According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, a mouse is “any of numerous small rodents (as of the genus Mus) with pointed snout, rather small ears, elongated body,” and a long tail. Nomen, die auf y enden, wenn ein Konsonant davor steht. Now you are an expert on all things related to computer mouse — in the English language and otherwise. “Beowulf” was written in this language. Welcome to using the English language, a language so complicated and convoluted that it breaks its own rules more often than it follows them. –. Here is a brief explanation of how to use a computer mouse and the plural form of the word in English. Nouns ending with y if a consonant is written before. The singular of mice, in just about any context, is mouse. 3 plural also mouses : a small movable device that is connected to a computer and used to move the cursor and select functions on the screen Other Words from mouse mouselike \ ˈmau̇s-​ˌlīk \ … However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be mousses e.g. Culture drives language, not the other way around, and oftentimes words come in and out of usage without the dictionary even recognizing them. Nouns ending in sibilants. … The computer mouse might have an interesting name when you think about it, but it definitely is a much catchier name than it’s previous name “X-Y Position Indicator”. but: boy – boys / toy - toys / bay - bays Nouns ending with ch, x, s, sh, o----> es Find more words! The word mouse in general comes from the Old English mus or the Italian maus. Turns out, most mouses kinda suck. Another common definition given by Merriam Webster is for the “small mobile manual device that controls movement of the cursor and selection of functions on a computer display,” aka the computer mouse. Herkunft: Von mittelenglisch mous, altenglisch mūs. Now, the officially recognized plural ending of the word mouse (especially when used to describe the rodent) is the word mice. Das Nomen Mouse wird mit den Deklinationsendungen -/s dekliniert. Scroll – there is a wheel in the middle of a computer mouse, this wheel is used to scroll up or down on a page like a document or a website. The noun mousse can be countable or uncountable. We know what’s correct. You just have to know. lolly – lollies / story – stories / strawberry – strawberries. Next time you go to use the word computer mouse you will be an expert. The noun goose is an example of this. Singular Plural; a car: two car s: a cassette: two cassette s: a lamp: two lamp s: a hat: two hat s: a cup: two cup s: 1.2. He worked for the company Xerox Parc at the time. aber: boy – boys / toy - toys / bay - bays Nomen, die auf ch, x, s, sh, o----> es Let us go over what a computer mouse is, the plural form, the history and origin of the word, synonyms, and examples of the word used in a sentence. 1.5. Reading or hearing someone else use the word correctly will cement it in your vocabulary. Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. If a female waiter is a waitress and a female steward is a stewardess, what is a female butler? This is partially due to the fact that English is a mashup of several different languages and borrows its etymology, definitions, spellings, and grammar concepts from all of the various languages that have donated components that make up what we call modern English today. Das Genus bzw. Move the cursor – the primary function of a mouse is to move the cursor on the x and y-axis on the computer screen. Our English word is somehow related to the Old English mūs, the Dutch muis, and the German maus at the same time. It can additionally be used as a slang term to describe a timid person or someone acting timidly, as in “mousing around.”. in reference to various types of mousses or a collection of mousses. But Razer needs to see sustained demand for the left-handed mouse or else it’ll be discontinued again. For example, the word “selfie” was just added into many dictionaries a few years ago because of how prevalent that word’s use became in common conversation. Fall, Wem-Fall) und Akkusativ (auch 4. mouse, Plural: mice. A man by the name Douglas Engelbart came up with the x-y position pointing device to be used for the Alto. Douglas didn’t have any creative reason behind the name mouse, he obviously didn’t have great success in naming it when he first invented it, that’s a name that only a mother would love. from all of the various languages that have donated components that make up what we call modern English today. A word’s etymology can reveal a lot about the changes a word has gone through to get to where it is … And it leaves you with a degree of satisfaction that you’re not following the unthinking masses of the great unwashed. a) persons b) person c) people 6) What is the plural form of a tooth? Find more words! The History and Origin of the Word. If the plural form of goose is geese, what is the plural of moose? Lynch says the money will go toward manufacturing in Michigan the first 1,000 Hoglets and get the wireless optical mouse into the hands of more special needs students. moose, Plural: moose. According to, the