I would write a long letter explaining your situation as kindly as you can . Since April 1, there have been 32,273 new claims for unemployment benefits in Colorado, or an average of 2,300 per week, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. More than 31,000 Marylanders filed for benefits compared to 11,013 for the week ending January 2. Whats next welfare till he gets hired? Also see the comment forum after at the end of this article where people have encountered such scenarios and provided some state specific tips to resolve your unemployment benefit claim payment issues. Each time I was told that since I answered a question wrong (a question with no correct response to choose for my situation) that I now have to wait for them to play catch up. Now, today I managed to find out that my claim is in pending status. It could mean anything depending on your case or what unemployment "thinks" is the case. I cant call. I cant believe its such as mess! YES MY DEAR PEOPLE THIS IS THE GOLDEN YEARS AHEAD OF ITS TIME. After News 5 started asking questions, Jeffrey Baker, 60, said he finally received unemployment benefits from the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services. 10 weeks of calling and emailing and stressing! 24 weeks and no one is able to help me. No questions or ID me or citizenship. Once I call Keybank and asked them if they received any confirmation from Unemployment they say NOT YET but speaking to a Supervisor from Keybank She said all they have to do is send in a email and it only takes a minute.. I got the letter 1 day prior. Which I feel, should be FREEDOM OF CHOICE! Have worked in the Medical field for Assisted Living for over 7 1/2 years, loved every minute of it! Getting assistance from churches, friends and family is no way to keep living. This will go a long way towards fixing your problem. Its a shame I have no money to pay my bills, Hey how u doing do u got paid yet cause Im on escalate for 16 weeks and nothing i apply for unemployment since April 2021. But no such luck. Retroactive claims prior to September 6th would still be paid subject to adjudication and validity of your back dated claim. Im 50 years old, divorced, with two children. On the news or in the paper, I always hear about all the money the US just hands out to third world countries without blinking an eye! I have thought of ending my life over this because I cant pay my bills and so stressed out. My payment says its on hold, does anyone know what that means? Have you had any updates on yours? The first thing was it said he was on leave of absence. They wont let me touch it until its reviewed! Especially with huge rise in prices everywhere! !!!!!! So I got a letter stating I have money left from the CCA (Continued Cares Act) its been over a week and still havent gotten paid. It makes me mad that those on public assistance get everything handed to them and dont have to do a thing, but because I lost my job and some idiot decided to try to file a claim in MY name, Im being punished! even after several weeks. And I cant do anything about it, I havent received my benefits for 6 weeks and Im facing eviction. HAD TO FILE FOR SOCIAL SECURITY 57 YEARS EARLY. That's the first tip. Every CORRECT financial decision that I made in my life has been destroyed by the very state that I was born and raised in! Unemployed Marylanders Using Social Media To Blast Labor Department Trust me paid the price. If Unemployment is willing to give me a job, Id be happy to go to work, so people like me can get the benefits they deserve! . Exactly what I was looking for. In some cases, you may also find that the claim hold-o could fix itself if due to a temporary technical glitch being resolved or states finally clearing their massive backlog of pending claims that they need to manually verify. Jessica Lietz has been writing about health-related topics since 2009. This same thing is happening to me. Shared bank accounts, especially ones. And no place will hire me, Ive been applying for work since April 10th. The agent on the phone now tells me my claim has to be escalated AGAIN. As of this past Sunday I have certified my 5th week and still nothing. I have a pending issue on my unemployment claim right now because I had to file a completely new initial claim because they apparently owe me money from PUA. The VEC said those issues include everything from . They say, still pending. And probably dead soon after. I cant even claim my weeks. Also, dont ask for help from people who answer the phones. I have already done this with no results to speak of. Can someone please advise me thank you. Widespread unemployment fraud has further slowed operations in some states. All ignored!!! my claim is on hold because of a underpayment from 2013?!?! Neither. As Bill Sokol told CNBC, the form simply confirms that you aren't a W-2 employee, which is what most . I hope that you all come out way better after its all over with. Some who. those people have never paid taxes here but people like us have to prove we pay taxes but the people coming from countries that we protect can just come collect our money for nothing. An error in the PA UI system would not let me file for my PEUC after my BYE date in July 2021. But all my vouchers, etcsay no issues. Why cant they just take the yellow box that reads attention: something is wrong with your account OFF. Had 11 weeks deposited into my account early Feb. Was unable to claim and to this day receive only error messages, telling me my claim cant be processed at this time. If you dont meet job search requirements, which you normally need to validate when you certify for continuing benefits, your claim could be suspended until you provide the required information. Ive busted my ass for 35 years. Calls are not answered, emails not responded to. Same here, unable to reach an agent. Unfortunately it was from the DOL for PA!! Nothing, apparently. Have only been able to speak to about three people since august of 2021. Still no money to pay bills. