Now we can see the bowl relative to where we put those points there. I want to show you a little problem I want to resolve here. There we have it. Nothing precise about it all. That's the process. This gray is visible again; we've wasted all of our time. So I need to click away from the word Mask here, and just select the layer. So I go get my Selection tool. Ctrl/Cmnd brings up the small black arrow selection tool that you can use to grab a line segment or if hovering over a point, the delete point tool when the pen is selected. I have my toolbar open and the mask feather tool is where the pen tool should be. ALT(when Zoom In tool is active) V Y Q CTRL G G CTRL CTRL ALT T H Z W ALT C CTRL B W. Hold downSPACEBARor the middle mouse button CMD (in shape layer) ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS CC. And on the adjacent one I can adjust as well. So they overlap nice and smoothly. Command+Option+Down Arrow or Command+Option+Up Arr. This is when you want to work inside the Layer panel. It looks much nicer now. That's how you control the curve here.< There are those two handles right there. And what I want to do is I want to get rid of the gray, so I can show something else in the background. So I'm going to click on the Add Vertex Tool here. General Shortcuts. All right, that's it for this lesson, but make sure to check out the next lesson where you're gonna learn about some of the shape tools, the Pen tool, and the Text tool in After Effects. 1. That's how it works. You get these squares here like that. It is a tool in After Effects where the keyboard user interface allows you to check out the keys that have assigned shortcuts. All right, that's it for this lesson, but make sure to check out the next lesson where you're gonna learn about some of the shape tools, the Pen tool, and the Text tool in After Effects. Hold down your cursor, and then drag to add handles. Then we apply the effect to that part. Here we go. And that opens up the Layer panel. Select all. Close off the mask by clicking again on the start point. There you go. Just as a reminder: you make a shape of a Pen tool by clicking on the Pen tool, and not having a layer selected, and then clicking anywhere, and you start making a shape. That would be a little more effective. You get to see through the spots there to what's below it. Uch Ta. I can pull this one to the right too, and make that a little more effective as well. When you click on the dot you get the handles for that dot. So if we have her down below there, then this will be visible. Turn it off for a second; turn it back on. I think I could pull this a little bit further to the right. This deselects the last path. In this post, I will show you all the Mask Mode Keyboard Shortcuts you need to know to help you work smarter, not harder. 2015 Adobe After Effects CC - Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet. I've looked online and it seems nobody is having a similar issue. ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS CC SHORTCUT KEYS Cycle through tools Activate Selection tool Activate Hand tool Temporarily Activate Hand tool Activate Zoom In tool ... Activate and cycle through pen tools (Pen, Add Vertex, Delete Vertex, and Convert Vertex) (CS5.5, and earlier) Activate and cycle between the Pen Step 2: Draw a Mask. At the same time, it gives you the ability to modify the shortcuts assigned to the keys. In the next videos, we would use these panels completely and inaction. If you want to adjust the curved nature of this thing right here, you hold down the Control Alt in Windows or Command Option on Mac. This mask is visible, and the one above it. If Render were on, then you'd have the same kind of problem to deal with. The pen tool is also used to trace an object to add or remove it from the live-action footage, create artwork, and achieve various cool text effects. There's Mask Feather there. And you can follow any line you want to follow. The Pen tool is the best way to make these masks, because they're not going to be in the standard shape like a square or an ellipse or something like that. These bowls, this thing which I call 'making waves', and this portrait. Move selected layers, masks, effects, or render items to bottom (back) or top (front) of stacking order. So now I'm going to go Control Alt or Command Option,click on there, add handles there as well. And we're going to make a mask on here. Join two anchor points (Command/Control-J) Am I missing something here? I click here, another curve, down there, up here, down there. It doesn't change much when we put that key on it, which is remarkable, right? Now if we had to play this it wouldn't go all that smoothly, because that background layer has got three effects applied to it, plus some motion as well. And we just don't want to use