The small… Sweden. You can check out our Privacy Policy to see how we safeguard and use the information you provide us with. The 2019 WPS Index ranks 167 countries on women's equality, reveals trends in women's wellbeing across 11 indicators, and offers subnational data for China, India and Nigeria. #5 out of 80 in 2019. If your Facebook account does not have an attached e-mail address, you'll need to add that before you can sign up. This chart shows countries ranked by quality of women's lives in 2017 (0 = worst, 1 = best). According to a Human Right's Watch report, only 37% of Afghan women are literate, a … Read more: 2018's best countries to live in if you're a woman. Last year’s top-ranked country is now in second place, with a full 10.0 on income equality and high scores... 3. Using World Bank and UN data we offer a snapshot of women's rights across the globe. Here are the top 10 countries for females to live in, according to the ‘Women’s Liveability Index 2019’ Norway Sweden Canada Finland Iceland Denmark Ireland Slovenia Austria Estonia However, although the number of women … Directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Anastasia Mikova. The 2019 WPS Index ranks 167 countries on women's equality, reveals trends in women's wellbeing across 11 indicators, and offers subnational data for China, India and Nigeria. Select a region and hover over … In order to create your account we need you to provide your email address. Canada won third place at the 2019 rankings – moving up three spots from last year – with safety scoring a 9.8 and gender equality at 9.1. The ranking takes into account five equally-weighted attributes: gender equality, safety, progress, income equality, and care about human rights. And which countries allow abortion? In the European Parliament (2014-2019), women's representation lies at 36.2% of MEPs, which is often a better score than in many Member States' national parliaments. Sustainable Development Goals Gender Index for 2019, The World Is Behind Target to Achieve the Global Goals by 2030, greatest level of equality between genders. When talking about Nigerian women, they are hugely feminine, elegant and hot. Keep reading to see 2019's 19 best countries in the world to live in if you're a woman, ranked in ascending order. The UK is only the 19th best country in the world for women to live in, according to a new study. The country ranks relatively poorly in the 2019 Best Countries for Women… The UK is only the 19th best country in the world for women to live in, according to a new study. No.  and  Over 200 million women and girls in 30 countries have undergone female genital mutilation (source. Meet other Global Citizens who care about the same issues you do. Afghanistan. In the European Parliament (2014-2019), women's representation lies at 36.2% of MEPs, which is often a better score than in many Member States' national parliaments. Women in Yemen are threatened or violently repressed if they speak out, mobilize or advocate for their rights. Hence women's representation in the European Parliament is 12 points over the world average of national parliaments (24.1%) and 7 points over the European average (29.8%). The Best Countries for Women list is based on the survey responses of more than 9,000 women. The most marked gains for women worldwide were in financial inclusion, access to education, … WOMAN is a worldwide project giving voice to 2000 women in 50 different countries. Denmark is the country closest to achieving the goal of gender equality, according to a new report recently published by UK-based NGO Equal Measure 2030 — but no country has achieved total gender equality yet. The 16 countries that make up the index’s top 10% recorded an improvement of more than 3.3% year-on-year. Here is the full list of the top 10 best countries to be a woman in 2019, along with their individual scores: At the top of the list for gender equality across the board was Denmark with an overall score of 89.3, according to the report’s data. Sweden: Sweden has risen to secure the top spot for women’s rights, and it is hard not to see why. Check out original content and videos published every day to help you learn about the issues that mean the most to you. Denmark. No surprise that one of the most successful countries in Africa is the home to the most beautiful ladies. Author. The 2019 Women’s Liveability Index analyses the living quality and conditions for women in 100 countries around the globe. By Joseph Kiprop on May 31 2019 in Society. Only six countries currently give women and men equal rights, a major report from the World Bank has found. Same-sex marriage unions and adoption have been legally allowed since 2009 in addition to IVF therapy. But still, 40% of the world’s female population lives in countries that are failing to meet their targets for gender equality. The bank’s women, business and the law 2019 report, published this week, measured gender discrimination in 187 countries. Women’s rights in South America were the main issue during a conference before the 10 th Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EUROLAT), held last September in El Salvador. Since the report began in 2006, Nordic countries have frequently monopolized the top spots in the ranking, and 2020 is no exception. By clicking ‘Sign up’, you agree to receive marketing emails from Business Insider Here is the full list of the top 10 best countries to be a woman in 2019, along with their individual scores: The countries that fell to the bottom of the list, indicating severe inequality for women across progress on the Sustainable Development Goals, are: While there is still much work to be done, the recorded progress in gender equality around the world — overall and by sub-issue area — allows for continued hope that the journey to 2030 will bring about a better world for girls and women. Scores of 10.0 on progress, 9.9 on income equality, 9.8 on human rights, and 9.6 on safety and gender... 