My mama grew up in south Georgia. If you do not eat crawfish or do not live in a place where the humidity is always over 50 percent throughout the summer and there is never snow.its pretty miserable. Things in the South aren't "broken"they're "tore . Oh and by the way, you are a Yankee. After reading many of these comments I feel compelled to share my thoughts and experience. Its an all around Southern saying. Things arent always what they seem I mean just cuz that cat had her kittens in the oven dont make em biscuits. till you start acting right!!! Sweet Tea So question for yall from the South. Even Pepsi is called Coke. Haha funny! By the way, I am a bisexual, nonreligious, mixed race, healthy, democratic woman with a Doctrine in medicine. Ive seen racism from others whove moved here. In New Orleans, nor do its own residents pronounce the names of those streets that happen to have French and Spanish names in EITHER language! Im an Australian and can not understand why the USA is so proud of the American civil war when really you shot your own people up. Ive never heard of mashing as a variant if mixing in, but do all soft drinks Cokes. THe reason our schools are so screwed up down here is because the federal government wanted to make it easier so the blacks could make better grades. I am a proud citizen of the Great and Soverign State of North Carolina. Also you are poor trailer trash. ), @John Hoke Neither is The North. But now, I don't have to . Im sure it has nothing to do with the former [massive] sugar and tea plantations. Tight- Stingy (Especially with money) what companies are owned by penske? Sweeper: as in run the sweeper referring to the vacuum, Made: whether youre referring to a test you aced, a photo you took, or a baby you birthed, made is the verb. Iguess no one is perfect. Fixins- Usually referrin to food- Sandwich fixins, etcetera It means something is messed up here.could be used in place of caddywompus. Its my first choice. NOT TO MENTION, YOUR ARROGANCE AND SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT WOULD EITHER GET YOU ASS BEAT OR YOUD FIND YOURSELF SWIMMING IN LAKE MICHIGANTHATS ON A GOOD DAY. Call us at (425) 485-6059. You lost the war for a reason. (English pronunciations of Atlanta from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus and from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary, both sources Cambridge University Press), Watch your back! I am from Colorado but most of my dad side is from the country side of Texas and my grandfather who has passed away on my momma side from Alabama and her sister is from Mississippi. If your heart is in Dixie, you might just as well bring the rest of you on down, too. We just call it a remote control or remote. Keep your Yankee Piece of Shit Ass up there in Michigan. Todos Los derechos Reservados. Bless your heart. I grew up in Tennessee and we call all brands (Lance or Toms, etc.) We have liberal and democratic views. (And this is a NEW JERSEYAN calling you out on those stupid stereotypes!!) That Im told on the regular by out of towners All yall is plural. These states formed the Confederacy and the Confederate constitution. My mama always says Am Fixin up ya tea, Hell yeah, this sites right on the money. I miss Texas! On behalf of ALL Southerners, a little lagniappe (try to pronounce that, sir, I dare ya)- Bless your heart, you damn Yankee., I dont know about yall but when i get stressed out i use words like Oh Lordy or I declair and Im from Louisiana so we call everybody Cher and start sentences with Mais, Not sure if its a southern thing, but always heard Fireflies called Lightning Bugs. hes so stupid he he cant poor his own piss out of his boot with instructions written on the heel God Bless Oklahoma, Texas and our Southern heritage. Ive also seen it in Europe and hear of it on the national and international news in other places. Well referring to the southern parents who had children in the north if the cat made shit we would not call it a cookie. The South had roughly 250,000 soldiers while the North had 2.4 million at one point. Please tell us what you truly feel , than carry your rude self back north with the rest of your little gangster friends. And, of course, there is virtually no authentic Southern accent to be heard . Missouri is the only non-Southern state bordering Arkansasand Marci has the nerve to say that AR is NOT SOUTHERN? There were owned slaves in the north too. here in the south we say ZACKLY; YOUR BREATH SMELLS ZACKLY LIKE YOUR ASS. My yankee blood is nicely mixed with the blood of an American Indian Chief. I think that might be it though. The term, redneck comes from farmers getting Sun burned necks from