this key on her face. So I'll turn the mask on now so you can see that. So here we used Pen tools to create these very simple masks. General Shortcuts. Turn that off. To help make it easier for you to learn those keyboard shortcuts we’ve put together a video with 30 of our favorite shortcuts in After Effects. The shape layer is a 2D and flat object created either manually using the pen tool or with an already defined shape that After Effects offers, such as an oval, rectangle, or pentagon. And I go to the Effect Controls panel. After Effects is a computer (Windows / Mac ) software related to motion graphics (Animation ) and VFX (Visual Effects), developed by Adobe, video editors, graphics designers, and animators mostly use this software. Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. I don't want to do that. There we go. Let's go back to the comp side of this thing. If I click and drag to the right, I would create kind of a looping thing there. So I turn this on. It's not what we want to do here of course. Shape Layer. Keyboard shortcuts help eliminate a lot of the fuss and bother that comes with masking in After Effects. It just does horrible things to her face. Select Delete Anchor Point Tool (-) 4. Selecting a region changes the language and/or content on So that's how you can convert the vertex. And if I move them around, I move the entire mask. F2/Ctrl+Shift+A. If it looks like this, if I click down here and click on the word for the mask layer, just click on that by itself, click away from that, now click on that. I don't have a keyboard shortcut here with my Selection tool to add a point. You can see I've got a mask here, but if I don't have the mask there, if I turn that off for the time being, you see that the gray would be there, because whatever's above her is transparent there.If I put this thing above her, this area is transparent above her. Let's say it's not exactly where I want it to be. Right now it looks a kind of jagged. Post questions and get answers from experts. Click and drag points to adjust them. Select Add Anchor Point Tool (+) 3. Temporarily activate Selection tool when a pen tool is selected: Ctrl: Command: ... some keyboard commands used to interact with the operating system conflict with keyboard commands for interacting with After Effects. The way Pen tool works is that you need to click and drag. If you just click and then drag, it's too late. That's just the part that we're going to work on. Up here.You're getting the sense of how this works, right? Select Pen Tool (P) 2. So there is our mask. That just would look weird. One that's selected with its two handles, and then one handle for the one to the left, and one handle for the one to the right. So you want to smooth that out. Work these keyboard shortcuts in a little at a time and before you know it you’ll be flying through your motion graphics. So now I've got those two guys together. I'm going to work with them with the Selection tool. I think we're almost to half a second here. Click and drag points to adjust them. Learn how to use the Rigid Mask Tracker including: Essential keyboard shortcuts for drawing custom masks with the Pen tool Export an After Effects project as an Adobe Premiere Pro project; Converting movies; Automated rendering and network rendering; Rendering and exporting still images and still-image sequences; Using the GoPro CineForm codec in After Effects; Working with other applications. Well, the trouble is there's gray here and gray is also throughout her face, around her eyes. So we're just going to kind of drag our way through it here for the moment. I'll show you how this works. alternatively you could hold the alt key when the pen tool is active to change it to the convert vertex tool or withe the selection tool active hold alt+ctrl. Purge All Memory. Which is a nice thing, but it gives you a little bit less control over your work than making it without RotoBezier where you control the curves more exactly with the Pen tool. even the Pen tools supposed (G) shortcut only brings up the mask feather tool. I'm going to show you how to use the Pen tool to create masks. They don't take a lot of precision here. We're kind of just making some progress here. There you go. /t5/after-effects/can-t-find-pen-tool/td-p/10383420, /t5/after-effects/can-t-find-pen-tool/m-p/10383421#M81354, /t5/after-effects/can-t-find-pen-tool/m-p/10383422#M81355. If I want to control the shape of that curve, I can pull the handle around, and make it obviously horrible like that. See the click? So, you can drag these guys around like that. I've already created some settings there that kind of make it look sort of smooth as it goes from left to right there. At the same time, it gives you the ability to modify the shortcuts assigned to the keys. After Effects