Thomas, Minho, Jeff, and Clint run to Chuck, who points up to Teresa, who is now hiding on the platform, shouting and throwing stones at the boys to keep them away. He refuses, explaining she could never be Teresa. How much VC do you need to max out your MyPLAYER 2K22. Then she goes back to sleep for some time. He's in solitary confinement for nearly a month before being reunited with the other gladers. At this point he is a 16-year-old, so of course the possibility of this relationship being a romantic one will cross his mind, and that's what we actually see happening as we follow his thoughts: he considers the possibility. Which is the best 150 Ah inverter battery. A few moments later, one of the boys shrieks. Theyre on the roof of the WCKD headquarters and Jorge flies the berg toward them. Sometime after when they pass the night without shelter in the desert, a heavy storm builds up and they make it just in time to the first building of a ruined city. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. In the Movie: THOMAS AND TERESA KISS (for reals this time). It jolts alive as she is lifted faster and faster up a shaft. Days. They eventually break into the headquarters disguised as guards, using Teresas thumbprint as a key to get into high-security areas of the building. Teresa essentially acts as the temptress throughout most of the tests. Brenda and Jorge had been planted by WICKED after Paige realized that the attempt to find a cure wouldnt succeed. i thought it was so obvious, especially on thomas behalf, that they were madly in love but maybe thats just me wanting it to happen lol. Teresa carries Thomas to the roof, gives him the serum containing his blood, and kisses him. In the Movie: Its not in the movie. Before the door closes and he passes out with a concussion, Thomas hears Teresa in his head, thanking him for being their sacrifice. He promises to find her again. In the beginning, all of the surviving Gladers are brought to a WCKD facility that is buzzing with activity. Newt was so much rougher, and he was barely in TDC. After Thomas sleeps, he finds someone has delivered food to the common room. If they dont survive the trial, they will eventually die a horrible death from the disease. He and Teresa are watching a video of the Maze. I'm so, so, so sorry. the books make it more obvious that theyre lovers as they are frequently holding hands and obviously their telepathy makes it seem very obvious. Thus, theyre present at the very beginning of The Death Cure movie. The boys must now survive the more difficult Phase Two trials. I think she is cool but Thomas belongs with Teresa because Brenda wasn't even in the first book Teresa was. But I was unprepared for the manner in which he passed away. In the Movie: Lawrence appears as the Voldemort-esque leader of a crank army. When he sleeps that night, Thomas has another dream in which he remembers hearing two scientists discussing the Maze and the possible betrayal scenario. I loved how much Newt was in it, and cried so hard at his death. Any donation helps us keep writing! When Teresa leaves the WCKD Tower, she suddenly recognizes Thomas on the other side of the street. Thomas finally agrees to do so. He was one of the leading figures of the Romantic movement, and has been regarded as among the greatest of English poets. Thomas must kill one of them in order to survive. From the time she kissed Thomas on the cheek, it seemed as if Brenda had replaced Teresa as WICKED had cast her into the scorch. But in the beginning ofThe Death Cure, Thomas witnesses her escaping WICKED with a group of gladers. Gods name is used with the word good. Thomas hurries to Teresas room. They only get to meet Newt, Alby and Minho years after already having met each other; meeting Gally and Chuck takes yet another couple of years. Where is she, how did she get here. The Maze Runner Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Just leave. Again, the deaths are described with much screaming and detailing of body parts torn off in the explosions. Thomas is unable to get on the berg due to his wound, but Teresa throws him onto the berg, allowing Minho, Gally, Frypan, Brenda, and Vince to pull him aboard. In the Movie: Its said that there are next to no cities left. Thomas convinces Jorge to talk with him alone first so he can explain everything. Her name is Teresa. Two boys of their group die, but most of them manage to escape. Teresa herself seems conflicted about her role in the trials. Next, they go to a city to get the WICKED implants removed. The debris crushes her instead. In the Movie: Rescuing Minho from WCKD is the storys major plot point. Then Teresa pulls away, telling Thomas that they must leave-they must run. When talking about her mission to Thomas, for example, she says: "I kind of accepted it, in a way. Teresa replies that Minho is in Sub-Level 3 with the Immune teenagers. Everyone gets to stay on the Berg. They meet up with the other boys and make their way out of the city. But I did like in the movie that he didnt go crazy until the very end, since I wanted him to stay sweet and cute for as long as he could, and he did just that. They werent able to control the virus, so WICKED stepped in with the goal of preserving the human race. Thomas and his friends are in Group A. Minho is labeled The Leader, Newt The