being out in the fields, and as far as I know, most states, East, West, North and South have farmers. I always enjoy talking to people about old sayings and such from the south or north. My daddy and I have always said Dumber than a bag a hammers. As for Jersey girl im sorry you fill that way about the South hope you find your place somewhere else. Id like to ask you to please just stop! Just bless. As for those who are hating, on Florida or the South, know that the South is not a merely geographical location; the South is a state of mind. So why did they move here? *NOR* ARE **ALL** SOUTHERNERS ***INBREDS***!!! When I came to home sweet home Is caught in the middle. We never had snow here at the beach, so we didnt know anything about sledsor hills for that matter! An overall trend toward celebrating the history and originality of our homes is displacing ultramodern aesthetics and sharp lines as we all look . Ya, Jon, thats a very Southern saying. And by yal winning, look where that got usferguson, OJ, Hi, how can I say, we need to talk or I need to talk to you about something serious in one southern word .I know theres one word for it but I cant recall it. And arrogance can come from the Northern States, the Southern States, hell, it can even be found in Antarctica. I wonder if perhaps its just an American saying? No one in the south thinks that everything is communism, that the Bible is the only thing worth reading, or that science is of the devil. til you get home. Not slavery or racism the ggovernment reaped the benefits of the cotton which was the major crop and was exported across seas and taxed the govt essentially ended up pitting the north and the south against each other. There were as many Po folk in the South as there was in the Northern areas. doin donuts onr 4-wheelers through da mud flats and hallerin all day, u aint neva seen anyting like it in yer life. Yeah Ohio is definitely Yankee its north of Kentucky theyre Yankees too, just dont say that to their faces. . Im from CA, originally Yankee stock, and my wife is from Memphis. HELP YOUR PLATE. (Help it do WHAT, exactly? It existed, but again, it wasnt a staple, snd certainly not a menu item like it is today.. My mother, aunts and grandmothers frequently used the term no account to describe someone whose reputation had fallen from grace.or generations of family that never came close to grace. how southerners pronounce atlanta . I asked the guy sooooo. Example: "Quit piddling around and help me set the table!" 9 June bug Shutterstock Lincoln was born in Kentucky (and considered himself a southerner) and his VP (Andrew Johnson) was from Tennessee. that was used a lot back in north Georgia where I grew up. Honestly I think the North is even more racist than the South. Bless your heart actually means-and take it from a true souther belle- aint he an idjit!. Oh, and lets not forget to take things to the most extreme. Neither one of my websites is much right now. Thats it. . YONDER: Damn Yankees always got sumin to say when grown folks talking. Maam, that was a fine read. Gimme me a washrag (a wash cloth) and gimme a tal (give me a towel). I think theyre mostly kidding. drunker then Cooter Brown East TN phrase. We are not the uneducated fools you conceive us to be. Its not like youre kissing him, so keep your head up your ass so you dont have to see it. How many southerners you know who retire in yankeeland? We would love to have you. Yeah. If they come South for Winter, they are Snowbirds Most of them were too scared and backed down like the cowardly pussies they are. Rather, they pronounce it Pontz dee Lee-ahn Avenue. Definitely that one. Yankees rule, btw lets look at some statistics lowest education level, highest illiteracy, highest obesity, highest racism, lowest income, lowest rate of innovation, highest rate of unemployment, highest rate of welfare, highest rate of inbreeding, worst infrastructure, highest rate of ignorance, yup you guessed it all in the south. One of my best friends live in Texas. A New Jersey version is more like WTF! Growing up my mother would refer to to something not being straight as Whanky jawed. A tantrum was a walleyed hissie fit and a gourmet meal was red beans, fried potatoes and sweet cornbread. I mean. ), Ive lived in South Florida for 26 yearsborn and raised here. Ignorin all the bullhonkey thats written above me. I live in northwest Indiana a half hour from Chicago and my mom says dumb as a box of rocks. Just for an FYI. not every southern girl is like that some are but since ive moved to PA last year..ive met plenty of girls like that HERE. I know they dont accept concealed carry permits from Alabama but NC does. Awesome way of