word mouse has a very convoluted history. Since the computer mouse devices are named after the typical small rodent house mouse with a long tail, it ends up with the same irregular plural form “mice”, however since it is also an invention and doesn’t have to follow the root language rules for making a word plural, the other correct (less frequently used) plural form is mouses. Most of you that have memories of learning about computers at a young age might have a memory of thinking it was funny for a computer part to be called a mouse. For desktop computers, the small device is placed on a flat surface (e.g., mouse pad or desk) in front of your computer display screen. Die Deklination des Substantivs Mouse ist im Singular Genitiv Mouse und im Plural Nominativ Mouses. He can be found online here. Aussprache: IPA: [muːs], Plural: [muːs] Hörbeispiele: moose (australisch) moose (US-amerikanisch) , Plural: — Reime:-uːs. The majority of the English language today comes from Latin and Greek by way of many different European languages, especially our plural nouns and irregular plurals, and the word mouse is no exception. These little tiny innocent mice were bred at my facility for generation studies in some experiments. In the plural is an umlaut. Compose bold, clear, mistake-free writing with Grammarly's AI-powered writing assistant. Here are some examples of the words mouse and mice being used in context: There really are no synonyms for mouse because the word describes such a specific animal. –, When it comes to your mouse, there is no one type that checks all boxes for every person. However, like many words in English, the word mouse can have more than one meaning. ----> ies lolly – lollies / story – stories / strawberry – strawberries. Hell, even the American dialect is dropping agreement in number: they each went to their house. Sehr selten können beide Formen angewendet werden: scarf → scarfs/scarves; hoof → hoofs/hooves; Endet das Substantiv auf -ff wird -s angehängt. You just have to know. “Ox” and “oxen” fall into this category. Add -es. So basically, while “mouses” is considered the proper plural of mouse in a very specific case when referring to technology, just about any technological professional will still use the word mice to describe multiple mouse devices. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do's and don'ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here. In this article, let’s explore the proper use of the word mouse, its plural form, look for its synonyms, and learn its context. Die Beugung bzw. The picture is an example of a Microsoft desktop computer mouse with two mouse buttons and a trackball. The word mice is (in any context) the plural of mouse, and so mouse is the singular of mice (e.g., the mouse, that mouse, those mice). grammatische Geschlecht von Mouse ist Feminin und der bestimmte Artikel ist "die". Drag and drop – once you have something selected with your cursor you can move that object (file, image, folder, application, icon, etc.) When using the word mouse to describe the technological gadget most people are used to using to control their computer screen, “mouses” is actually a valid plural according to the dictionary. We formen den Plural eines Hauptwortes mit dem Singular + s. parrot – parrots / apple – apples / girl – girls. A computer mouse (plural mice, rarely mouses) is a hand-held pointing device that detects two-dimensional motion relative to a surface. Answer. Yes, this is creative but it is not the reason for it being called mouse. We form the plural of a noun with the singular + s. parrot – parrots / apple – apples / girl – girls. A computer mouse is a handheld hardware input device that controls a cursor in a GUI (graphical user interface) and can move and select text, icons, files, and folders on your computer. You mentioned that your mouse was not clicking properly? Hopefully, this article has helped you better understand how the word mouse works, where it came from, and how to use it properly. This is partially due to the fact that English is a mashup of several different languages and borrows its etymology, definitions, spellings, and. The plural form of mouse is mice . Deklination und Plural von Mouse. Regular Plural Forms 1.1. This motion is typically translated into the motion of a pointer on a display, which allows a smooth control of the graphical user interface of a computer.. Next time you need to write about it or use it in conversation, you will be completely prepared! Some vaguely related or similar words are rodent, mammal, rat, or other words to describe small rodent-like creatures. Mice is the correct plural in almost any context. Die Maus Deklination online als Deklinationstabelle mit allen Formen im Singular (Einzahl) und im Plural (Mehrzahl) und in allen vier Fällen Nominativ (auch 1. by holding your finger down and moving the cursor. –, With a few clicks of a computer mouse, things like criminal charging documents, public-private partnership contracts, and government agency budgets could be put online for all to access. The plural of the word being “mice” is due to something called “i-mutation” which is an etymological concept that explains the concept of words having an i-root when brought from other languages to English. How to form the plural. A total of 238 mice were used, half of which were injected with the drug methamphetamine and half salt water. First person to give all six anwers that I am looking for (legibly) wins. Der Plural - Die Mehrzahl Regelmäßige Pluralformen. Above in this article, we talked about the inventor of the x-y position indicator (mouse) Douglas Engelbart. Certain plurals do not add a letter to the end, but instead change the word itself. