They have smooth, glossy skins and high water content. Maybe, maybe not. Half of an avocado (100g) supplies 160 calories, 2g of protein, 8.5 g of carbohydrates, and 14.7 g of fat. Hi Greg, I just stumbled upon your site today. I decided to abandon the fabric pot idea and planted the Reed in the ground in a mound as I felt it wasnt a good idea as far as water requirements, and wasnt interested in experimenting in territory that I cant find much information about Growing avocados in 200 gal fabric pots, the reed is doing well, has grown many new leaves and branches, as far as the heat in banning it doesnt get much over 96 degrees usually in the hottest months it can get infrequently to 100, during the record heat wave We had as few years back it didnt register over 109 degrees here . Riverside gets hot, indeed. Has it been not enough water or something in your soil? Thanks for taking the time to share this. 2. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I was fortunate enough to buy a Florida home with a 30 foot Reed avocado tree on the property. The Reed avocado's most distinguishing characteristic is also an obvious one. Advice please. I would try to shade the sides of the fabric pots or else, especially on the south sides, you probably wont have any roots growing there because of the heat. Tree was 5 gallon and has plenty of buds, we have to wait till fall 2020 or 20201 to eat fruit? This variety is resistant to salt burn. I would also like to give the Reed variety a try but have not found a source for any small plants. I usually do only 5g a week because it is heavily mulched. She notes that since avocados are a pretty significant source of healthy monounsaturated fat, they make you more satisfied and are harder to overdo because they tend to fill you up. Thinking I may want to add another variety to increase yield. Great job with the site and posts, Ive been reading like crazy the last week, good stuff, Happy 4th! I have a reed tree and when I picked them they are watery. He Reed avocado is often described as rounded or egg-shaped. However, its large size provides ample edible flesh to make up for it. Our Cannonball lives alongside a Hass which is the same age & bearing a lot of flowers. Once the tree has grown back more leaves, then water more often than you had before it lost them but dont water a lot while the canopy is bare because its the leaves that pull the water up from the soil (youll just rot the roots if you keep the soil under a leafless avocado tree constantly wet). The volume for roots in those containers are enough to grow a large tree for a potted tree. In the early 70s, other San Diego growers started experimenting with the Reed. Based on what youve written Ive decided to get a Reed to compliment my Haas. I will be buying a replacement. Thanks for all the info. I took most to church to give away. LOVE! The old crop skin will also be more of an army green compared to the lighter, yellower green of new crop. Towards the end of this post I have a couple photos of Pinkerton and Fuerte with emerging flower buds: You can plant the Reed now, but if your yard gets frosty in the winter sometimes you will want to be ready to protect the baby tree. Jan Boyce will be at the top of my list. Tiffini, Atkins in San Diego County has Gwen periodically. . The species of this fruit tree is known as Persea Americana. Reed named the avocado after himself, patented it, and started selling it starting in 1960. If there are few leaves and the soil remains constantly wet, then youll rot the roots. They are in small plastic sleeves probably 3 gallon or so for $32 each. Hi Mike, A full meal. Fruit description. Along with their low sodium levels, avocados contain no cholesterol. However, if they are refrigerated immediately after ripening, they will keep extremely well for several days, as they are particularly hardy once refrigerated. One study isolated biscatechin from avocado seeds and tested it in mice and rats. It is also known as a green-skinned variety, along with Zutano and Fuerte avocados, as the skin remains green even when ripe. Avocados can act as a "nutrient booster" by helping increase the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients such as vitamins A, D, K and E. 5.Great for Babies and Kids. The proof is in the fruit. thanks for the tip about waiting till summer to pick them. It is looking good, too. Because avocados don't start to ripen until after they're picked, growers allow Reed avocados to get as large as 1 1/2 to 2 pounds. Thanks. My comment was not in reply to aGlorias post but to Greg. And Bacon avocados are bigger, on average, than Hass although not as big as Reed. Add chips on top of the soil and never rake any leaves that drop. This time of year it becomes hard to distinguish between old and new crop on Reeds. Because the flesh is very soft it practically slips off the skin on its own. Luckily, the Reed fruit coming off a tree in your yard will be treated delicately and never have such problems. Before Reed avocados are ready to be picked, they look ready to be picked. What's more, avocados are rich in plant chemicals called polyphenols, which can benefit inflammation, heart health, and gut health. What Im wondering