life, none to compare. Audio and video pronunciation of Atlanta brought to you by Pronounce Names (, a website dedicated to helping people pronounce n. AND WE ARE NOT LAZY. Ya done done it know Keep up. Yall should form your own group and get the hell out of ours. I have lived in the South for almost 10 years. I know northerners, have a bad rap in the south, but I hope my family will have a great time. Or with a different accent? Up north we call everything coke as well , we love cola cola and not so much Pepsi . Its all good, David. I had 3 uncles and a grandpap that died for the Confederacy, and my Rebel flag flaps in the wind gracefully. (It also gave me bit of a chuckle. Crank = To start. Heres a couple sayins used in my family: My late father-in-law from central Tennessee often used the expression Did you ever hear tell meaning has anyone ever told you about a specific incident. Here in upper Georgia we say most of those things but we say someone is older than dirt if they make us mad at em. Think its time to take your ass to the woodshed How about this southern saying: We just am plain dumb down in these here parts? Ive only ever heard it in southern middle Tennessee and extreme north Alabama. I am from Texas (theres a difference yall). Answer (1 of 10): For the US distribution check out the Dialect Survey results at Born in Fort Benning on October 20, 1946, Lewis McDonald Grizzard Jr. grew [] In 2019, Houston Chronicle journalist Robert Downen helped break the story about sexual abuse within the SBC. So as long as you keep your yankee ass up north and dont come pass the mason Dixon line we all here in the south will be just fine as long as we dont see ya. Categories: . You can contribute this audio pronunciation of southerners to HowToPronounce dictionary. I was born and raised in Miami, and if you strayed into Homestead, there were plenty of Southern accents to be heard. Hopefully, you get something more than a piddling raise from your company this year! It is not confined to southern states. Does anybody know? Bless your heart, aint your fault all yall yankees are a buncha arrogant morons. It is a region. Its everywhere. We or at least we dont Judge people from the south. Actually, the only area not only of New Jersey in general, but also of North Jersey in particular that does share that accent with NYC is Hudson County, which is across both New York Bay and the Hudson River (especially the latter) from most of the citys borough of Manhattan and across a waterway called Kill Van Kull from NYCs borough of Staten Island. Listen carefully and read the comments. Its a bama saying also. Northern people are so full of them self they should not make fun of southerners accent. Wheres your attitude from honey?,,, So You Want A Southern Home? THEY THINK THEY ALL OWN THE ROAD. Down in Alabama we say Well, hes dumber than a bag o hammers.. We dont really fit-in with the rest of Indiana. The current pronunciation is all the hughfallutin' carpetbagger Yankee transplants . Bless your heart.. but scratch that sugar-coated Southern exterior, and youll find something quite unappealing and unattractive. Or how about funktified? You didnt got to any of those Ivy league schools. WE ACTUALLY WORK FOR OUR MONEY. Remove from oven, and let stand for 5 minutes. * They use long, lazy vowels. NEWS FLASH SOUTHERN MORONS!!!!! ), And this northern NJ native/central NJ transplant happens to *root* **FOR**! Y o u n e e d t o g e t y o u r a s s o f f t h e This author also forgot youns. What about your a liar the truth aint in ya and Jesus doesnt love you Thats what my dad says when he is pissed off.. Say answer me.. LOVE the Southern expression, Ill carry you there!!! I beg to differ. The attitude is Oh well Ill do it some other day.. I now have my Masters Degree and work as a Director at a hospital. I was born and raised in South Alabama, or Lower Alabama (L.A,) as we like to say, We raise beef cattle and had a vegetable garden on an acre and we fed the whole town. under a second "Southern Louisiana" sub-section within the current . Also we think that everyone from the south loves NASCAR. I can discuss lots of topics Hey Billy Bob: We have some of the finest universities in the country. I've heard two different pronunciations, /h:v/, apparently said by middle-aged people, and /hv/, which sounds closer to how Americans pronounce it. We make sweet tea with the sugar in it. Honestly though, I love my Southern roots, and I am back in the Deep South and the only thing I didnt miss was the Skeeters and gnats! Like its not strong enough ) Some of these people are actually trying to have a fight from behind computer screen and are calling other people