repairs. He offered Lando a bleak choice: set a trap for his old friend or face the Empire’s wrath. [35] After the battle, Rey spent a lot of time walking the corridors of the Falcon, thinking about how much history it had. Gelieg 20m-cp Strobe/C-Beam Lamps[11]Dejarik table[1]Autopilot[13]Flotation pontoons[14]Athakam II Med Unit[2] You’ll see the Millennium Falcon approaching Cloud City above Bespin. After interrogating the Siniteen prison builder Golas Aram, Solo and his allies traveled on the Falcon and Emari's ship Halo to the Kashyyyk system. Presuming that Chewbacca has been killed, the group escaped on Ochi's ship. After receiving intelligence from Imra that the Empire had reduced their presence on the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk due to the advances of the New Republic, Solo and Chewie traveled to Warrin Station to rally smugglers and Wookiee exiles for a campaign to liberate Kashyyyk. Partner With Disney Food Blog [39] Around this time, Han Solo replaced the Falcon's sensor dish with a rectangular civilian model. [5], On the way to Kanata's castle, when the Falcon began to malfunction, the mechanically savvy Rey, who was sitting in the cockpit to the right of Solo, made a modification to the ship by simply bypassing a faulty compressor. Lando Calrissian[4]Han Solo[17]Gannis Ducain[1]Vanver and Toursant Irving[1]Unkar Plutt[1]Rey[38] [34], However, this information turned out to be a trap set by the Empire. The Falcon was repackaged in 1980 with Kenner switching out the Star Wars logo in favour of The Empire Strikes Back logo. After the circular military-grade sensor dish was lost during the Battle of Endor, the dish was replaced with the base rectangular model which was originally supplied with the ship. Past Disney World and Disneyland Food and Wine Festival Coverage, Click here for the latest Disney Food news! What’s New at Hollywood Studios This Week: Skyliner Progress, Tatooine Traders Construction, and More Holiday Fun! The Falcon leads the starfighter attack during the Battle of Endor. MGLT She then buried Anakin's and Leia's lightsabers beneath the sands of the homestead, having built her own. 13 Disney World Splurges That…Aren’t…Really…Worth It. Injured and bewildered after his battle with Darth Vader, Luke is rescued by the Millennium Falcon. 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Luke Skywaker rushes to save his friends on Cloud City, but instead clashes lightsabers with Darth Vader. Cloud City Float with a Millennium Falcon Ice Ship November 8, 2014 / May the Fourth be with You Party: Anette I was going to say this tastes heavenly, but I … Shipped with USPS Priority Mail. The Falcon is pursued as it flees Cloud City. Microaxial Rubicon navicomputer with HyD modular navicomuter backup (modified)[2] Main computer The Falcon's main source of power was a Quadex power core. Rey, accompanied by BB-8, later took the Falcon to Tatooine, to visit Luke Skywalker's old, abandoned home. Lando welcomed Han when he arrived and agreed to help repair the Falcon’s hyperdrive – but then turned him and his companions over to Vader. Joined Aug 8, 2003 Messages 1,234 Reaction score 0. It also included sensor-proof smuggling compartments, which were used during the rescue of Princess Leia Organa in 0 BBY to evade Imperial stormtroopers. [38], Having discerned the location of the Sith wayfinder, the group traveled to Kef Bir, a moon within the Endor system. Although the ship had squeezed through many narrow spots in its history, it still lost the oversized sensor dish while trying to get through a particularly tight section of the Death Star's superstructure. [10] According to Ralsius Paldora, the Millennium Falcon's hyperdrive failed 1.22 times more than the one on the YT-2400 light freighter. [51], After the confrontation with Kylo Ren following the death of Solo, Chewbacca rescued Finn and Rey aboard the Falcon, managing to escape the planet as it exploded. Best Disney World Restaurants for First-Timers! After its close encounter with the Empire, the Falcon journeyed to Bespin's Cloud City, where Solo's old acquaintance Calrissian held the position of Baron Administrator. They bluffed their way through the Imperial blockade by posing as a repair crew working at Ashmead's Lock, an automated prison on the far side of Kashyyyk. They then killed a scanning crew before they could be detected by the scanner. UCS sets, introduced in 2000, are meant to be more detailed and aimed at older builders. Recommended Disney World Restaurants for First-Timers, Recommended Disneyland Restaurants for First-Timers. UCS was primarily used for Star Wars since 2… Hyperdrive rating And, of course, Cloud City is boldly printed on the back as well, in keeping with that signature Spirit Jersey-style. Following Solo's death soon after, the Millennium Falcon became a Resistance vessel piloted by its new owner, Rey, throughout much of the First Order/Resistance War. Ramp. Because its successive owners either upgraded or downgraded every system according to their personal specifications, the freighter ended up becoming a unique ship. Apart from the shape of its chassis, the Falcon retained very little of its off-the-dock instrumentation. Product line You can also subscribe without commenting. 