is whether the tree has a root system that is healthy and big enough to bring the tree back at all., Hi Greg, Im in San Gabriel Valley, can you please tell me what month I can expect my Kona Sharwil to flower? As one avocado farmer put it, Reed avocados are not meant to be sold by those who wish to treat avocados as rocks rather than a delicate and perishable fruit.. Calories: 160. If I understand you those baby fruit will be ready to pick next summer? What makes you think it is Hass? Both have worked well on baby avocado trees. All that being said, in my yard, of the good, common, and productive varieties, Lamb and Hass have peaked in bloom latest, and therefore closest to when Reed peaks. I just planted an avocado orchard throughout my front and backyard in banning, ca also have a few existing older avocado trees. Because of how large the fruits are, half . Any thoughts on this approach? However, after another heat spike the few fruitlets I had dried up and dropped. Through pruning, this distance can be sustained. This can vary by variety, however, so firmness rather than skin color . Copyright 1996-2023, Specialty Produce, All Rights Reserved | 1929 Hancock St., Suite 150, San Diego, CA 92110 | 800.221.9730 |, Avocado Salad Stuffed with Chickpeas and Yogurt. Its not so hard, but it is harder. Thanks in advance , Hi Shival, (Read more on this topic in this post: Heat tolerance of avocado varieties.). The standard serving size for avocados is 1/3 of a medium-sized fruit. I only use photos here on my website that Ive taken, except for a few over the years that Ive noted. I live in coastal Long Beach, a little less than a mile from the ocean. The avocado (or alligator pear) is a fruit with green flesh that gets softer as it ripens. The tree looks really bad now, with only a few branches left. In its third year, the tree will need pound (.2 L.) of nitrogen and so on. Avocado trees also bounce back from severe pruning, which is essentially what has happened to your tree, as long as theyre protected from sunburn. Just the other day I found a couple of avocados on the ground under my Reed tree. My question is should I wait until spring to plant a Reed, or can I plant one in the next month or so. It just depends on what kind of tree you want to grow. Last spring we bought and planted a 5 gallon Reed per your reccomendation on your blog. My soil is very heavy clay and I thought it was was probably best to let the top two inches dry out before re-watering the tree but apparently not. Last year was the first my Reed produced avocados. A large avocado tree, reaching heights of 40 feet or greater. The green skin is thick and shell-like, but pliable and the flesh is cream-colored, not discoloring once cut open . Jim: Origin John Reinecke, San Diego, 1939. This race was only introduced into the West Indies. I think I finally figured out what type of avocado tree is growing in our yard. Whittier is an awesome place to grow avocados. I write a new "Yard Post" every Friday. If it doesnt have leaves then you need to protect the bare branches, for sure. If the skin literally comes off on its own, you can bet you got a Reed. Continuing to add wood chips is great though because they are so coarse and airy. It will give you about 80 calories. Do you recommend a different planting arrangement or is it possible to plant two or three together in the same hole or what would your other suggestion be? Recommended by a landscape person saying they grow well and taste great. I always lived in Northern California and my dad never managed to make a go of avocado trees on our property, but my grandparents and cousins sent us avocados several times a year, and I enjoyed visiting them and seeing them pick the fruit right in front of me. Have you ever asked yourself, "How much weight can I lose in a month?" The skin should be only slightly pebbled (less than a Hass). I was told there was a place in California and Hawaii that sells avocado scions,plants,seeds etc internationally. Hi Jerry. Everyone says Avocados need six hours of light to thrive, is that in summer or winter? I live in Escondido and there are a fair amount of avocado trees around, including in my neighborhood. Just an idea to consider. Your email address will not be published. The man who grafted all the first Hass avocado trees? Are you a lucky gardener with a Reed avocado tree growing at your home? As for avocado varieties whose fruit take fewer months to mature, those would include Mexicola, Stewart, Bacon, and Fuerte. Thanks for creating such a wonderful resource for beginners like myself! Just contact Eli before going in order to make sure he sets aside the Reed on the rootstock that you want. Throughout the year that work was done on the house, we would be gifted with large Reeds plummeting to the ground, they were delicious. It has been tied to a fat stake that it came with from the nursery until about 6-8 weeks ago when it snapped in one of those storms we had. Third question. Ill of course take out the root ball but Im not sure I can get to all the roots. I planted a 5 foot tall, thick trunked Hass in March in a very sunny spot in my backyard, probably getting 9 hours or more of mostly midday and late afternoon west sun. My small backyard is wedged between my house and a large detached garage. 