As they grow, the number of predators reduce. Like their hard-shelled cousins, the pond terrapins, which are often seen travelling over land from one waterbody to another, flapshell turtles do leave their ponds during the dry season to look for water. RoundGlass Sustain is a media-rich resource on India’s natural world. TERMS OF USE Viewed 2k times 4. Indian flapshell turtle is a species of freshwater turtle occurring in South Asia. The creature, which many people on social media are saying looks like melted cheese, is believed to be an albino version of the Indian flapshell turtle , also known as Lissemys punctatais. We need to return to our historic approach and relationship with nature and understand that when these animals thrive, we do too. This clutch was discovered in a cultivated field in the Sundarbans. A rare yellow turtle was recently found in a pond in a village in West Bengal, India. This one was an adult -- believed to be between one and a half and two years old. Photo: CLpramod, CC BY-SA 4 Cover photo: Measuring up to 35 cm, the common flapshell turtle has short, tubular nostrils, which are almost pig-like. L. punctata lives in the shallow, quiet, often stagnant waters of rivers, streams, marshes, ponds, lakes and irrigation canals, and tanks. It waits patiently, without moving, for unsuspecting, fish, frogs, crustaceans or even small birds, reptiles, or rodents to get within striking distance before it snatches them into its jaws. But it also poses the challenge of it not being able to breathe constantly. by Sandarsh Naroju Leave a Comment on INDIAN FLAPSHELL TURTLE. Cover photo: Rahul Kulkarni. Flapshell turtles help to maintain the health of the aquatic ecosystems they inhabit by feeding on dead, decaying organic matter. These reptiles are seen here in Keoladeo Ghana NP, Bharatpur, Rajasthan (left) and swimming in a waterbody in Nashik, Maharashtra. In fact, many of these turtles were released in the Ganga with the hope that they would feed on the remains of the deceased left in the river. Changes to the Indian flapshell turtle's natural habitat by the construction of dams and barrages, cultivation along river banks, and pollution are also major threats to the survival of this species. The Indian flapshell turtle is a freshwater species of turtle found in South Asia. The turtle stays hidden, half buried in the muddy edge of the pond. The turtle stays hidden, half buried in the muddy edge of the pond. The Indian flapshell turtle is commonly found in South Asian countries like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Myanmar. They live in the shallow, quiet, often stagnant waters of rivers, streams, marshes, ponds, lakes and irrigation canals, and tanks. IT C-7 KMG Tower So please guide me about how to treat him and food and how Shall I … Indian flapshell turtles nest during many periods in the year depending on habitat and location. The turtle has now been released into the wild in Balasore, added Pati. Its “flap-shelled” name stems from the presence of femoral flaps located on the plastron. How to care for Indian Flapshell Turtle. Twitter This albino golden flapshell certainly looks like it should be sitting between two slices of bread. They collect a lot of crabs and the occasional turtle like this. It is an opportunistic omnivore. After 15 years of age, it's very difficult to tell the age, as the rings get closer and closer together. It has been in­tro­duced to the An­daman and Nico­bar Is­lands. Being reptiles, however, they need to make sure that they are warm enough to digest food and be active. I also want to say only one drop blood came out. Pune Metro: EIB signs loan agreement worth €200 million with Union govt Our laws, although absolute, are not enough to protect our wildlife from greed and exploitation. The Indian flapshell turtle is known to be omnivorous. In fact, they are concertedly hunted in some areas. It is also found in the desert ponds of Ra­jasthan, where hun­dreds are killed every year dur­ing the dry sum­mers. My Indian flapshell turtle fell from 3rd floor. Sometimes, when one turtle grabs hold of something that is a bit too big for it (such as a dove or similar-sized bird), other turtles gather around trying to get a piece of the pie, and jointly partake of the banquet. © RoundGlass 2021, India The turtle is known as the Indian flapshell turtle. Generally, it starts during the late summer to the monsoon season which is around June to November. Despite all their instinct and inclination to stay away from trouble, these hatchlings face a perilous future. After the eggs were laid they are usually buried in soil for protection. Having completed her maternal duties, the mother returns to the water. Apparently, these are rare albino Indian flapshell turtles and people online are amazed by their bizarre appearance. Its diet consists of frogs, fishes, shrimp, snails, aquatic vegetation, plant leaves, flowers, fruits, grasses, and seeds. Its diet consists of frogs, fishes, shrimp, snails, aquatic vegetation, plant leaves, flowers, fruits, grasses, and seeds. A small mud crab crawls along the edge of the murky water of a rain-fed lake near a village in South India. Indian flapshell turtle (Lissemys punctata), is a freshwater turtle found in south asia. 1756 114th AVE SE Pictured is a rare leucistic specimen confiscated from illegal trade. Experts say its color is the product of albinism. This long incubation period has its share of challenges. Staying buried and unmoving underwater offers great camouflage for this predator. Then I took him in dry place. The Indian Flapshell Turtle, Lissemys punctata, is a relatively small softshell turtle with a carapace length of up to 350 mm. In Bangladesh and India, this is especially evident as the Indian flapshell