Tip: Mask Mode Keyboard Shortcuts Learning keyboard shortcuts is one of the best things you can do to speed up your workflow in After Effects, especially working with masks. And to make sure the overlap goes smoothly I did mask feather on both of those guys. Add another vertex here, and drag it down to here. 1 Pages. Or I can bring it down, and not make it quite so horrible. So here's this area that we've masked, the very easy mask. Why isn't After Effects preview real-time. So if we add a mask to what's down below here, - if I turn that mask on now -, then this area has now been masked out of this layer right here. I can drag it wherever I want. Deselect all. It's really remarkable. So this is the whole thing rather than going back to the Comp panel, which is truncated, and have to go all the way to the right to see the rest of it like that. In this case Keylight. Enter. Step 2: … It's untouched, it's not changed. As far as I can tell the feather tool is not the same thing as the pen tool. So it's Render off. And we have Render turned off here. 2015 Adobe After Effects CC - Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet. Cmnd + Z – Undo Cmnd + N – New Composition Cmnd + K – Composition Settings Cmnd + I - Import Cmnd + Y – New Solid Shift + Cmnd + Y = Solid Settings Toolbar Shortcuts. This time let's dive in deep, take off our life vest, and use the Pen tool without using RotoBezier. What I want to do here is I want to isolate the bowl from the background. Not very convenient. Drawing Bezier Masks. Ctrl + Alt + E. Display filenam e corresponding to Frame at current time in Info Panel. I'll turn this back on. It looks pretty good. I hope you got familiar with After Effects. And so if you go over to the Pen tool, you'll see this option here for Convert Vertex Tool, which is what you would use to adjust the curve here when you're working with a RotoBezier. Let's say though I want to add a point now. So we'll start down here at the low point right there, then click here. each time you press a tool shortcut it cycles through the available options. And if you're going left to right here - like here -, you're going from this place to that place, you want to click and drag to the right.So we're going to click and drag at all these various high and low points here. Got it all masked out. So if I want to take my Pen tool and start selecting this thing along here, I have to click fairways, and then I have to pull it forward, and click again and pull it forward. How to fix "Display Acceleration Disabled", Fix dynamic link between After Effects and AME. Esc. Now I want to click and drag to the left. It would be nice if we can apply effects to it while we're at it.So I've got this guy selected. Select the Convert Vertex Tool in the Pen tool set and click to adjust the curve around each point. There you go. And we're going to stop short of doing the whole thing, because that'll take too long. Open up Masks. You can also select the Pan-Behind Tool in the toolbar at the top of the After Effects interface. We're going to work with masks and all three of them. Now, let's say I didn't see all these little empty squares. And we'll call it a day. Drawing Bezier Masks. Command+Option+Shift+Down Arrow or Command+Option+Shift+Up Arrow. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. In Adobe After Effects, select a layer and select the Pen tool. In Part 1, you’ll explore how to quickly track key areas of a video. And the way this thing works with RotoBezier is that you typically want to click at a high point of a curve, and a low point, and a high point. With the Rectangular Tool selected, left-click, and draw a … Like that. I'm going to come back down here and close it off. All right. That's why we're going to pull on here. I'm going to turn the mask visibility off for the time being, just so you can see the border though. All of these shortcuts are guaranteed to save you time in AE. It turned to transparent. There is a little animation back there. Select Scissors Tool (C) 6. We're going to use masks to resolve the problem. So I'll put that one up there and wield just the left a little bit. The next layer down is her again, but we need to just mask, we need to make sure that just this part of her is visible, and not this part over there. And now you click here, and close that off. So that's how to use the Pen tool to create masks, and also a couple of different uses for those masks. Rename selected Layer, Composition, … Ctrl/Cmnd brings up the small black arrow selection tool that you can use to grab a line segment or if hovering over a point, the delete point tool when the pen is selected. And then you get one handle for each of the adjacent points. And I added Wave Warp to it. Step 3: Select the Pen Tool and here we do not need the fill because we are