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. After the alto failed to gain traction, luckily for Douglas, the x-y position indicator got used for the Apple computer “Lisa”. This, in turn, got its origin from Proto-Germanic roots sourced from Old Norse, Middle Dutch, Swedish, and German, which, when traced all the way back, goes back to the Latin word “mus” and the Greek word “mys,” both meaning house. –, Parker Lynch’s company Hedgehog Health launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise $65,000. There is no ruling for these types of plurals. For "The Gift of Stones", I spent an afternoon chasing a flock of Canadian geese. The Plural of Nouns Regular Plural Forms. One of the best ways to understand a word is to learn where it came from. Compose bold, clear, mistake-free writing with Grammarly's AI-powered writing assistant, To first understand a word, its history, and how to use it properly, it is important to first define what it actually means. Select – with the mouse you can click to select files, folders, images, or text. Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. Since the computer mouse devices are named after the typical small rodent house mouse with a long tail, it ends up with the same irregular plural form “mice”, however since it is also an invention and doesn’t have to follow the root language rules for making a word plural, the other correct (less frequently used) plural form is mouses. Substantiv endet auf -o. Diese bilden den Plural entweder durch Anhängen von -s oder -es. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do's and don'ts for all who share the same passion! The noun Maus is declined with the declension endings -/äu-e. The noun mouse is an example of this. You can also drag the mouse cursor while clicking to select many files simultaneously. a) mouses b) mice c) mousey 5) What is the plural form of a person? Certain plurals do not add a letter to the end, but instead change the word itself. The form Mouse, however, appears most commonly, while some authors of technical documents may prefer either mouse devices or the more generic pointing devices. Only the traditional irregular noun maintains its irregular plural: mouse, mice. It just ran under my bed!”, “Thank you for calling tech support. Dies aus germanisch *mūs, indogermanisch *mūs. Another great way to learn how to use a word properly is to learn how to use it in context. Here’s how to find the best mouse for you. – Joshua Sargent  – SF Gate, Razer Brings Back Left-Handed Computer Mouse to Address Disabled Gamers – Michael Kan – PC Mag, Meet the Hoglet a cross between a fidget toy and a computer mouse – Taryn Asher – Fox 2 Detroit, Best ergonomic mice of 2020, according to a tech expert – Whitson Gordon – NBC News, Expand access to records online – Steven Potter Your Right to Know,,,,,, The Plural of Mouse: Here’s What It Is and How to Use It, The Plural of Hoof: Here’s What It Is and How to Use It, The Plural of Hippopotamus: Here’s What It Is and How to Use It, The Plural of Memorandum: Here’s What It Is and How to Use It. Bonus bragging rights if you can give the feminine form of "exterminator". Aussprache: IPA: [maʊs], Plural: [maɪs] Hörbeispiele: a mouse (britisch) mouse (US-amerikanisch) , Plural: — Bedeutungen: [1] Maus (Nagetier) (Plural 1) [2] Computermaus (Plurale 1 oder 2) [3] umgangssprachlich: schüchterne Person. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be mousse . What Is the Correct Plural of Mouse? –, The company has relaunched the product, citing feedback from disabled gamers and left-handed users. a) potatoes b) potatos c) potatois 9) What is the plural form of a dish? Most people, however pluralise acronyms, and initials in general, by adding a small s, so it would be MOUSEs, which seems a bit silly. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. One such word that is completely borrowed from the etymological additions that other languages make to English is the word “mouse.”  