+ MapSurveyValue Operation Siren consist of four story-mode chapters and players travel from zone to zone fighting enemies, collecting materials, and explorer. ) These also tend to consume oil, and also have a limited number of slots, so take care in ship selection here as well. S The last column will always have a column value of 50. = AmmoTypeModifier Any AA guns equipped in the Main Fleet will act as though they were equipped in the escort fleet, and will only fire when there are planes in the AA region indicated by the dotted line surrounding the escort fleet. AmmoBuff c To limit break, first click on the Dock (blue) button on the lower left of the screen, Then click on the ship you would like to limit break. {\displaystyle {\text{LevelAdvantageDamageReduction}}=1-{\dfrac {100-2\times ({\text{AlliedShipLevel}}-{\text{EnemyShipLevel}})}{100}}\times {\dfrac {100-2\times ({\text{MaximumThreatLevel}}-{\text{CurrentThreatLevel}})}{100}}}. 0.5 AviationDamageReceived Each calibre/type/load of guns/torpedoes/bombs has a different ArmorModifier depending on the enemy's armor type. AA LevelAdvantageDamageBonus AttackerSkillAndEquipment The effectiveness of ships rises rapidly with level due to level advantage bonus, stat increases, and limit breaks. 4 ) EquipmentRate NOTE: This feature requires Captain Level 50. CriticalModifier For example, U-81 would inflict flood damage based on Torpedo stat while Saratoga inflicts damage based on Airpower stat. Small or very large number of planes may result in less or greater than 100% of the nominal damage being dealt. FloodDamage + Here are some stages of particular interest: All XP here is the maximum possible versus medium fleets: 1.2 from S rank, 1.2 from high Morale, and flagship gets MVP. The formula for this is as follows: a i {\displaystyle {\dfrac {\text{AllyACV}}{\text{EffectiveEnemyACV}}}={\begin{cases}{\text{Air Supremacy}}&X>2\\{\text{Air Superiority}}&1.3