i, how ever, have only dreamt of someone who has moon in my 12th .the other person i have dreamt of has nothing in my 12th. Each person shares secrets, and even unconsciously. Then when I tell him, he has this quiet way of breaking through all the **** and getting to the heart of it, but in a really gentle way. such beautiful love, they put it behind the scene. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! At last i also found out that he was hidding some parts of his life. I either lied to myself or the other was lying to me and it was very difficult and painful to deal with. The water faucet with no shut off valve, lol. I think anyway 12th house is involved. And he's had a muscle twitch problem for years. In all cases this is really karmic moment. Okay, so you're saying (as the Venus person in other people's 12th house in the past) that Aqua Venus people will make their affections quite obvious to the 12th house person? In a way you don't care for.Look at your Sun & Saturn since that represents the father as well, with the way you feel look for afflictions. Im more of a silent reader but this one hit home, so I ll share my two cents. Neither did he. If he has Moon/Cancer, just know that you are dealing with an emotional and sensitive soul, which of course will make him insecure in his dealings with you. My Lib Sun and Jupiter falls in his 12th. It could be due to different things.. like the planet person is insecure/shy/doesn't wanna show their love in an open way, or just that the house person doesn't "get" the planet person's way of loving. I would love to here anyone's feedback. . It's as if its a fairytale, make belive love and Im in a dream. Im afraid he would stifle me and kill my spirit from the inside out. Neptune idealizes, and makes everything much more beautiful it rules feelings of ecstacy, perfection and the feelings of soulmates but he's a tricky fella once we fall from the high, it's hard to get over.It's not usually til much later we want to slap ourselves when the Neptune fog clears and reality set's in. We started off some kind of bizar friendship in where I felt like a teacher towards a child, I always pulling, he always coming towards me, and then everytime when he came, he ran away, literally, like he got burned or something. All we can do is hope for something good in the future! Sometimes the experience in this house is painful other times it's purely magical. I also have a stellium of 5 planets in my 8th house so I tend to be highly intuitive already. I also was getting crazy muscle twitches. This woman matched all of his criteria (tall, slim & fair). More so after 15 years. He is much older than me, far better positioned, with flaws, yet a hero to me. However, I still cannot get him out of my headlike there is no better man out there. The North Node represents our souls goal in this l Mercury in Partners 1st house You will inspire easy communication with your partner. It's often the downfall of many relationships with planets here. Am thankful that noting bad occurred from him, but there was the feeling that he could and would hurt me. He told me he loved me so many times and then took it back, and he told me there are things he needs to work through. We have other aspects in synastry that are more positive, but the Mars issues come up a lot. I believe it caused a lot of confusing both for him n I. It is a great placement in synastry, of course depending on other aspects to the degree. The same potential is there with composite charts and a lot of 12th house emphasis. My ex-12th Houser has Venus/Cancer which made it difficult for him to open up, unless it was totally on HIS terms. I love them unconditionally, to the point like they are flawless in my eyes. His sun falls in my 8th and his moon in my 12th where my sun is. Lifelong, apparently Dad was a Sun/Gemini, Mom was a Sun/Scorpio the WORST connective relationship ever! Some are evil and just want to get in your pants. My north node in Cancer in the 12th conjuncts his venus and mercury. People who are willing to fully trust can let themselves loose in the 12th house if you show hesitation than it can make a big difference. Im all thumbs up, though, for those who do not nave the bad effects of a 12th House synastry. Wow . You have long-lasting and intense affection for this individual. Combust! The 12th house and Neptune can be very painful, the lingering kind. Ive always been madly in love with him, andhe claims he isntbut his actions speak otherwise. He also has this aspect with my daughter too. We re still connected somehow bit in a weird way :(. He might love you but in his own way. He bitches if i drink too much wine lol. The following is important: Is this a day chart or a night chart (was the sun up or down when the person was born). I just listen and really wish to support him.On the other hand, I don't even have to speak, he just knows what to say to make