2. Norway further approved a law which allows a person to change their legal sex. The full 2019 Best Countries List surveyed 20,000 "informed elites," "business decision-makers," and members of the general public worldwide to discover how 80 different countries are perceived on a global scale for 65 different attributes grouped into nine categories, including quality of life, adventure, citizenship, and power. Watch How To Turn A Girl On next: are the BEST Countries to meet beautiful women! Still, no country scored 90 or above, considered “excellent,” meaning every country still has aspects of gender equality in which progress is needed. NEW: our United States WPS Index explores best and worst states for American women. Sweden has regained its place as the best country for women to live in, having lost the top spot in an annual ranking from US News & World Report to Denmark last year. A roundup of uplifting stories about everyday heroes. NEW: our United States WPS Index explores best and worst states for American women. UNODC, 2016). Erica Sanchez Just below second … But the rate of progress means that, by CNN calculations, women won't achieve full equality in the areas studied by the World Bank until 2073. The 2019 Best Countries List from the US News & World Report has taken into account human rights, gender equality, income equality, progress, and safety of 80 countries – and ranked them. Progress on the 17 goals has been closely monitored by the UN, as well as participating governments, agencies, and organizations — and according to last year’s annual progress report, the world is not on track to meet these targets. Call governments or join rallies. The country ranks relatively poorly in the 2019 Best Countries for Women, highly discriminates against its women and fosters gender inequality through enduring laws and practices. RANKED: The 19 best countries to live in if you're a woman 1. Morocco Ranks 63rd in Best Countries for Women, Long Way to Go for Gender Equality The survey takes into account several factors, including human rights, income equality, progress, and safety. as well as other partner offers and accept our, Aurelien Meunier / Stringer / Getty Images, Fee-only vs. commission financial advisor, 2018's best countries to live in if you're a woman, The US News & World Report has released its annual ranking of the, Based on a survey of nearly 9,000 women around the world, the list is part of the wider. It found that, a decade ago, no country gave women … To determine which states have the best cities for women to live, we considered factors that make a place desirable for anyone—regardless of gender—such as overall safety and housing costs. Norway. Please contact us at if you would like to re-activate your account. According to the 2019 Gender Index, hunger and nutrition, water and sanitation, health, and education are the areas in which countries have been able to achieve the greatest level of equality between genders. This past June, the Reuters Foundation released a survey announcing that the U.S. was one of the top 10 most dangerous countries in the world for women—more dangerous than even Iran or … A score of 59 or below on the scale indicates a substantial failure to establish gender equality when it comes to everything from education to energy resources to economic opportunity. The only western nation in the top 10 was the US, where women were most at risk of sexual violence, harassment, being coerced into sex and a lack of access to justice in rape cases.The survey came after the #MeToo campaign went viral last year, with thousands of women using the social media movement to share stories of sexual harassment or abuse. The United Kingdom ranked 17th, while the United States came in at 28th and scored “fair,” tying with Bulgaria at a score of 77.6. Extreme poverty ends with you. 1. International Women’s Day 2019: Here’s what it means to be a woman – Mar 8, 2019 . To produce the Best Countries for Women list, 80 countries were given scores across five attributes: human rights, gender equality, income equality, progress, and safety. Next year will mark five years since the establishment of the SDGs, and the 10-year countdown to the finish line will begin. It is the top-ranked nation in women’s educational attainment and political representation. Nearly 60 countries have significantly advanced women’s wellbeing in recent years while only one nation—Yemen—has recorded major deterioration for women’s rights. Sign in to start taking action. Best performers. Countries like Bolivia, Senegal, and Namibia actually have a larger percentage of women participating in their governments than Denmark, which ranked highest overall. Five Best Countries to Live in for Women’s Rights. The report does so by compiling data and assessing countries' progress on goals laid out by the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Account active Progress simply isn’t happening fast enough, especially for women. Belgium, France, Denmark, Latvia, Luxembourg, Sweden, Canada and Iceland were the only ones offering full equal rights for men and women, at least from a legal perspective. Sign up for Insider Life. Seconding that opinion are two recent rankings of “best countries for women”: four Nordic countries came out on top in a 2018 survey by the World Economic Forum, while … In 2019, Women’s Rights Are Still Not Explicitly Recognized in US Constitution As the United States Senate prepares to vote to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court, women opposed to his nomination gather in front of the Supreme Court to share their stories of sexual assault on October 6, 2018, in Washington, DC. accountability and debate for the realization of rights. People who want to learn about and take action on the world’s biggest challenges. This is improving around the world, but many women still have to struggle far more than most may realize. According to a 2019 list of the Best Countries for women to live in, Sweden ranked the highest — they scored top marks for human rights, gender quality, income equality, progress, and safety. Women's rights in Saudi Arabia; Gender Inequality Index; Value: 0.284 (2014) Rank: 39th out of 188 : Maternal mortality (per 100,000) 12 (2015) Women in parliament: 19.9% (2016) Females over 25 with secondary education: 72.8% (2017) Women in labour force: 34.4% in 2019: Global Gender Gap Index; Value: 0.590 (2018) Rank: 141st out of 153: Part of a series on: Feminism; History. For example, the Latin American, Caribbean, Sub-Saharan African regions are the highest ranked in relation to women’s participation in government, though they earned low scores on the overall index, which also takes into account gender equality in the context of deadly conflict, natural disasters, and political and economic struggles. Each country was also given an equally-weighted score across five attributes in order to produce the women-focused ranking: care about human rights, gender equality, income equality, progress, and safety. Gabrielle Deonath. Unfortunately, the gender gap in 21st century America has only expanded. The future of … Unsurprisingly, Scandinavian countries dominated. To select these 100 countries, research focused on gathering a broad selection covering every continent, choosing countries which provided sufficient data and polling resources. The 10 Best Countries for LGBT Rights. According to the report, one of the reasons why analyzing the data and the issue of gender equality in itself is complicated is that while countries might score poorly in general on the index, they might still be leaders in specific areas of gender equality. 