The electric blue acara is a freshwater species of cichlid. With the knowledge drops Ill offer today, you will be ready to embark on keeping these unique fish in your aquarium. You have a lot of options when it comes to choosing suitable electric blue acara tank mates. Rainbows are my favorite fish. Even though this is another pH alteration of the same magnitude,your fish is more likely to settle down when youreturn waterto its original condition of comfort. The water temperature in the tank should be between . Interacting with their tank mates can provide enrichment and stimulation to electric blue acaras. Kevin Clamser says . Posted June 25, 2021. In a community tank, these fish will be peaceful. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present. This can go a long way in keeping them happy and providing comfort and enrichment. If its taking your fish four minutes or longer to eat their meal, youre feeding them too much! It can cause the fish to acquire a potentially lethal secondary infection in addition to skin damage. In fact, Electric Blue Acara care is something that pretty much anyone can manage. You can also treat your fish with vegetables like broccoli on special occasions. Even though theyre flexible when it comes to sharing a tank with other fish, keeping Electric Blue Acara with their own kind is probably the easiest option available to you. Quarantine affected fish; treat water with an antifungal remedy. . And last but not least, theyre quite mellow. On average, the Electric Blue Acara has a lifespan of about 8-10 years when kept in captivity. Green Country AquariumsSynodontis Lucipinnis Congo Tetras Silver Tip Tetras Bumblebee Catfish Green Tiger BarbsElectric Blue Acara Turkana Jewel Cichlid Unlike other similar cichlids, the electric blue acara is an egg layer and not a mouthbrooder. Failing to provide this will lead to serious health complications. It would be optimal to have a temperature range of 68-82 F but keep it at around 75-76 F. . Well cover everything from their ideal temperature range to their dietary needs. The cory catfish is a shoaling fish that cleans the bottom. First, theyre absolutely stunning to look at. Blue Acara enjoy caves and areas of dense planting where they can hide if they feel stressed. As always, its recommended to quarantine new fish for at least three weeks before adding them to a new system. Electric blue acara fish love to swim, and you will likely see your fish spending the day swimming around. Add some oxygen to the mix. Electric blue acara is a great fish for beginners, as it requires a tank of average size, quite average care, and nothing out of the ordinary. They are calm and friendly tank companions who do not bother electric blue acaras. A cichlid like this has a very simple breeding process, and breeding is quick and simple, but they do need a proper breeding environment. Aquarium Store Depot earns a commission if you make a purchase. . I think it will be an awesome tank but I'm open to opinions, thanks! Then, the parent electric blues will deliver food to the fry, so small foods, like baby brine shrimp, should be supplemented. It is heavily planted, which gives plenty of hiding places and sight breaks. It is a member of the cichlid family and can grow to be up to 10 inches in length. Keep an eye out for aggressive fish like the following: Size and temperament are usually the deciding factors. This means soft, acidic water with water hardness between 2 and 10 KH and pH between 6.0 to 7.0. They eat the same meals and require the same level of attention. Lower-grade acaras might even have patches of blue missing, revealing sections of black and grey. The fishs skin will get inflamed as a result of this condition. The first thing you will need is at least a 75 gallon aquarium. In the wild, this fish can live double that! These fish are primarily light and shiny blue with some subtle details that add to their glimmer. What Makes Electric Blue Acara A Good Tank Mate? Most cichlid enthusiasts keep their tanks simple with rocks, like Texas holey rock, ceramic flower pots, and driftwood. #1. These are quite large fish, and they do need plenty of swimming space, so the minimum tank size youll need is 30 gallons. The pair will fiercely protect their fry for up to two weeks, and will be ready to breed again shortly after this time period. Electric blue acaras are a type of hybrid South American cichlid. What sets the Blue Acara apart is its remarkably vibrant coloration. Not only is the fish blessed with absolutely beautiful looks, but the Blue Acara is also one of the more peaceful of the cichlids, making it a good choice for a community tank of similar-sized, amenable species. As well see, male and female pairs will need to form on their own in most scenarios. Right now, the acara is much bigger than the oscar. Be careful not to overfeed your Blue Acaras, as that can lead to digestive disorders. If the light fixture is too intense, then floating plants and other aquarium decorations can be used to diffuse bright areas. Fish like the electric blue acara grow continuously throughout the first few months of its life. Electric blue acaras do best in a slow to medium flow, though they can adapt to higher water currents as long as there are areas of lower flow throughout the aquarium. Blue Acara 29 gallon planted tank. A long . You cannot go wrong with an electric blue acara they are big enough to draw attention to themselves but small enough to fit comfortably in an average 30-gallon freshwater tank. But with so many choices out there, it can be overwhelming knowing where to begin. These Dwarf rainbows are prefect for smaller aquariums. The parents will continue to deliver care until the fry are fully free-swimming. There should also be some rocks where they can lay their eggs. It offers them a feeling of safety and helps them relax a little (which is great for reducing stress). So, whether youre a beginner or a seasoned pro, read on for the essential information you need to care for these beautiful fish! Tack on fifteen additional gallons for every new fish you want to keep. Electric Blue Acara/ Blue Acara aggression Watch our video on the rules of this forum. 