Glue. Thomas tattoo says that he is to be killed by Group B. Brenda mentions that her brother, George, was taken away from her. They then force Thomas into a gas chamber. Newt and Frypan find out about Thomas leaving and decide to go with him. The story opens with Teresa and Thomas recalling the horrors of the Maze, including Grievers, part-machine, part-animal creatures, with metal arms and spikes. The Right Arm reunites Teresa, Aris, Sonya, and Harriet with Thomas, Minho, Brenda, and Jorge. She was stabbed, as Chuck was. In the Movie: THOMAS AND TERESA KISS (for reals this time). But in the movie, they made Theresa guilty for real. Thomas searches for Teresa, but shes disappeared. The same went for Death Cure. Brenda and Thomas are taken captive by another group of Cranks who force them to swallow a drugged drink. Eventually, Teresa and Aris release Thomas from the cell. Do Thomas and Teresa kiss in the book? In the end, she says, WICKED is all that matters. In the Movie: This scene never takes place. Thomas uses the stinging device to stab himself in the thigh to regain some memories that might help them escape the Maze. Gained a split personality or two," (45.13), he's actually sort of right. When Teresa is taken away from him, Thomas's instinct is to protect her, even wishing he could join her in the Slammer to be with her. Do Thomas and Brenda end up together? Comment. Later on, we find out that Teresa and Group B were given specific instructions on how to give Thomas false hope and trust. I just kept her locked up, hidden. Lightning strikes cause boys to explode. The literary world is quite diverse. Seeing that he cant be killed by the Flare, they figured hed be better off alive and helping them out in the Maze. Teresa has said that they will kill him because of what he did to her. Mild profanity is used including: bloody, sucked, butt, pee, sucks, freakin crap and hhole. They ultimately manage to steal away an entire boxcar of children from WCKD but fail to rescue Minho. Teresa, still shocked by that incident, walks along the corridor when Dr. Paige finds her and urges her to come and see Cheyenne. He flees the building without telling the other boys, and runs toward the town. In the Book: Paiges note to Thomas instructs him to go back to the Maze/Glade from Book 1. I still wanted to watch the movie, and we did about 6 months later. At this moment, WCKD bergs show up in the sky, and Thomas concludes that Teresa has called them. Teresas betrayal of Thomas was motivated by a desire to save his life from WICKED. Arguably the most popular ship in the fandom is Thomas and Newt (Newtmas), and those who dont ship that usually pair Thomas with either Teresa (Thomesa) or Minho (Thominho). ", "The world is dying. What is a good quote for friendship? Am I The Only One That Realises That Newt (Thomas Brodie-Sangster) Keeps On Going In After! They rescue Minho and the children WCKD has captured. He moves away from her, saying that he can't do this because she isn't her, before blacking out. Lawrence isnt present at this point in the film. Next, there's a commotion because the doors didn't close for the night. Want an example? He shoots Newt in the head. The boys straggle into what they realize is an abandoned city and take refuge in one of the buildings. In the Book: An epilogue written by Chancellor Paige reveals the final twist. When Minho discovers Gally is still alive, he is taken aback, but Gally quickly puts him, Thomas, and Newt in their place by declaring them to be insane. They lead him at knife point to a cave where a secret room opens up. Its crazy. Read that part of the book more closely and you will see that Thomas was devastated by Teresa's death. Brenda and Thomas are taken captive by another group of Cranks who force them to swallow a drugged drink. Aside from his mother, whom he would always love, Teresa had become the closest thing to familythe closest thing to what Newt had with LizzyThomas could ever imagine. Thomas tells Brenda about Teresa. Physical Appearance and Personality. In the Book: Teresa saves Thomas's life, pushing him out of the way from falling debris. In The Maze Runner (2014), while looking for fertilizers in the woods, Thomas stops at a grave with the name George. Again, the death is described in detail. The plan is for Thomas to sneak a device into the headquarters that will disable everyones weapons, giving the Right Arm a fair advantage against the WICKED guards. It is (slightly) more satisfying in the end because the cure is actually found, meaning Thomas could choose to go out and save everyone if he wanted to. The department exists for one purpose: to save the world from catastrophe. They said they'd kill you if we didn't do everything just like they told us. Don't argue. However, Newt doesrealize that he isnt immune about mid-way through the film when he has the Flare. 22 BOOK TO MOVIE CHANGES IN THE SCORCH TRIALS MOVIE, 12 BOOK TO MOVIE CHANGES IN MOCKINGJAY, PART 2 (MOVIE SPOILERS). Only Newt, Chuck, Jackson, and Winston of the Group A Gladers are known to be susceptible. She'd taken care of them. Do Thomas and Teresa kiss in the book? Am I the only one who likes the movies more than the book? In the Movie: Its not in the movie. Aris and Teresa share several kisses. Portrayed by A disease called the Flare is decimating the population.