9: Iraq War, sectarian violence, culture and debates on Islamic law have affected the standing of women in Iraq. Experts say the world is behind target largely due to deadly conflict and climate change that have caused mass displacement and a rise in world hunger. Hence women's representation in the European Parliament is 12 points over the world average of national parliaments (24.1%) and 7 points over the European average (29.8%). Different countries or territories have their laws relating to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender population. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. In 1981, Norway adopted an anti-discrimination law which included sexual orientation. Great scores across the board — particularly a 9.9 on income equality — left … LONDON, March 8 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Switzerland, which promotes equality at home and in the workplace, has been ranked the best country for women's rights, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) said in a report on Friday. The results for this year’s best and worst countries to be a woman are in. Index, the most comprehensive tool available to explore the state of gender equality across 129 countries (covering 95 percent of the world’s girls and women), 14 of the 17 SDGs, and 51 targets linked to issues inherent in the SDGs. Subscriber In 2019, Women’s Rights Are Still Not Explicitly Recognized in US Constitution As the United States Senate prepares to vote to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court, women opposed to his nomination gather in front of the Supreme Court to share their stories of sexual assault on October 6, 2018, in Washington, DC. In recent decades, the recognition of LGBT rights have been of great concern in many parts of the world. Here are the best and worst countries for women’s rights in 2019. since, “No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention”. Even top-scoring countries continue to struggle to establish full gender equality when it comes to dealing with climate change, budgeting and public services, representation in powerful positions, pay equity, and gender-based violence. Women and girls suffer the most during violent conflict due to inequality and discrimination. It was closely followed by a number of European countries, including Finland, Sweden, Norway, and the Netherlands. Canada, which came second on the World’s Top Countries list, is the named as the third best country for women to live in. The Sustainable Development Goals Gender Index for 2019 report analyzes how governments are tracking on their commitments to promote gender equality. When women in the Middle East rallied for equality in inheritance and citizenship laws. In 2020, women in some parts of America still get the short end of the stick — even as they outnumber men in most states. Unsurprisingly, Scandinavian countries dominated the list. Black skinned beauties starring movies and TV shows represent Nigeria as one of the top countries with the most beautiful women in the world. In Afghanistan, women were stripped of their rights nearly 17 years after the overthrow of the Taliban. 71% of all human trafficking involves women and girls – mainly for sexual exploitation (source. found the answer to this question. Norway. In this article, you’ll find the list of the top countries that are proud to have the most beautiful women in the world. Read More: The World Is Behind Target to Achieve the Global Goals by 2030. We are trusted partners for advocates and decision-makers from all walks of life, and a leader in the effort to achieve gender equality. Denmark, France, Latvia, Luxembourg and Sweden were the only countries which scored 100 in the World Bank index, meaning they gave women and men equal legal rights. By Read More: Home Is The Most Dangerous Place For Women: UN Report. Get it now on using the button below. Sign up. Not a Global Citizen yet? UN Women is the global champion for gender equality, working to develop and uphold standards and create an environment in which every woman and girl can exercise her human rights and live up to her full potential. We offer a variety of ways to make your voice heard. Sweden is famous for its healthy work and life balance, in which women receive up to 480 days of maternity leave and free childcare. Iceland is the world’s most gender-equal country for the 10th year in a row, and Yemen is the world’s least, according to a new report from the World Economic Forum.. Gender-based violence is rampant, more than 80% of women are illiterate, and many die in childbirth. Unicef, 2016). The rights and needs of women and girls will remain in the shadows, without a gender transformative agenda, peace in Yemen will be impeded. Thanks for signing up as a global citizen. Women’s Rights. Denmark returned to the top spot as the best country to live in if you're a woman in … The health and protection of the rights of women also has an impact on children and therefore society. Read more about this series here and see all our coverage of women's rights and gender equality here. Countries in central Africa, in particular, were scored the poorest on the Gender Index, with Chad placing at the bottom of the list, scoring just 33.4. Norway is one of the most accepting countries in the world for LGBT travelers. A woman in … Norway represent Nigeria as one of the most Place. Of great concern in many parts of the most successful countries in the effort to Achieve the Goals... It was closely followed by a number of European countries, including Finland,,... 'S countries are paving the way for LGBT rights have been of great in. List of worst countries for women ’ s rights in 2019, women ’ s best and worst countries women! 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