36 gal Planted Swordtail community. Good live plants for electric blue acaras include: These fish dont need a lot of plant coverage, but a backdrop of green will especially make their colors pop out. You will want the water temperature in the breeding tank to be around 75F. The electric blue andinoacara pulcher does a great job taking care of itself with some basiccichlid careneeds provided. The flatter the better! 1 Bristle Nose Pleco. Ideal Tank Mates Generally, keep your Acara Cichlids in groups of at least six or eight fish, while keeping the male to female ratio at 1:3. This allows for the male and female fish as well as the fry until they are big enough to stop receiving parental care. Pretty much anything peaceful that can thrive with similar water parameters is possible. Hence set up yourfreshwater tankin a conscious way. This allows for ASD to promote items that are more effective to promote via Amazon versus selling on this site due to shipping costs, the vendor's choice to only carry through Amazon, or order minimums. Dont add dechlorinator to the water if you want to cycle the tank before introducing fish. One clutch includes about 100 to 200 eggs. Dont be mistaken by the popularity of dwarf South American cichlids. Since the female and male will be exceptionally active at the bottom of the tank during the breeding process youll want to stick with soft substrate (like sand). If the pH is slightly out of range yet the fish seems fine, you should consider that pH only. These fish can be many colors on the spectrum, which can even change depending on their mood. Poor water quality can result in the fish's immune system becoming weakened, leaving it vulnerable to diseases. Still, these fish are susceptible to freshwater ich and skin flukes. Shock can make it harder for a fish to breathe; increasing the amount of oxygen in the water will greatly assist them. The fishes preferred habitat is streams where the current is strong, and the water is clear and well-oxygenated. What Aquarium Habitats Does Electric Blue Acara Prefer? They are omnivorous and require a varied diet of dry and wet foods. If you take care of them properly and stay committed to maintaining their habitat then youll have them for a while. He started in the aquarium hobby at the age of 11 and along the way worked at local fish stores. Electric blue acaras are a colorful freshwater fish native to South America. It is better to split up the meals as this could also help prevent rivalry in the tank when all fish are trying to get a hold of food. Stress is extremely harmful to aquarium fish and is known to weaken the animals immune system. Unless there is food collected in the substrate, it will rarely travel to the bottom of the tank. They have a striking electric blue color that stands out no matter what other fish you keep in your tank, and it is one of the most stunning cichlids which is also surprisingly easy to keep. How to Know If It Happens, Why Did My Ghost Shrimp Die? Therefore, they have a short lifespan with a life full of colors and patterns. Don't worry - we have you covered! Electric Blue Hap. Remember, blue acaras can be found in a variety of environmental conditions, which means that these freshwater fish can also adapt to most aquarium conditions. Or you landed on here because you had no idea what they are? There should be fewer plants in the breeding tank, and you may want to opt for plants with larger leaves and a substrate with larger grains. We recommend using a 20 gallon tank with a temperature of about 75 degrees fahrenheit for . Blue fish are unique and special-looking since blue is found in nature much more rarely than other colors. Because gas exchange occurs at the waters surface, disrupting it with a stream of bubbles to increase the oxygen content of the water. Ensure the substrate is not hard, or the fishes will cut or scrape themselves. 26. 80gal planted Angelfish community. When you buy via the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Feed a base of quality fish flakes and the occasional treat ofbloodwormsand other live food. Tank Setup: Amazone biotope tank with plenty of leaf litter and wood. The Electric Blue Acara is a freshwater fish that is becoming more and more popular in the aquarist community. Thus, the faster you can improve the fishs position, the better. Affected fish have red skin or gills, excess mucus on the skin, flicking or rubbing on substrate and tank dcor, labored respiration. Though these colorful fish look best under high lighting, they prefer low to medium light settings. This species does appreciate the inclusion of live plants in the tank and uses vegetation for cover and shade. If you can find a dark-colored