me feel better. But really what you also might be feeling is the Pluto Square Sun as well, that is another energy in itself that draws two people like Moth to flame:) the 12th house has roots in the past and most certainly is Karmic so perhaps that explains why it can go either way. Men take longer to grow up emotionally. What does it mean, and how does it affectthings? I kept believing he felt the same as I did, but that for this reason he couldnt give into it. I could feel something so deep. I felt, I felt sooo hard, in a glance, while looking in his eyes, and feeling like I had know this person for ages. I also cant tell you, definitively, how theyre experienced by the person who has their twelfth house activated. I am very partnered elsewhere in my life but looked up his chart because he feels like family or someone i knew in a past life or something. How is aspected by other planets. For one odd reason I never completely believed him. Thats an aspect of a battle between the Mars person & the 12th house person. I knew he got around a lot so I was always afraid of letting him in but Im afraid I caused all the distance. Long time away for me. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Its like the sayingif you Love someone let them go. For example, you may not be a needy person, but you find yourself being very needy or vulnerable around the house person. I think what really happens is too much is shared to quickly, many secrets, and hidden parts of oneself and why things often get complicated. We finally realize wait, where are they, why are they not here if we feel so strongly about each other? What he/she hates in something, i can see that they do the same thing, but they cant see it. Venus determines the way you approach relationships, romance, and love. ), but at the same time on his POSITIVE/GOOD TWIN sign I recognized parts of myself that were. Hes cuddly and affectionate so that makes up for it. You say hes your EX-best friend. Mars in the 3rd house overlay: This position for Mars in synastry, much like the 1st house position, can be very stimulating in either a positive or negative way.On the one hand, this position can stimulate a lot of invigorating conversation between the two, and the house person can appreciate how vocal and confident the Mars person is in their speech. Thanks for the 12th house information. In romantic and marital relationships, the purely material interest of the partners often comes to the fore. Positive aspects and conjunctions between Venus' show that the two people view love in a very similar way. Infatuation can't run this deep. His venus in your 12th, according to what I know, probably means that you're attracted because he brings out hidden parts of you. All of the guys whom I'm involved above have stellium especially benefic planets in my 12th house. because it hurts to know this about yourself, or just accept it. And also my Pluto is trine his Venus. I know I can read him more accurately than anyone else in his life and it scares him sometimes. more than likely you will see, there is a very big reason:) Often they are a teacher when it's a good person, or you have something to teach them. , Hey I would like to know more about the 12th house synastry I have my bfs Venus Jupiter and I think another place landing in my 12th house but my sun sign, Mercury, and Jupiter are all in the 12th house so idk if that has a lot to do with why its so easy to connect with him because I read and obsessed over a secret relationship but its way out in the open all over social media on both side and his family knows all about me and my family knows all about him Im just so confused like yea sometimes Im thinking hes not telling me all his feelings but I feel like I know him on a deep level and then I feel like I dont like he seems too good to be true it makes me automatically not want to trust him .. hmmm. However, I have a group of planets that fall my husbands twelfth house and hes had no complaint with it. So, you can imagine what kind of connection this still is. Venus Conjunct Pluto Synastry. Uck. ouch ouch! His response have a huge impact upon me. However,from reading the comments here, it seems that the planet person can be just as affected as the house person. As if something beyond ourself is guiding us.what is this shit, ive been asking me many many timesand is there a way to get over this?? One thing for sure, 12th house relationships are Karmic. When wondering around in someones 12th or they in yours? He s got a new girl in his life and I wish him well! Look for hard aspects from his venus to your planets. but I must admit they FASCINATE me!! Ouch!We do not see clearly, we imagine things differently than they are, we trust, we assume, we are not working with facts but what we want to believe and feelings. We have opposite rising signs. But I still hope. But he is confused how I feel this way without needing