16% . I treated the tree in the early spring with a systemic fungicide I found advertised on the internet and the tree has beautiful green leaves and drops yellow ones to the grounda scant single layer each week which I faithfully rake away.It is full of little green fruitlets about the size of figs and so is the ground with some black ones. I choose late winter, but if I lived close to the beach (where winter cold damage is unlikely) I might choose late September. Here are 12 reasons why avocados can contribute to a healthy diet: 1. 3-4 ft tall and wide. My goal is to help others grow food at home, with a focus on vegetables and fruits -- especially avocados -- in Southern California. I like to wait until a tree is about as tall as me before I let it carry fruit to maturity; if you let it carry fruit earlier, you often stunt the tree to a degree and it can take a year or two for the tree to recover and fruit again. 586 Ratings. 3-4 avocados 5lbs = Approx. You won't believe this, but avocado leaves actually contain more protein and fiber than the flesh itself! Thanks for sharing. But in the spring of 2017 the Lamb did not flower at all and yet the Reed still set a heavy crop. About the fruit: Avocado is a berry, with one single large seed surrounded by creamy pulp. Do you have another suggestion for the combination or should it be two of the one variety and one of the other? (* See below.) Finally, are there better summer varieties than Reed? Just keep the pit in the saved portion, cover in plastic wrap, and refrigerate. I have never been there. Hope others have success with this. Sept-Nov when skin is black. Probably. The Reed avocado was patented around 1960 in Carlsbad, CA, and was believed to be a chance crossing of two Guatemalan-type avocado varieties, anaheim and nabal. Is this true? That farm is located in Bonsall. . I read your post a lot, but never ask questions because you are very good at explaining that I dont have any questions left after reading your posts. Is the Reed fruit always super large? 10-14 avocados Details Fruit: Avocados Variety: Reed Nutritional Value: The avocado contains more protein, potassium, magnesium, folic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, biotin, pantothenic acid, vitamin E, and vitamin K per ounce than any other fruit. Pinkerton can get like a long gourd. But Reed avocados do take about 14 months to mature so you wouldnt be eating those fruit until around July of 2021. So what I focus on now is just making sure that I get the trees sufficient water during summer and fall, no matter which kind of water, and then accepting a certain amount of leaf burn on some of them. Not full coastal climate, but definitely cooler than the parts of Long Beach north of the 405. Excited for more avocado content? This may have to do with vitamin E's . How long will it take to grow and harvest the fruit? Drawing up my landscape plans Thank you so much for all the great information and time you took to help home growers. A peculiarity of this variety has to do with the seed. Thanks. It might be that the tree is still too small to carry many avocados. Paint bare branches as necessary: Hi Rosey, (Lamb being the second best summer avocado variety, in my view.) While Reed avocados are large and delicious, they arent often sold in most grocery stores. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I'm Greg. From your post, I was surprised how much ahead of schedule it seems to trees in San Diego. Then I just spread under the canopy of my avocados trees, not around the trunk. It was about three feet tall. Thats a hard question for Reed because it peaks in bloom later than every other variety that I grow. Any ideas why a lot fell off while still very young starting at about 3 inches? Shows Promising Antitumor Activity. I read that your area is a wine region, as is mine. Yes, I did. As for when to pick avocados from any tree, please see my post, When to pick avocados.. a Hass. I created a couple mounds of fast draining soil and dug large planting holes for the 15 gallon root balls. They contain lots of fiber and are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as B-vitamins, vitamin K, potassium, copper, vitamin E, and vitamin C. Research has . Prior to the 50s the whole place was avocado orchards. Neighbors report that this characteristic has been a characteristic of the fruit for awhile. (And even though they are both A types like Reed, they can still be somewhat beneficial as pollenizers.). I have kept possums out of a small apple tree through netting the entire canopy, but thats likely impractical for your Reed. Thanks so much for all this info. Unfortunately, Reeds flexibility with the heat doesnt extend far in the thermometers opposite direction. Two downsides of Reeds thick skin, however, are that it is challenging at first to discern when the fruit is ripe. I would also be open to something else that would pair well with a haas. Thanks for your reply. The flesh of Reed is among the creamiest and smoothest of any avocado I have eaten. Thanks. I really hope for some fruit next year! Potential Health Benefits 1. With 15 x 25 to work with, Id plant the trees in their own spaces rather than one hole because theyll be easier to manage that way and you can allow the trees to spread wider and therefore produce more avocados. Should I continue this or go back to wood chips? No problem with critters. Honestly, this is going to be difficult unless the tree regains its foliage fast. Ive never grown a Reed in a container for very long nor have I seen any big ones in containers, actually. 