ignorant? Sorry to inform you but AR is Southern Its still really determined primarily by the Civil War. In New York State, where I grew up, its called a pocketbook, not a purse. We never had a lot of mosquito bites. So where do you hear but what used like that? Buggy: its not a shopping cart, but a buggy, Might Could: a polite way of presenting your options, Caddywompus a.k.a. .thats all that should matter! Besides all of that, its a hell of a lot warmer I cant wait to experience it for the first time this coming April. just so you know Im from Pittsburgh and we say sweeper and buggy all the time and Ive never heard anyone else call it that, yankees need to stop messing with us south is better so yall damn yankies need to shut up south rules. I havent heard over half of these words until just now haha. NORTHERN-SUPREMACY.END OF STORY NORTH RULES, SOUTH SUCKS, JUST LIKE THE NORTHERN SUPREME IN FOOTBALL EXPOSED THE SUCK I MEAN SEC FOR THE OVERRATED CUPCAKE IT IS! Even sound southern however my parents and 4. And if you think were so ignorant Yankee, DONT COME DOWN HERE AND ENJOY OUR WARM SUNSHINE AND BEAUTIFUL BEACHES! Oh yeah, I thought everybody knew by now that Im NOT from tha south, definitely NOT tha deep south, never have been sigh. WTF is loudmouth damn yankee ELIZABETH doing on this page in the first place? Ever heard of discombobulated (meaning confused or disorganized)? Careful honey, your IQ is showing. Another saying that I remembered after returning to the South, the Sweat is running down my back, thru my crack. Acting with an Accent: American Southern, by David Alan Stern. If you dont like it, Ill give yall dirctions to I-10 NORTH! Its 89 million degrees outside. And your grandmother never made a lot of food. Phonetic spelling of southerners south-ern-ers suhth -er-ner Add phonetic spelling Meanings for southerners It refers to a person who was born or is an inhabitant of the southern part of a place. I resent that. I think you are full of shit yank. To the southern side of yall, i say, ey bo. Wow, amazing. We dont need your shit down here. Im from New York and I cant understand any dang thing any of you are saying. hah!). Mighty fine! At least we know how to drive correctly. Sure, this could mean puttering around, but Southerners also like to use it as an adjective, meaning something small or trivial (in a bad way). Right, N.. Florida is SouthrrSSouthern, but S Florida is about as Northern as you can get! Oh Please, this is completely ridiculous. It might also mean that it is hot enuff to fry and egg and they are just conserving energy. The following are some characterstics (Wells, 1982: 530-552). If i hear someone say pop the first thing i think is u dang yankee! The phenomenon itself is known as "T-glottalization.". Bre, Ohio is one of those interesting on-the-border states because even though yall are technically north of the Mason Dixon line youre not nearly as Yankee as someone from New York. Or hes so ugly theyd have to tie a pork chop around his neck to get the dog to play with him. I beg to differ I am born and raised in NC and I havent ever heard anyone say Pepsi it is always coke. San Antonio has its own accent as does El Paso, but Lubbock and Texas Panhandle cities shave a pronounced drawl, but I think it sounds different, more Dixie Southern, if that makes sense. And boooooooy, you wanna see country people?? They want to change us. Once here with an open mind, theres a LOT to enjoy. But do not get on here on down us southerners because this just gives us reason further to dislike yallHELLO dumbys. Well know youre a Yankee, or that your parents were Yankees, if you say you guys. Moderate. Honestly, honey, youre embarrassing yourself here. You have a good day now. oh honey notherners are so full of them self people should not make fun of our accent. Cold as a wedge (Im not sure what a wedge is but Im assuming it is quite frigid) 3. I was born and raised in SC. I am proud of the growth of our state. One that we used in Tennessee way more than yall is yuns or younguns. This good ol southern girl Gods got me living up here to teach these Northerners how to talk. Idk, To say you are going to rise and do it again, tells us you are so stupid that you are admitting you would also lose again Idiot. Shakespeare used yonder, like in Romeo and Juliet. Gee, you wonder why we dont like yall. In central Texas, where my daughter lived, your ice tea comes unsweetened with a box of sugar packets on the side. Its rainin like pouring piss outva boot out dere I live in the South now, and sorry to say, I dont understand most Southern women at all. Southern accents! .the northeast has got nothing on this place! Why couldnt