anything. I can relate to almost all you've been saying. All 12th House relationships are not bad; mine was. Venus is considered a Benefic, which means that this planet tends to bring good fortune. It was beautiful and tragic, and the deepest feelings I ever had. It's the planet of harmony, after all, and it brings harmony and luck to its house in your natal chart. ive seen it many times in others too. like a Gemini (no offense meant) they are both good and evil, but THEIR Evil Twin often does the acting out. Our fake fears you know, the what if's? The Venus would be read as being in your first house since the conjunction is so close to your Ascendant. This has been a dormant thread for some time but I couldn't help but post in my 2-bits on a relationship with 12th Venus. A example of how the hidden fears thing of this house works is that we often will have a bad dream about something we are afraid of happening or suppressed anger, and and fear can bring us nightmares. Spirtual, Telepathic, Emotionally, Karmic, & Soulful. Pisces is the sign without boundaries. SYNASTRY: NORTH AND SOUTH NODE CONNECTIONS. I can confirm that he appears in my dreams often and usually these are precognitive dreams. He was everything I wanted from a man, he broke all my barriers, and he was what I want to become as we run in more or less same line of business. To the point it's hard to explain to others especially because we're no longer together. Venus in partner's 12th house: This indicates a strong subconscious attraction which can sometimes feel confusing, because there is a lot of fog around emotions. He could not and cannot change . It means he needs to work through then and the only way to do this is to, effectively lie to you, so he can havevtgecspace he needs to work through his issues. A recent look at someone else's synastry made me question this placement. And he keeps saying that he feels like he knows me for 100 years, so familiar, and that he just knows I would understand him no metter what. Tabitha has Venus in 12th House Pisces. Just count your blessings for the dance you experienced, and move on to someone/something new. Maybe its fortuitous that it ended early for you, sweetie. I have also experienced it as not wanting anyone to know about the relationship or not knowing where you stand. where is your Neptune? I used to dream about them a lot. And ever since we started communicating I have that strange feeling of telepathic connection between us.Is it possible that this 12th house influence works so strong with people who never met in person?We don't know each other in RL and I don't know how that is going to work out when we meet.My Pluto square his Sun/Mars kazimi conjunction, within 0 degrees. It may not display this or other websites correctly. However, it was my Venus in his h12th. This is all the 12th house stuff, and why dreams can be healing and why this house can offer us healing. But that energy is always in the background waiting for a chance to re-ignite. This would extend to all aspects of life from music to clothes to cars to home furnishings. It turned into something of a horror show, and although I made the decision to cut all ties, every time I would weaken and go back I would get BLUDGEONED emotionally and psychically. I feel I just love him unconditionally no matter what, I dream of him a lot, I have fantasies too but I keep this all to myself, a secret. Im going through a bunch of Uranus and Pluto square transits right now and I have a very strong feeling this will not survive. I have neptune (Sagitarius) in my 7th house with Gemini rising. You need to be clear in areas such as this, find out why you met this person or they you? I leave, but I always come back after a while. He was and is also a very adroit liar, and even though there was very great chemistry and connectedness between us, I had to end it. Blessings come in MANY modes and appearances! but I CAN (4-Sag placement, counting the PF), and thus I DID. My Moon quincunx his Moon. Not without good reason, psychic and spiritual connections are not all that common, but they show us what exists beyond this physical world. I have my Venus in my would-be partners 12th House conjunct his Moon along with my Sun on the cusp of his 12th, his Sun is partially in my 12th House, his Neptune is in my 5th House conjunct my Mercury, and my Moon is in his 4th House conjunct his Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter. My TWIN SIDE also is grateful, but is now more underground, and that may actually be a blessing, as I also began to mirror his BAD actions and ill temperaments. I feel like a complete different being since I met him. I remember I was passing by a tall guy, and in a quick thaught, I thaught: this one looks very handsome. Best wishes to you darling and thank you for sharing your story :), I just read the previous 12th house story and the aspects are nearly the same as with the guy I am seeing. My Sun, Venus and MErcury are in Aries and fall into his 12th, my moon in Sagittarius falls int his 7th and 8th and his moon in Scorpio into my 5th and his jupiter into my 1st. What's weird to me is that I can't decide if he's intentionally obscuring himself or if it is unintentional based on the nature of his personality. Venus conjunct Venus is really good, you will like many of the same things and go about love a similar way. No idea if I appear in his?! I'm not about mind-games or double messages or emotional landmines waiting in the trenches. Right up to this year I have still been battling my feelings in re: to the guy I was totally swept away by. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Hi, Feeling. Its like that alcoholics anonymous quote of acceptance of who you are thats why its not good for people to judge other people because they are not and never understand how to live in their shoes. and it was unreal and he sat down at our table and I felt like my entire body was on fire. The comments here suggest that he could be affected, but I noticed that in these cases the planet person fell into the house person's 12th, but the house person's planets also fell into their intense houses (1st, 7th, 5th, etc).I have north node in his 12th, but nothing else falls into his 12th. Here is a formula: Unless a guy acknowledges his feelings for you within a month, maybe 2 months (or 10+ dates) of serious dating openly, plainly, simply, without subtext, without mindgames or alternate plan Bs in his head,drop him. It's like the cuddling is saved for when the other really needs it. Venus in your Partners 12th house The Venus person will be highly complimentative with the house person which will help increase their overall self-confidence. Sadly, I was the house person and hopelessly in love, while the Venus person would not admit their feelings even though we both knew they did feel for me, just like I felt for them.. Actually, the guy told me "I love you, *insert my name here*" while we were in class, but we barely knew each other and I didn't know if he was being serious.. later on he denied it said it was a joke (but it wasn't). The descriptions of 12th house Venus in synastry always ring true for me, but I'm always the house person, so it totally sucks being so affected by someone who hides their feelings. Gah! Hi, Heather. We easily know what the other needs without words. It's true that when someone touches our soul in deep connection, they could teach us a lesson. Ill blink and its 1am. Howd you get over him and stop thinking about him? the assumptions of the worst. Some are just hung up on their exes. Never felt this way in my life. Only because I feel his Mars in my subconscious,yelling at me to do better and not understanding that I dont respond well to that. My Pluto sextiles his Moon and Venus and opposes his NN. Powered by Infopop www.infopop.com 2000 Birthday Report Package Deluxe Transit Report 1 Year Get A Natal Chart ReportProgressed Chart Report Deluxe Asteroids Report Get A Solar Return Report Get A Lunar Return Report Child Natal Report 1 Year Transit Report Outer Planets, Find Your Soulmate Saturn Transit the 12th House Using Astrology To Get What You Want, Predicting Violence In Relationship: Mars in Synastry. I dont have other words for that. and yourself? I wouldnt say its a bad experience but Id personally avoid 12th house placements. It's crazy. I guess some things are just not meant to be. Mars is a aggressive action oriented planet and again as always it would depend on the individual who is activating your 12th house. He never forgot and it almost feels like he is watching me closely on social media. Please also note that having Venus in the 12th means very little without a lot of context. 12th house synastry is way too murky for me to tangle with. As a rule, it is generally the house person who feels the energies the most. I don't know. DUBLIGATO all OVAH the place, lol!!! Venus-Uranus in Synastry May 10, 2013 astrologyplace Those with Venus conjunct, square, or opposite Uranus in Synastry create exciting sparks in relationships. Can he just not see it because of this placement? I would also like to know more about 12th house synastry, as I have my venus, mars and jupiter in someone's 12th house (he has no planets in there). You are probably this person's "type.". Ironically, your experience sounds much like my own, excepting my 12th Houser turned mean and abusive, even though I was ARMS OPEN to him at all times. Thinking this would help. A Venus in the 12th House man is a sweet, gentle, kind of person who likes to help both people and animals. I can sense when he needs something even when he isn't next to me. but they just made it private. It's probably love bordering on obsession. Thats so commendable of you to always have a welcome for him in your heart. so we didnt mentioned it untill