turtle is larger and has more meat than other turtles in the area. As a result, these turtles are often exploited as a source of profit. Enabling Holistic Wellbeing & Meaningful Living, Enabling Wholistic Wellbeing & Meaningful Living, PRIVACY POLICY Poachers will wade into ponds and lakes with a sharp spike on the end of a pole and keep jabbing it into the muddy bed below. When receptive, the female faces the male with her neck extended and they begin bobbing their heads vertically three or four times. The crab became a quick meal for an Indian flapshell turtle (Lyssemys punctata). Wildlife SOS. Instinct leads them to the water, where they stay very close to the edge, hiding in aquatic vegetation and the soft bed of the ponds, lakes, or rivers that will be their home for the rest of their lives. Apparently, it is an albino Indian flapshell turtle, but people on the internet think it looks more like a slice of cheese. However, ambush isn’t the only way this very adaptable species gets to eat. +1 (425) 454-2113 When they need to nest, females climb out of the water, walk above the maximum waterline, getting far enough from the waterbody to ensure their eggs don’t drown if water levels rise. Indian flapshell turtles may lay their eggs 2 or 3 times per year in clutches of 2 to 16. Young Indian flapshell turtles become reproductively mature at the of age 2 or 3 years. Then they dig a hole in the ground, with their hind legs working like shovels. The femoral flaps that cover their retracted legs help them survive dry conditions. “I brought the turtle back and took pictures of it and shared them with our research head Shaik Hussain who confirmed it to be Indian flapshell turtle,” he said. Ask Question Asked 1 month ago. According to the Times of India, the turtle—resembling a shiny egg … The nose is short and stout; the nasal septum has no lateral ridge and the edges of the jaws are smooth. 2nd Floor, Sector 67,SAS Nagar Flapshell turtles are quite the delicacy in many parts of the country. The Indian flapshell turtle is a freshwater species of turtle found in South Asia. 1. Although this is a terrible thing to do to the individual turtle, it demonstrates an understanding of the value the turtle brings to an ecosystem. In one of the largest seizures of wildlife in the country, over 6,430 endangered turtles were found stuffed in large bags lying in the compound of a house in Gauri Ganj, Amethi, from where they were about to be smuggled to Kolkata, a hub for turtle trade in India. The crab begins moving deeper into the water, when suddenly, with barely a ripple, it is grabbed by a vice-like grip cracking its shell and subduing it. Today, if one does see a turtle, it is important to simply leave it alone. Agricultural work, various forms of excavation, flooding, and landscape change can destroy the nest in no time at all. When fisherfolk catch a flapshell turtle in their nets, they usually take it home for the pot. Swampy areas with soil and exposure to sunlight are usually preferred. However, it is humans who are the bigger threat to their survival today. Adult flapshell turtles will also feed on dead animals found in and near the edge of the water. These turtles prefer waters with sand or mud bottoms because of their tendency to burrow. Viewed 4k times 5. Hello, we are the most commonly found turtles in Indian subcontinent and you probably might have seen us at many places in India. During a time of drought, the turtles enter a time of estivation in an attempt to survive the dry conditions. As hatchlings, they can fall prey to everything from large fish to otters. It waits patiently, without moving, for unsuspecting, fish, frogs, crustaceans or even small birds, reptiles, or rodents to get within striking distance before it snatches them into its jaws. These flaps of skin cover the limbs when turtles retract into the shell. Indian Flapshell Turtle on Wikipedia -, 2. Like a slice of cheese, a slab of butter, or the yolk of an egg, this zesty creature with its vivid yellow shell, head, and limbs looks good enough to eat - … The value of this meat along with the efforts in the conservation of this species has driven the price of meat higher and has led to an increase in the illegal international exploitation and killing of these animals. Having a life span of 20 to 40 years, it is a very common turtle in South Asia and mostly lives in freshwater bodies like lakes, ponds and rivers. This enables them to stay still, very slowly extend their necks and stick the extreme tips of their nostrils above water for a deep breath before they return to ambush position. A farmer found a yellow Indian flapshell turtle in eastern India. The claws are large and heavy and the tail is very short in both sexes. Bellevue, WA 98004. Indian Forest Service Discovers Rare Albino Turtle That Looks Like Melted American Cheese The reptile is a flapshell turtle, which is usually born with brown and green hues. Courtship begins when the male starts stroking the female's carapace with his neck and limbs extended. They are very well adapted, both morphologically and behaviorally, to drought conditions. I gave recently found a indian flpashell turtle on road side and hence I have brought it home. And while typical Indian flapshell turtles are dark green and brown, the example found recently has a … These turtle species, Indian flapshell turtle or Lissemys punctata, can be commonly found in South Asian countries like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Myanmar. They feed on frogs, fishes, shrimp, snails, aquatic vegetation, plant leaves, flowers, fruits, grasses, and seeds. The Indian flapshell turtle’s brown colouration with some spots and relatively small size make it inconspicuous when basking along slow-moving rivers. But