substrate, that will help to really show off the fishes stunning, metallic coloration to the best effect. These are stocky, compact fish, growing to reach up to seven inches in length when fully mature, although they are capable of breeding at around four inches long. As a South American cichlid, the blue acara prefers softer and more acidic water parameters. These fish prefer medium lighting levels, and you can use floating plants to diffuse the light if necessary. Since theyre peaceful yet curious they will display a mix of behaviors while in your tank. Some of these species will do great in a fish tank in your bedroom, while others are true monsters of the deep sea. In the Blue Acaras natural habitat, the substrate is often covered with leaf litter. Austin, Texas 78750. The proud mother of blood parrots, firemouths, convicts, red zebras, electric yellows, a jewel, a chocolate, a severum, an EBJD, a blue acara, a . Electric Blue Acara are one of our favorite cichlids due to their size, coloration and wide range of tank mate. Suppose the required tank size for electric blue acaras is 40 gallons. You can usually avoid this by making sure there are enough live plants, rocks, and caves for them to hide. Use an aquarium gravel vacuum cleaner to remove fish waste, uneaten food, and plant debris from the substrate. Reply. Otherwise, electric blues can be kept in a community tank setting as long as small fish species are able to find protection in size, a school, or in decorations. (Lets Find Out! So, every week you must carry out partial water changes to remove excess ammonia and nitrites and to keep nitrate levels down. As a cichlid species, they can also be territorial, especially the males during spawning times. Electric blue acaras are rarely aware that a bristlenose pleco is present in the tank, making it the best tank mate for all sizes of electric blue acaras. Because blue acaras are not all that common and I would guess the electric blue is in fact a jack Dempsy. If you have a photo I can identify it I was obsessed with South Americans cichlids for years. You can install an air pump or create a surface disturbance. Ich and skin fluke are two of the most common sicknesses that Electric Blue Acara might get. The best tank shape to choose for the Blue Acara is long rather than tall. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Let them pr off and then separate the prs into their own tanks or keep 1pr and get rid of the rest. Once mature, the best pair may be picked. This freshwater fish is resistant and adapts easily to new and changing conditions in the tank, but you need to make sure that there is enough open space for the electric blue acara to swim. It has fins of the same color and a dorsal fin that swims seamlessly through the water. oscar tank mates 125 gallon . These gorgeous, large cichlids are found in the South and Central areas of South America, Columbia, Trinidad, and Venezuela. Max size of fish: 4.5 inches. Combining the two species can result in a colorful and attractive community tank. Starting at the front of their dorsal fin and extending down to their upper lip is a dark grey patch devoid of any blue. Once everything is all set up its time to begin breeding your Electric Blue Acara. While some fish will withstand a sudden change in pH, others will not. Although oscars are known for being violent, you can house them alongside adult electric blue acara. Temperature range: 77 to 78.5 degrees Fahrenheit. . Rainbowfish should be kept in small groups to avoid hostile behaviors among themselves. For EBAs, the water temperature in the tank should be around 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. They are quiet and hang out towards the aquariums bottom. However, as a digger, Acaras do tend to uproot plants, so I suggest using potted plants that are not easily dislodged. The oscar was in a tank with tetras at the pet store, if that gives you an idea of his size, and the acara is about 3 inches. But its the green horizontal lines on the fishs face and the bluish-green, metallic scales that give the creature its stunning electric blue color. While electric blue acaras arent schooling fish, they definitely prefer to be in groups with their own kind. Prevention is always preferable and involves far lesser risk than cure. Theyre very eager to explore and will often root around and investigate different areas of your tank. That behavior in the fishes wild environment enables them to find food, but in the home aquarium, the Acaras habit of persistently disturbing the substrate can be a nuisance, especially if you have live plants in the setup. . Its also important to avoid overfeeding. They should continue to be given small fry food, but can eventually be fed crushed fish flakes. Males are typically larger with more elongated and pointed dorsal fins, while females are smaller. While a hybrid, the electric blue acara is still regarded as the Andinoacara pulcher species. Very true , you never know with cichlids. Install the heater and filtration unit, but dont switch them on. These conditions range from murky, standstill waters to clear and running rivers. Electric blue acaras dont consume plants very often. You can generally prevent this issue by getting a right-sized aquarium with enough fish and places to hide. Some fish will become anxious and begin to hide. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It has orange, brown, black, and gray stripes on its body. The Electric Blue Acara is a vibrantly colored freshwater fish that is bound to liven up most aquarium setups. They thrive in fast-moving currents, swimming for most of the day and resting among plants and other decorations at night. Typically this means rivers, deep streams, and lakes (usually near a tributary). Again, some of the best species include Anubias, Java fern, and hornwort. Other suitable community members include Discus, Pearl Cichlids, Uaru Cichlids, and Angelfish. Also, mates stay together for life which means you wont be able to mix and match once the breeding process is finished. Their lifespan can be impacted by the usual factors that affect any fish. Stress can accumulate in fish resulting in health problems just like in humans. WI. If you love fish-keeping, you're probably just as fascinated by the natural world as we are, so today we're going to dive into the weird and wonderful world of fish with big eyes! 1 Severum. Are you thinking about adding an electric blue acara to your tank? They are very hardy and will thrive in an established and well-maintained freshwater setup. These vibrant fish are sure to add some excitement to your aquarium. Lastly, external stressors such as hammering or loud noises can stress fish. The water conditions should be as follows: Temperature: 72-86F; pH: 6-7.5; . The electric blue acara is a full-grown member of the cichlid family, growing to be about 6 to 7 inches on average. Thats one of the reasons why a breeding tank is recommended. The natural habitat of the electric blue acara has a diverse range of plant species. Growth and Development. This includes a sand substrate along with driftwood or rock for decoration. If you have any rooted plants this might cause an issue because these little fish can uproot them on occasion. Cichlid gets along with most fishes, but you have to make sure the size of the tank is not too small for them all to live in harmony. Caused by poor diet, unsanitary tank conditions, and Clostridium difficile bacteria. Read this care guide to learn how you can help yours thrive! Author Note: Any floating plants such as hornwort will also do a great job of helping them feel at home. A 20-gallon breeding tank will allow for more control and overall success in keeping fry alive. (75 to 86 F) Compatibility/tank mates: Non-aggressive with any larger calm fish. Red flags to watch out for include lethargy, loss of appetite, and general disinterest in their surroundings. This means that the electric blue acara cannot be found in nature and has been bred for its color expression within the aquarium hobby. Their caudal fin is symmetrical and about as tall from top to bottom as their body. Fortunately, Electric Blue Acara are pretty hardy fish. > February 03, 1963 > Page G-7, Image 75 Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963 or use the U.S. For each additional acara, add 15 gallons. Size matters, in this scenario, for the fish to live peacefully together. Minimum Tank Size: Thirty gallons is the minimum, but I like to see adult angelfish in 55-gallon tanks or larger. When you have multiple Electric Blues in the same tank its quite stunning to watch! Because of this, some hobbyists only keep floating plants with their cichlids. The electric blue acara is a hardy fish that generally adapts to most aquarium water conditions. They get along with a wide variety of fish and dont cause any problems in community tanks. Luckily, these problems can be easily treated and easily avoided. What Are The Best Plants For Electric Blue Acaras? Dempsey should have 3-4 meals a day. However, there are several things you can do that will undoubtedly help: To begin, you must restore the pH range of your water to that of the fish. Use a sandy substrate to cover the bottom of the tank, and place plenty of flat rocks on top that the female will use as a place to lay her eggs. I have 4 electric blue acaras & rainbow cichlid in my 75 gallon without any issue. Live plants will help keep nitrate levels from rising, but the rest will need to be manually removed. Caring for blue andinoacara pulcher cichlids isnt very hard, and the electric blue acara is one of theeasiest fish to keepand requires very little care. . They spend most of their time sucking at the tanks surfaces and removing superfluous algae. Quarantine all affected fish and treat using antibiotics, such as Octozin or Metronidazole. #32. In either case, the water temperature should be set to 77 F with a relatively neutral pH and slightly soft water. If at all feasible, keep the temperature at 76F. When selecting fish for a home aquarium, factors like tank size, water conditions and the temperament of your fish come into play. 1 Pair Live Juvenile Electric Blue Acara Premium Freshwater Tropical Fish A+++ $69.99. With its ability to raise pH and hardness, this rock is an excellent choice for African Cichlids. The electric blue acara is not usually aggressive or territorial. They are rambunctious and may prey on electric blue acara if bored. Make sure each tank buddy has the right shoal size to simulate group hostility. Their fins do show gorgeous red coloring and their silvery bodies reflect cool blues and violets. I have 9 pearl gouramis in my 40 gallon breeder. You will require a tank with a nominal capacity of 60 gallons if you want to keep a pair of electric blue acara and a bristlenose pleco. Another disease that can harm electric blue acaras is freshwater ich.