This word has a very complicated background and history, and as such, its grammatical forms and pluralization do not follow any typical rules that most words follow. The most recent version of the word in modern English came from the Middle English “mous,” which derived from the Old English “mus,” meaning small rodent, but also meaning muscle of the arm, depending on the translation. Mice is also wrong, as it doesn’t stand for anything, but it does make more grammatical sense than calling them MOUSE or MOUSEs. He thought that his invention had some resemblance to the small creature and just went ahead with that as the name. The plural mouses treats mouse … The word mice is (in any context) the plural of mouse, and so mouse is the singular of mice (e.g., the mouse, that mouse, those mice). Based on reviews, your best bet for a sideways “Jay Leno Driver” Mouse is… Logitech MX Vertical Wireless Mouse. Eine eindeutige Regel (-s oder -ves) gibt es bei Wörtern, die ein -f am Ende haben, nicht. (Jim Crace) Geese are waterfowl belonging to the Anatidae family.,,,,, The Plural of Mouse: Here’s What It Is and How to Use It, The Plural of Hoof: Here’s What It Is and How to Use It, The Plural of Hippopotamus: Here’s What It Is and How to Use It, The Plural of Memorandum: Here’s What It Is and How to Use It, “Dad! Old English is a West Germanic language that was spoken and written in parts of what are now England and southern Scotland between the mid-5th and late-11th centuries (1). There are different kinds of mice, from a typical house mouse to a fieldmouse. Some even argued that it was an acronym, these people even created an acronym for mouse “manually-operated user-select equipment”. Bedeutungen: [1] Amerikanischer Elch (zoologisch: Alces alces) Herkunft: [1] Aus einer Algonkin-Sprache. We moved it outside safely.”. Now, the plural of a mouse being mice is actually the result of some pretty complicated etymological concepts that will be explored just a couple paragraphs down, but at the end of the day, it just comes down to the fact that the English language has just stolen pretty much every unique concept it can. Synonyme: [1] elk. One of the best ways to understand a word is to learn where it came from. Another similar word would be “louse,” which has the similar plural “lice.”. ----> ies. The Compact Oxford English Dictionary (third edition) and the fourth edition of The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language endorse both computer mice and computer mouses as correct plural forms for computer mouse. Many people over the years were really curious about the reason behind it being called a mouse. a) womans b) woman c) women 8) What is the plural form of a potato? We form the plural by adding - s to the singular of the noun. The singular of mice, in just about any context, is mouse. There is no ruling for these types of plurals. The voice of Maus is feminine and the article "die". The first public demonstration of a mouse controlling a computer system was in 1968. Have you made sure the USB cable is plugged all the way in?”, “There was a nest full of mice in the attic under the main support beam. Fall, Wer-Fall), Genitiv (auch 2. A word’s etymology can reveal a lot about the changes a word has gone through to get to where it is today in modern English. a) teeth b) tooths c) toothes 7) What is the plural form of a woman? There’s a mouse in my room! Next time you need to write about computer mouses you will be well prepared for everything you need to know what it is and how to do it efficiently. This was the first time that the mouse was used but today it’s on almost every desktop computer. Fall, Wen-Fall) übersichtlich als Tabelle dargestellt. Open a program or application – after you move the mouse over to an icon for the application or folder that you want to open you can use the mouse to double click on the icon to open it. Come quick! It wouldn’t be English if there was not an exception to this “almost any” rule that was just mentioned. However, these days, most laptops have a touch pad as a mouse rather than a separate small device. Welcome to using the English language, a language so complicated and convoluted that it breaks its own rules more often than it follows them. Much like the original name for the computer mouse suggests. The Plural of Mouse The plural of mouse is mice. The declension of the noun Maus is in singular genitive Maus and in the plural nominative Mäuse. As they say, d’uh! There is an important distinction to make here, though, and it is that the dictionary is not the definitive authority on language…culture is. Domestic mice sold as pets often differ substantially in size from the common house mouse. Fall, Wes-Fall, Wessen-Fall), Dativ (auch 3. Mice and rats have the same organs in the same places, with the difference of size. If the plural form of mouse is mice, what is the plural of house? The Plural of Goose The plural of goose is geese. The first group of irregular nouns we’ll discuss come from an obsolete form in Old English. He actually named the computer mouse after the rodent. If someone from a thousand years ago traveled through time to visit us, we wouldn’t be ab… You’re probably using the wrong computer mouse. Moose definition is - a ruminant mammal (Alces alces) with humped shoulders, long legs, and broadly palmated antlers that is the largest existing member of the deer family and inhabits forested areas of Canada, the northern U.S., Europe, and Asia. A separate small device for generation studies in some experiments English language and otherwise article... 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