yall just have left us alone all those years ago? Like buggy, clicker, ice, and whenever I asked for tea they never gave me sweet. States of America!! He moved here in May of 2020 thanks to a recommendation from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums' (AZA) White Rhino Species Survival Plan (SSP). Hatred is worldwide. ( not all northerners are judge mental ass holes.. Your first car is the key to a bright future. We were better than you, you cold hearted yanks. And for other famous people whose names you should know, check out the 30 Celebrity Names You're Mispronouncing. Darling, youve got it all wrong. I also do not call all sodas coke. if by arrogant, you mean awesome, well, my dear..youre right! Im fixin to move to Tennessee with my family as soon as I graduate high school. Nanner = banana, tater = potato, mator = tomato. Enough said for now. typos: * when in Rome DO as the Romans do But I just share em I promote em. Three quarters of them get pregnant at sixteen, cant spell for shit, and the one out of five-hundred that think they have a lick of common sense brag that they are smart. Just because yall hate the north doesnt mean there are bad northerners in the world You can say this word while mad at someone, or you have been waiting for a good time to talk. There is a reason they call it the dirty south. I guess I am a yankee, but where I always visited in tx I always came home noticing how much more friendly yall were than us yankees. But damn, proving me wrong. The accent in (most if not all of?) There are so many choices out there that Im from Dixon county tn I have lived in ms la 06.07.22 | Comment? Your post indicates a prejudice, naive, uneducated mind. You forgot to say we were gonna stomp a mud hole in em. TY, Dear Southern Lady. mimic 3: sentinel ending By On Jun 30, 2022. Same thing for I-85 in the Carolinas. Not sure if I picked up somewhere early in life, or maybe its a creation of my own. Copyright 2020 | Tous droits rservs |. Like the ones from up north that only show at county meetings that occur in the winter, (because there gone in the summer)That same road brought you down, will take youre a__, right back.. Plus, Ivy League universities are only in the NORTH! Is this a southern expression, and what does it mean? I live in the south, and my family and I have always made a point out of speaking and communicating with PROPER grammar and enunciating and pronouncing our words correctly so we do not sound like poorly educated country hicks. I like south better then the north. Hey, you want some southern hospitality? Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus. You BETTER be ther next week, our the guilt trip will triple. Give it up, honey cute piece, but absolutely fictitious. Needless to say, weve taken our NC Appalachia accent up a notch just for spite. Web sites a day. What is the oldest city in Georgia? Im one of the most worldly people you will ever get the chance of meeting, and am currently participating in an exchange program. THERE IS EVEN COKE IN THE RESTAURANTS. It just means were different. Bless your heart! A Service road might Include signage that reads Frontage Road and that might be TxDOTs official term, but at least throughout Texas, theyre called access roads.unless you live in Houston, which I did for 23yearstheyre called feeder roadsl. However. Perhaps you could go to a Speech Therapist for help or go up to a Northern State for one year. EXACTLY! I am glad the South is still part opf my country. I have never heard that. See? Here's a sampling of words only Southerners say. Our country was formed on strong State rights with minimal Federal intervention. I remembered hearing this saying and since its a long running joke about the darn nut. Why on earth is the "south" in "southern" pronounced differently from the word "south"? The south sucks, poor bunch of scared homosexual, inbred garbage I have ever seen. You are obese ( highest obesity in the country) illiterate (lowest test scores in education) and soft (New Yorkers kicks your teeth out Detroit is too tough for a southern, Boston rips you a new one Montana Mountain Men, Nebraska, Washington, Alaska lumberjacks North Dakota, etc) (you are cupcakes compared to us). NORTHERN-SUPREMACY. You can say you are not but what do you think your hatred towards Northerners is? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I am from Southern Kansas, and we say yall (Not in Wichita) Clicker and remote are both used. How bout we secede again and kick some yankee ass. I hope youll just take away one thoughtnone of us are perfect but if we just look for the positive and not expect negative, we would have a much better world!