the last month, i couldnt stand it anymore, and i wanted clairity, if he ever had felt for me. Posts: 2196 From: Uranus Registered: May 2011: posted March 08, 2013 01:12 PM . His Pluto squares my Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn and NN. Feel free to elaborate in the comments. Its completely one sided, I have no hope. Now, the twelfth house is a tricky house when it is activated in synastry. I have friends and one niece with Moon/Cancer who are entirely emotional and often easily bruised, though they hide it well under their hard, decorative shells. It might be like having an itch you cant scratch. Its unbelievably painful. But we do know a lot more about it than we did some time ago. It never went fully public (as in, while everyone knew we were together, we never met our friends or family). The 12th house rules things. Will this ever end!?!?? Despite their great physical attraction towards each other, the Venus person often feels saturated with mystery and attraction of the 8th house. Yes I do think that it's a possibility with his Neptune in your 12th its a very intuitive and psychic connection. Except when one of us is going through any kind of emotional crisis, then we're pretty physically demonstrative. I dont think it was his fault he told me he was going through a lot and I know he was but he asked me be friends which I thought was friend zoning me but he has aquarius descendant and he told me to watch this movie afyer he asked to be fruends where the opening line was friends cant be friends and have sex and he said he wasnt done having sex. Or they saw things in us that were not really there whether good or bad. He has trouble verbalizing his feelings but he said he's always been like that. Hello Everyone,I can relate to alot of the post that I've read. This is why this house also holds our hidden enemies. This is because there are endless ways these things can play. Some dont want to, ever. If a person is open to the supernatural, this would be a positive thing to see in an overlay. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! But I was raised by a Sun/Scorpio mother (with her Moon in Sagittarius) and Virgo ASC. He showed me where to go, was a teacher to me, yet he said I was too young for him and that was only thing that in his opinion is stop to a relationship of a serious kind. He inspires it or mirrors it and you feel close to him because of this. Im stuck. I finally got totally turned off from him and just decided to forget him and put as much distance I could between us, physically, mentally and spiritually. We have our moons in each others first houses which for my cancer stellium does a lot, and he has mars and venus in my 7th house. Take it like a grain of salt and more of insecurity on their behalf. The 12th house is mysterious, magical, elusive, highlypsychic, spiritual, and the most interesting thing about it in synastry is that relationships with planets here tend to function mostly on a unconscious level, and even a whole other world entirely. His Venus is also conjunct my Pluto and we also have Venus square Venus. Lol and last night I noticed his Saturn/Pluto conjunct opposes my moon too. Venus the Goddess of love represents our love nature, our desires, our desire for the good things in life, our style, the way we act to attract, what we attract along with what we value and what we have or want. Tell me as the Venus person how do u feel? Oh lord: Hi, Steph sorry for the long delay in responding. Often taking hour long walks around town/woods just the two of us, talking endlessly.I just see ALL this Neptunian energy and wonder if there is even a point of pursuing him that way rather than just staying really, really good friends. His Mars conjunct my Saturn opposite my Pluto. He always wants to make sure im not hungry and that i have money on me. I have Jupiter sun and mars in his 12th house in cancer and I really hope I didnt hurt him. Okay, this advice is not even remotely astrological, but take it from a person who dated a lot, and always with an intention to settle in a committed relationship. No he is the Venus in Cancer. Now i understand the mystery of the house that touch our soul. I can relate to most that has been said: Psychic, Fated, Spiritual, highly-accepting, Secretive & perhaps in ways obsessional/unrequited. Please see special article on The 12th house synastry along with Neptune Moon Aspects for the descriptions will explain in greater detail. It could be a not-so-good thing if you feel vulnerable or exposed or even if you just get irritated from him. This is a really good match because it brings together romantic partners with similar ideas about how to approach life. we are creepy to them, but cant seem to let us go. But, he is the one who has been a sort of confessional from the very beginning. But I ve never felt what I have felt for this other guy..and still sometimes feel.