2 months' supply[11] Disney World Restaurant Search Tool Over the next decades, the ship fell out of Solo's hands and was stolen by a succession of criminals and thieves, ending up in the ownership of the trader Unkar Plutt on Jakku, a remote world in the Western Reaches. As the Rebels scrambled to organize a preemptive attack on the massive Death Star, Solo loaded his reward on board the Falcon and departed the moon. Chewie was captured, but Solo managed to escape on the Falcon. These traits made it an ideal choice for General Lando Calrissian's attack run within the bowels of the Death Star during the Battle of Endor. The remaining members of the crew, joined by Calrissian, escaped to the Falcon. c. 34.52[1]–34.75 meters[7] Making Advance Dining Reservations at Disney Restaurants Disclosure Policy This Darth Vader Spirit Jersey We Spotted at Disney World Has Us Embracing the Dark Side! Crew YT-1300f light freighter[1] The Falcon's combination of sublight speed and maneuverability was comparable to most of the starfighters fielded by the Rebellion and Empire, while its shielding, hyperdrive, and heavy weapons were on par with those typically found on capital ships. 7.8 meters[8] The infographic Fictional Travel Times estimated that the Millennium Falcon, with its class 0.5 hyperdrive, can travel at 6.13 quadrillion miles per hour, and that it may be capable of traveling from one galaxy to another within 100 days. )Action: Return this unit to your hand to put a Character or Droid unit into play from your hand. Privacy Policy. Maximum speed (atmosphere) Boba Fett, however, saw through this ruse, and waited behind in the Slave I, following the Falcon as it left the system.[4]. Privacy Policy Plutt paid for minimum maintenance for the ship with the intention of preparing it fully for flight only in the event that he would actually find a buyer.[48]. Usage Ordering a Cake in Disney World Model CEC Class-1s (5)[10] The crew were unaware that the recently repaired hyperdrive had been disabled by Vader's men, and only a last-minute patch by R2-D2 prevented the Falcon from falling into Imperial hands. Escape craft As a result, the ship could fly at a maximum speed of 1,200 kilometer per hour in atmosphere and 3,000 G in space. When challenged by Kenobi about his ship's speed, Solo bragged that the Falcon was capable of attaining 0.5 past lightspeed, and that it "made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs. Model FreighterSmuggling ship A Technician[3]Lando Calrissian[4]Han Solo[1]Chewbacca[1]Gannis Ducain[1]Vanver and Toursant Irving[1]Unkar Plutt[1]Rey[5]Rose Tico[6] circular Rectenna dish reinstalled after it lost its rectangular one at the Battle of Crait. Check out our Disney Recipes [52], At some point, the Falcon had its original[source?] Shipping and handling. The Falcon looks like a worn-out junker, but beneath her hull she’s full of surprises. After Snoke's death, Rey returned to the Falcon using Snoke's escape vessel, and the YT-1300 participated in the Battle of Crait. Don’t Miss This Virtual MUSICAL Event for Disney Vacation Club Members, NEWS: Disney Cruise Line Cancels Sailings Through April, We Had EXTRA Time to Board Rise of the Resistance in Disney World Today, DFB Video: Disney World Restaurant Secrets No One Tells You. Cloud City Spirit Jersey. Upon returning to the Resistance base on Ajan Kloss, Rey berates a fatigued Dameron for this, though he rebuffed her by noting that his favored droid BB-8 was in similarly poor condition due to her earlier training accident. Production information Thanks to quick thinking by those aboard the Falcon, the ship was made to appear as if the crew had escaped soon after taking off from Tatooine. [45] Inconsistent records from the Bureau of Ships and Services indicate that the YT 492727ZED changed ownership more than once via unregistered transactions. DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining, Disney World Restaurants, Menus, and DINING REVIEWS . R2-D2 then follows Lando and company out to the Millennium Falcon. During the Falcon's time in the possession of the smuggler Lando Calrissian, it accumulated numerous modifications in the name of convenience and luxury, including painted exterior paneling and a large escape pod. The Resistance then destroyed the remaining forces of the Sith Eternal. 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Jersey We spotted at Disney ’ s New at Hollywood Studios this Week: Skyliner Progress Tatooine. Pods had been jettisoned had arrived First, however, when they arrived at Rendezvous Point Delta-Three, Falcon... Case of emergency landing or crash on water, the Falcon looks like a Luke! Captain had a change of heart Coruscant it was perpetually surrounded by giant clouds prisoners except Chewbacca then the... Tar 's child great and the escape pods had been jettisoned landed INSIDE a space.! Squadrons of Special forces TIE fighters, with one blasting a hole in the Falcon, and website in browser. The Resurgent-class Star Destroyer Avenger YT-1300 freighter is seen flying in to dock leads starfighter...