three months later, a new turtle was discovered, but … The In­dian flap­shell tur­tle is found in Pak­istan, India (com­mon in lakes and rivers), Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh (Indus and Ganges drainages), and Burma (Ir­rawaddy and Sal­ween Rivers). Active 1 month ago. It is a very common fresh water turtle found in India and it can be found fairly easily in ponds, steams, marshes, near our house during rainy season and in fish markets. The flapshell turtle, which is smaller in size, is killed for its meat which is considered a delicacy in both Bengal and Bangladesh. In many South Asian provinces, Indian flapshell turtles and their eggs are commonly used as a source of food. Flapshell turtles of all ages get caught in fishing nets, especially, discarded gill nets that are used across the country to fish in lakes, ponds, and rivers. These flaps of skin cover the limbs when turtles retract into the shell. Mohali – 160062, Punjab, United States We are Indian Flap-Shell Turtles. they have a soft leathery type of shell and they are called as flap shell because they have flaps on the plastron above their legs which cover their legs when they retract in the shell. Photos: Rahul Kulkarni (left), Arabindu Sardar/Shutterstock (right). 1. Here, they will stay for as long as seven months but, usually, around five months. The "flap-shelled" name comes from the presence of femoral flaps located on the plastron. These freshwater turtles are widespread across South Asian countries like Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. Various predators and scavengers may also dig out the nest and feast on the eggs if they catch the scent. In India it is mainly found in the eastern sides of the country. It's actually an albino Indian flapshell turtle. The crab became a quick meal for an Indian flapshell turtle (L yssemys punctata). At birth the hatchlings are barely larger than a golf ball. In places where these turtles are not disturbed, they are commonly seen basking on fallen logs, steep edges of ponds, or simply on the banks of the waterbodies that they inhabit. Indian flapshell turtles are generally solitary and active during the day. The Indian flapshell turtle is known to be omnivorous. Active 3 years, 2 months ago. Still, some eggs will hatch, and the little turtles will make their way to the surface. Understanding the value these animals bring to us is key to their conservation. Photo: Tushar Abhyankar. However, the biggest threat to these turtles, individually and as a species, comes from us humans and our activities. A turtle will have rings whether in captivity or the wild. Numerous species, from rats to wild boar, are known to eat turtle eggs. This adorable bright yellow creature that got rescued in West Bengal, India is making headlines. The "flap-shelled" name comes from the presence of femoral flaps located on the plastron. Indian Flapshell Turtle on The IUCN Red List site -,, Photos: Bernard Dupont from France, CC BY-SA 2.0 (left), Rahul Kulkarni (right). The IUCN Red List and other sources don’t provide the number of the Indian flapshell turtle total population size. This behavior is then repeated. The Indian flapshell turtle was placed in Appendix II of CITES in 1975 at the request of Bangladesh. The carapace of the Indian flapshell turtle viewed from above is broadly oval in adults but more circular in young, widest just anterior to hind limbs. How to know there's any internal damage by his behaviour? The species derives its name “flapshell” due to the presence of femoral flaps located on … is the founder director of The Gerry Martin Project, and has been involved with herpetological research and conservation, documentary filmmaking, education and eco-tourism over the past decade. The turtle was released in the Mula river near Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Pakshi Vihar Kendra on July 29. The softshell and flapshell turtles are protected under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. Indian flapshell turtles are omnivores. These turtles have a very unique courtship and mating behavior. Indian flapshell turtles are found in Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh (Indus and Ganges drainages), and Myanmar (Irrawaddy and Salween Rivers). INDIAN FLAPSHELL TURTLE. Flapshell turtles, like all softshell turtles, have very long necks with extended nostrils that look like a pig’s snout. Populations that are found in the desert ponds of Rajasthan are killed in hundreds every year during the dry summers. More recently, locals rescued yet another yellow turtle from a pond in Burdwan, West Bengal. The Indian flapshell turtle, also called Lissemys punctata, is a freshwater species of turtle found commonly in lakes and rivers across the Indian subcontinent. Authorities regularly seize and apprehend poachers and illegal traders with consignments of thousands of turtles captured for sale as pets, for their meat, and for use in traditional medicine. For instance, if the turtle had 14 rings, you can guess that the turtle is 7 years old, as every 2 rings may represent a year. ’ t the only way this very adaptable species gets to eat to 350 mm retract into the.! A rain-fed lake near a village in West Bengal, India, Nepal indian flapshell turtle Sri Lanka, Myanmar Pakistan! Enough to digest food and be active and they begin bobbing their vertically! And stout ; the nasal septum has no lateral ridge and the edges the. Classified as Least Concern ( LC ) on the IUCN Red List and other sources don ’ provide! 'S any internal damage by his behaviour this very adaptable species gets to eat eggs. Turtle found in South Asia faces the male with her neck extended and they begin bobbing their vertically. 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