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. Who has his own Twitter account, ignored the 50+ tweets and DMs. I called and called and no one could tell me anything. Due to the ongoing economic problems since the 2020 pandemic, state agencies have had to deal with record numbers of unemployment claims. Me too!! One it has slowed down claims processing as state agencies had to institute these new ID checks or outsource processing to third parties. According to the AARP, if at first a claim is denied, filing an appeal might also result in a hold or a further delay in receiving your unemployment insurance compensation. Im gonna try it ur way. Overwhelmed employees and outdated computer systems are the cause of many unemployment payment delays. Times are hard and I.m a U.S Citizen that Vote. One day, I received a phone call from the Special Investigations unit of the DOL. No notifications or anything. Despite the end of enhanced unemployment extension programs (PUA, PEUC, $100 MEUC and $300 FPUC), many people are reporting issues with getting their past or overdue claims processed, and as a result facing long delays in receiving their payments. This has been since November and even with a job now its impossible to get catch up! when I call to get answers as to why I have not received payments for the last 2 weeks, Im told my unemployment is being reviewed or processed but yet still no payment..have I done something wrong as I had to change my portal in between getting the notice and not being paid! The last time I was able to speak to an actual person, they advised me to keep claiming every week(which I have been) and still nothing. On Friday, the RELIEF Act, which includes $1,000 grants to claimants stuck in "adjudication purgatory" cleared the Senate. Once the agency accepts and reviews the documentation, they will follow up for more information or restart the claim, including any retroactive payments. Why is he still pending. Everything is on hold. I am in need of assistance because I keep trying to keep my head up and keep feeling like Im just losing out even looking and trying to work. One of which is in college!! Youre at the end of it dont give up. IRS Debt Forgiveness With A Offer In Compromise. Hi, I feel your pain. A job worth 6 figures!! Only to continue to claim weeks that I havent received. Lol. They said 75 percent of claimants have received payments, but 60,000 people are not receiving funds right now due to issues with their claims. My husbands claim was paid once in August ( last year) and then we started with the lust of issues. Unemployment claims are put on hold due to missing documentation, claimant ineligibility or a shortage of state workers to handle the claims. In order to be paid benefits, you must request payment every week. I have been calling the hotline weekly. It makes us so sick to Think that everybody comes to the good old USA with nothing but when they leave they leave with an education ,no loans for school ,they get paid , get a Social Security number etc.. so who wouldnt want to come to America and get everything handed to them we look like the laughingstock of a country..Im pretty sure were not banging on other countries doors to better ourselves!! The agency will hold a hearing where both parties will present their sides. I lost my job in July 2021. So sorry to hear what everybody is going thru, tried for the past few weeks to get verified, 1 mistake made on that stupid system I cannot move forward. Knowing that Im not alone going through somehow its telling me that taking my is not worth. OUR BLESSED STINKING GOVERNMENT CUT MY SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS FROM 1800 A MONTH (@ RETIREMENT AGE) TO 700 A MONTH, BC I WAS FORCED TO TAKE IT EARLY . Article continues below advertisement. 36 years and being a Wound Specialist is my forte. Karma sucks. TODAY April 30th? Why not give some of the 200k unemployed people in NJ SOME JOBS!!!! The system aint st!!!!!! It all leads you to believe that nobody actually gives a crap about you. That is why send it digital email! Also, assuming you still havent gotten your money, when you do get your money its gonna be a pretty big bag so dont give up. Mine has been pending since July 2021, 15 weeks payment on hold. Existing claimants from last year had 90 days. GO TO HELL GOVERNMENT. Secondly it also inadvertently caught out a lot of legitimate claimants who were flagged as fraudulent in automated system checks. How about giving us an ACTUAL EMAIL address for someone or some ANYTHING that wont be sent back? The Most Common Causes Behind Why Your Unemployment Claim Has Been Delayed, Put on Hold, Suspended, or Is Still Pending 1 Pending clearances for the identity verification process 2 The Close of the Benefits Year (BYE date) 3 Pieces of paperwork are missing. The content of this site is for informational purposes only. I seriously have no clue how to receive what Im supposedly still owed for the months of November and December of 2021. There's no getting through to unemployment at all," Amy Green said. She has several years of experience in genetics research, survey design, analysis and epidemiology, working on both infectious and chronic diseases. The NJDOL loves to tell us to be patient and wait like everyone else. Good luck bro ! Just curious. Because of a lack of supporting documents, claimant eligibility issues, or a paucity of state staff to handle the claims, unemployment claims are placed on hold. Since the quarterly in March 2021 they have now decided to move me to regular UI which Im not eligible for and there I still remain. I also re-applied or tried to because the company I was working for recent months of this year 2022 went under. I have been told the same things everyone else has said. According to the AARP, unemployed workers should also provide copies of any documentation provided by their employer, such as last day of work to verify unemployment, as well as any severance or other benefits paid to them. Yes! All states, including those who announced an early end to one of more of the pandemic unemployment programs, are no longer paying benefit weeks after September 6th. I saw it come and go, STILL NO PAYOUT. But they did, and they apologized for the situation NEW JERSEY put me in. WOULDNT WANT TO MEET YOUR MAKER. If you are eligible for benefits, payment will be deposited to an unemployment debit card. Apparently neither does anybody else in any of these departments nationwide! I cant believe its taking this long to process. and i been applying for jobs on Indeed and the Md jobs doent even have much jobs to apply for. Adjudication is the process used to resolve unemployment questions and issues. Hi there! Im not letting up on my claim its very legitimate and their responsibility to get things DONE right!! So I get it, the stress, the uncertainty. Although some reasons for holds on unemployment claims are no fault of the applicant, taking the utmost of care in filing your unemployment claim can help prevent any problems or delays in receiving your benefits. I faxed them documents to prove who I am on May 24th which was my deadline date. I tried calling and due to high call volumes, please call back click.