2. They are now about 5 long, fat and glossy green. I picked up my Reed avocado from Clausen Nursery several months back. Reed avocados are larger than Hass and more round in shape. Ive played with different ways of using my stored rainwater. Fuerte and Lamb is a good combo too. I have a Reed that Ive grown from a pit 10 years ago and its in a large clay pot. If thats a possibility with 5 gal containers, the goal would be to use Hass, Reed and another. The winters get down to about freezing and summers get up to about 44 degrees celsius so similar to your environment. Thank you so much!! It is . I am interested. Their smaller lateral spread allows them to be grown closer together than other avocado trees, which maximizes space. Grilled Avocados. Now I know I have to wait another year to eat them. I would do whatever is easiest with your rainwater. Sometimes avocado is also known as alligator pear. Id wait until June to test one although they can taste acceptable in May sometimes. Ill harvest late summer and into the fall. Hi Greg, Its skin is also relatively thick, which makes for easier peeling. This summer Im experimenting with a very light cloth that only blocks maybe 10 or 20 percent, and Im going to leave it on all summer. And I prune back far enough so that whatever fruit sets in spring is in a part of the tree that I will not have to cut out the following winter (so I wont have to cut out immature fruit then). Its still alive and has leaves. A 100-gram (3.5-ounce) portion (half a large avocado) provides: 15 grams of natural fat. Greg, if Reeds are second summer fruits with two crops on the tree at the same time, when is pruning and fertilizing season for Reeds? If youre curious about more of the incredible health benefits that avocados provide, check out this link for a complete list. Hi Greg Very gratifying. Spoke to Eli about how he grows them in peat moss so if you dont plant them within a couple of months to fertilize them because the peat moss hass no nutritional value to the trees. The Reed avocado is a Type A variety. When can I pick them? 1 Reed, 2 Mexicola, 1 Pinkerton, 3 large Fuertes and Rest a mix of Hass and Lamb Hass. Both of these negatives of Reeds skin are inconsequential to the overall enjoyment of eating Reed avocados, but they are there. 1 to 10 of 1000 for reed avocado. Have to get to it! The macronutrient and caloric breakdown of a whole, medium-sized avocado looks like this 1: 240 calories. Reed could work, but would not be the ideal choice, if the allotted space were wider but not so tall. I know that rats and squirrels will chew on avocados, but Ive never seen raccoons or possums with my own two eyes though I wouldnt be surprised to see them chewing on avocados too. Maluma. Does anyone know of a supplier in my area that has any Reed Avocados in 5 gallon or smaller containers? There's approximately 25g of protein and 38g of fiber in 100g of avocado leaves. Like video? It produces some of the largest fruit of all avocados. I cant tell if the leaves match the rest of the reed. Hard to say what is going on there because there are so many possibilities. Carefully slide the trees out of their current containers to see how many roots there are. Its just something to get used to. You never know if well get a crazy cold snap and youll need those branches to protect the rest of the tree. I have a Reed tree that will be 4 yrs old this fall. Hello. I am getting ready to plant 2 avocados in my yard, and went ahead and purchased a Haas. Just planted my 5 gal Reed in May, am so grateful for you sharing all your tips and experience. However, there are certain locations and venues where Reed avocados are produced and sold commercially. It suffered from south sun and winds in the San Fernando Valley so I moved it to front yard several years ago. The Avocado would get a brief shot of east morning sun, then sun from the south and overhead until about two o clock or a little later close to the solstice. 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In fact, Reed avocados are a bit bigger than I prefer. I like the idea of planting 2-3 varieties in one hole in the lawn location. Its harvest season is somewhat between Hass and Reed. Hi Matt, Reeds should taste as good as they get about now if youre in Southern California so you are probably picking immature fruit that wont be mature until next summer. Avocado Toast with Egg. But the evidence shows that Reed has no need. If you have a Reed tree right now, you might have tiny young fruit on the tree hanging next to large mature fruit: two crops on the same tree at the same time. And not every root you find needs to be perfect because roots here and there get damaged all the time by birds scratching or heat from being too close to the surface, etc.