drawing only a shape, fill will be used in masking cases, here are two options one is masking and another one is drawing shape so we select shape option. To do this, select a layer in your timeline, hold down the Option key, select an item in your project panel and replace by dragging the source item from the Project panel onto the selected layer. Adobe After Effects CS5 Keyboard Shortcuts General (keyboard shortcuts) Cmnd+A: Select all: F2 or Cmnd+Shft+A: Deselect all: Return: Rename selected layer, composition, folder, effect, group, or mask: ... Activate and cycle through pen tools (Pen, Add Vertex, Delete Vertex, and Convert Vertex) A new workspace named Color for working with the scopes and the Lumetri Color effect is available from the Window > Workspace menu. The Pan Behind tool,which is also what it's called, does a different thing and I'm gonna show you that in more detail in an upcoming lesson. What we wanted here is make a mask, I mean make a mask of the Pen tool on a layer. So we're going to put a mask on it, and then display this little background behind it. Activate the Pan-Behind Tool by hitting the (Y) key on your keyboard. Now look at this thing. So let's double-click on this. How about right there? Learn how to 3D animate any portrait photo in After Effects. I've got an effect on there as well, turn the effect off. We want to use it only there.So if I were to, let's say, take a Pen tool and try to select right along her hair there, it just wouldn't work, because the hair is too fine. With the feather tool selected the options change to delete feather point or select path or vertex so you can still actually edit a path with the feather tool selected by holding down Ctrl/Cmnd. Unless I do the hold Control Alt or Command option thing again, and then we got those guys back, and they're not broken anymore. For the pen tool and a mask, there are two tool options and three more options available with the Ctrl/Cmnd or Alt/Option key. Let me show you something else here. And if you don't really like the idea of using keyboard shortcuts you can always go back to the Pen tool, and just click to these guys, and add a vertex or delete a vertex or convert a vertex. The Pan Behind tool,which is also what it's called, does a different thing and I'm gonna show you that in more detail in an upcoming lesson. This guy has no handles either, just the one going out, because this one had a handle on it. 2015 Adobe After Effects CC - Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet. Ctrl + Alt +; Open Preferences dialog box. ... Use the G shortcut key to access the pen tool and build your mask. Click on key points along the shape that you want to mask. We'll do a little ramp preview here, but not too much, because this guy is working pretty hard to get this thing to work. But we use RotoBezier here just kind of as a reminder. When you're done you will close it off. So when you use something like Keylight, you pick a color, in this case gray, and say make that transparent. 2015 Adobe After Effects CC - Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet. But when you've got the Selection tool selected- there's a keyboard shortcut for that. Going down the line here, and I'll click out here. You can see right through her hair and see it. Just make sure we just got the hair covered, got the place where there's some holes that are covered. Applying Keylight there then got rid of the gray; and the hair is in pretty good shape. It's a good idea to get a good handle on all of the modifiers for all tools that can be modified by the Alt/Option and Ctrl/Cmnd keys. Turn on that layer. Change the color to green. Let's just take this thing to the beginning to get a sense for how it works. So I'll click on that, and delete it. In this project, we will need to get rid of the depth viewer to allow for masking around the hair. It affects the curve going this way. After Effects is a computer (Windows / Mac ) software related to motion graphics (Animation ) and VFX (Visual Effects), developed by Adobe, video editors, graphics designers, and animators mostly use this software. Move selected layers, masks, effects, or render items to bottom (back) or top (front) of stacking order. Let me click down here, so you see the mask this time here. If you want to see how it looks in action, go back to the compound. And click on the end there to wrap this thing up. To finish a path, hover the Pen tool over your first vertex point, until you see a small circle next to the Pen cursor, and then click on the vertex. Click and hold on the pen tool in the tools menu and you should see the other options. Let's change that color to something else. Now we've got a straight line. It's much easier to go to the Pen tool to do that. 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