This can lead to the UK being unable to produce enough aircraft to fend off a concerted strategic bombing campaign and serious industry problems. I know GB can get a national focus making their fighters 10% cheaper to build, which probably helps out. ICBMs vs Strategic Bombers - Hoi4 Testing - YouTube Choose tactical bombers to carry out close air support missions, instead of CAS, and use heavy fighters because of their longer range. Every 1 point of air superiority advantage in a strategic region gives a +0.7% air support penalty (called enemy air superiority on the combat screen) to enemy land combat defense and breakthrough. CAS gives your divisions a up to 25% bonus to attack and defense/breakthrough. If an air wing is disbanded, all of the planes will return to the equipment stockpile and will be available for deployment to other air wings. @Fortebrako Since heavy fighters have already low agility, I'd stack them full of Heavy MGs. In this section, well list the most-used types. Intel advantage + air superiority can go from 25% to 40% bonus. Like their lighter counterparts, Heavy Fighters can perform Air Superiority and Interception air missions. Air supply. An air wing can support any land combat in provinces within its range. This is a community maintained wiki. The priority rating is excess air wing range (in map pixels) plus number of total division on both sides of the battle. The excess intel only serves as a buffer if the player stops performing any air reconnaissance. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. Only start building tanks when you have achieved full air superiority! Their first unique selling point is their range, which is much higher than CAS aircraft. Breakthrough only needs to be as high as enemy soft attack (per combat width). I always thought that strat bombers were kinda bad cause tactical bombers could do their role for cheaper "price" and 1 less research slot, but now with BBA, maybe it kinda makes no sense to use tactical bombers for strategic bombing? 1 Anti-air decreases damage from CAS by 75%, so Anti-air is quite strong. When should I use Fighters or Heavy Fighters :: Hearts of Iron IV When an air base gets captured, planes automatically relocate to other air bases if available and won't be lost. The first mission with a valid condition is the only mission flown by that air wing during that mission opportunity. The amount of intel that scout planes can contribute to the overall intel about a nation is capped. Situational (if you need lots of PP): State Serves the Military (Fascist). CAS planes. I am struggling to find a reason to get purely strategic bombers when a tac bomber can do the same job plus do ground. Admittedly I haven't played MP since the air designer was released, but I don't imagine tactical bomber strategic bombing is a very good strategy in vanilla. From my experience the British AI doesn't really focus on their army the same way Germany or the USSR does. No, they're worthless. It is VERY effective, but numbers play a big part. A general can reduce the damage received with the "Damage Reduction Against CAS" modifier (Camouflage expert provides 50%). They can perform Close Air Support, Naval Strike, and Port Strike air missions. No point in destroying factories if they only get shot down and your troops cant push. The only problem at the moment in single player is the AI isn't good enough to threaten you like a human player would, and you're usually conquering too fast for strategic bombers to do anything other than destroy the factories you're about to conquer. Air superiority is provided by planes actively performing their mission and depends on their type as well. In a fleet with multiple ships, the target is randomly selected (note: increased ship's surface visibility may increase its chance to be selected as a targetmore visible targets are more often struck. Each type of aircraft built upon light airframes also has a carrier variant that can be researched. For some mission types, there are modifiers improving their effectiveness which are also called "mission efficiency": Air Superiority Mission Efficiency, Interception Mission Efficiency, Air Support Mission Efficiency, and Naval Mission Efficiency. The maximum number of planes allowed to join a land battle is 3[2] times the used enemy frontage as a base value. Pushing with infantry and CAS often works against a weak enemy. Strategic bombing is the act of damaging enemy buildings, industry, and infrastructure via planes designed to drop bombs. VS the AI, TAC is very niche, sometimes useful in vast airspace but entirely pointless in the west because the question of range is never asked. In HOI3 you could decide whether to target factories, air bases, infrastructure, ports, etc. You can find that here: Much like Naval bombers, you can't kill them fast enough before they do what they've set out to do, so the only real way to stop it is to have bombers of your own and bomb him before he can bomb you. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Strategic bombing. Creating divisions is one of the most important aspects of Hearts of Iron IV. Set all field marshals to 'supply by truck' (3 trucks icon): this increases the supply range of supply hubs dramatically for all units under that field marshal. The capacity of an air base is shared between allies. Strategic bombing - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki - Paradox Wikis Holding shift allows you to draw a smooth frontline for a field marshal, which prevents gaps from being created. It's a bit of a niche area. Are strategic bombers worth building? All planes in an air wing must be of the same type; it is not possible to mix fighters with bombers, for example. Its a simple game, CAS is better but TAC has more range which you hardly ever need thus CAS it is then usually. Tactical Bombers are smaller fast bombers that can help out ground troops and bomb enemy buildings. Testing out how effective ICBMs (guide missile 3s/rockets) are compared to strategic bombers to see if they are worth the research time and construction. Same goes for AA. This is a community maintained wiki. Example: The enemy side of a battle has four divisions with 1936 support anti-air battalions (15.2 air attack) and four divisions without any anti-air. Bombers are much slower and less agile than fighters, so players designing defensive fighters will find guns are most effective. Bomb their airbases until they've no room to fly from. That's really useful information. In aircraft-dense areas where the frontline airbases might be congested, they, like Heavy Fighters, can act as "second row" aircraft adding even more air power to the frontline regions from airbases behind. This detection percentage is modified by other variables. Valve Corporation. The stats of a unit are displayed when editing a unit in the template designer, and the current stats of a division in the field can be inspected by clicking on their icon. Even though the medium airframe can be designed to have more CAS damage than small airframe CAS, it is much less cost-effective, so not recommended. Press J to jump to the feed. Up to -35% defense/breakthrough to enemy divisions. So having more support arty by having smaller divisions, boosted by SF (right) would be good. Wings with this mission target enemy ships, both inside and outside of naval battles. Once an enemy fleet is discovered, a randomly assigned ratio of planes to fleet frontage is determined. I didn't know they targeted Airbases first. Naval bomber/Patrol: Bomb and kill enemy ships (much more cost-effective than building your own ships!). The maximum penalty without doctrine is 35% at 100% air superiority. This means that in some parts of the Pacific planes will only fly one sortie during the day, which can really hurt carriers depending on where you engage. Though expensive, they can be well-worth the cost. It can be extremely useful in MP against other players if you can maintain air superiority. Very important when pushing into an area where supply hubs are far apart. The effective and hard cap that scout planes can contribute to intel are. Close air support mission [ edit | edit source] Available for: CAS, Tactical Bomber, Jet Tactical Bomber. Wings with this mission will only participate in air combat if enemy bombers or transport planes are detected. Carefully consider the opportunity cost of committing many factories to a strategic bombing campaign. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. . That will allow them to redeploy wings with up to 200 planes to be located within the region. Give me your favorite Strategic Bomber design. : r/hoi4 The effects are scaled inversely by the size of the wing relative to 100 planes, to a maximum of 10x at 10 planes. The maximum penalty without doctrine is 35% at 100% air superiority. Close Air Support. You can add up to 5 support companies to a division. Mission efficiency in a strategic region is shown in the strategic air view window, that is shown if you click a strategic region in the strategic air map mode. Air superiority. If no missions are assigned, air wings will remain idle in their air bases. Deploying more planes can offset reduced mission efficiency to an extent, but basing planes closer to the center of the strategic region or using planes with longer range may be more efficient. Moving to an allied or enemy province in bad weather or bad terrain. Only heavy fighters have enough range to escort strategic bombers deep into enemy territory, but they can be beaten by light fighters. It might even be worthwhile if the player captures a state without an air base to build their own level 1 base there as quickly as possible. In single player games, the UK is pretty much the only nation you'd ever need to bomb, since it can be non-trivial to get troops over there. I've been comparing the two branches and the way I understand it, the night bombing branch is superior in every situation. Through research, the engineering team will also increase the general attack and defense of the division, particularly in rough terrain, i.e. Disrupting enemy support planes (and protect allied support planes). They can attack enemy convoys carrying troops. Does this work ? Combats close to its air base are prioritized as well as (to a lesser extent) battles with more divisions. Does this modifier work ? They're generally pretty useless. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. The wing may be assigned to an air region and given missions immediately, but it will not carry out the missions until the planes arrive. The enemy frontage (width of non-reserve divisions) is 20 which allows 3x20*(1-0.1) = 54 planes on CAS mission to join this battle. Retweet. Available for: Naval Bomber, Tactical Bomber, Jet Tactical Bomber, Strategic Bomber, Jet Strategic Bomber. Are tactical bombers worth it hoi4? Tactical bombers have more versatility and can be just as deadly as Strat bombers to infrastructure provided you have enough of them. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This means they can perform CAS missions against targets CAS aircraft can't reach, which is particularly useful in areas without lots of airbases, like Africa or Asia. I didn't know they targeted Airbases first. Attrition losses are also relatively larger for small divisions, and they are quite impractical to use, requiring lots of them. Jump to navigation Jump to search. 25 days ago. The tooltip for the air base shows the total number of planes located there (and a list of the countries with air wings and the types of planes). Different missions are available for different plane types. Engages enemy fighters and shoots down enemy CAS/bombers. Dropping a nuke is done from the Default Map view. Heavy fighters' larger range also means that they can be used to defend a larger area. So, besides the -20% lower detection, is there any reason to run night-only strat bombing missions? 3. 1936 fighters and 1940 fighters) may be mixed in the same air wing. Btw the current war score from strat bombing is completely broken and overpowered. Typically, the ratio of attacking planes to fleet frontage is 1:1. Bombing the enemy airports will cripple their airforce, and if you go for their civilian industry, they won't be able to repair them. Is there any data out there about how much damage bombers can do to their targets and how much of an effect that has on the nati9n being bombed? Medium tanks typically offer the best of both worlds. From Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki. i thing having larger, more homogenous datasets to allow for the variance to balance out, so we can more clearly see the expectation would be helpful. could you retest it in the arctic? Scout Planes perform aerial scouting and intel gathering. If no units have a supply deficit in the region, the mission doesn't do anything, but the planes will still consume fuel and possibly get shot down. The automatically stop pilot exercises when fully trained icon will show when properly enabled. A new air wing is deployed from the air base screen. There is also a Reorganize option that allows greater control over moving planes between two or more wings of the same type. Defending the Soviet Union from invasion? Invading the US only to be bogged down by unfathomable numbers of US troops? It costs 5 army xp to add or remove a batallion, and 10 army xp for a support company. Command points are automatically used for these missions and and costs permanent 0.3 command power while mission is active. The number of airplanes involved in a port strike is increased by the port strike value (e.g. Information, Frequently Asked Available for: Naval Bomber, CAS, Tactical Bomber, Jet Tactical Bomber. TACs are great for their versatility. AA inside divisions can reduce this penalty. Is the strat bombers worth it. They can perform Strategic Bombing air missions, as well as drop nuclear bombs. Irl strategic bombing was very effective in numbers. Lets talk about strat bombers and whether they are good now. At 4000 allied planes versus 500 enemy planes, adding 1000 planes to the allied side only increases allied air superiority by 1.3 percentage points. Unless anything has changed, the prime reason they are effective is because they bomb all the airfields in a strategic region first, crippling the defender's ability to respond with fighters and after that they just turn out free damage every month. 90% -> 99%. How effective is strategic bombing? : r/hoi4 - reddit The naval base itself will get damaged as well during successful attacks, but empty bases cannot get attacked. Questions, Paradox Tank designs before 1940 are not included; their design should be similar to the designs listed below. . More defensive weaponry and increased speed will allow a new design to avoid destruction, while increasing the payload and range will make it more effective. Nukes help a lot. Air warfare is managed in the corresponding strategic air map mode. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. They get attacked by 91 CAS planes every 8[12] hours. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Their lower agility however means that they will struggle against regular fighters. Destroys ships that lie in port. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The resulting damage values against organization and strength are scaled by 0.04[4][5] instead of 0.053[6] organization and 0.05[7] strength as in land combat between divisions. Redirect page. If you like it, I would very much appreciate if you'd follow me on Spotify. on Paradox technology, Legal Creating a variant of mechanized equipment can reduce its cost from 8 to 4 IC, halving its cost. Usually, by the time I get a real air force going, I don't have enough nearby airbases for fighters and CAS. Some of them I'm sure they get from America but in the last patch they tweaked the AI so that it builds more fighters. Example below: As the UK player, there is 60% intel about Italy's air force. Strategic Destruction air doctrine branches: Night Bombing vs. Day Read our Hearts of Iron 4 DLC guide. Averaged over a long time, they will shoot down planes every time they are attacked. If there are none, then reinforcement will take place when new planes of the correct equipment type are produced by military production lines. Read the rules though as they are often banned. Honestly, I want those factories when I conquer the territory, and I have no interest in having to repair them when I do. Naval strikes using only airpower never attack enemy convoys carrying resources or supplies. The poor AI can't defend well against bombers. To perform multiple missions simultaneously, create multiple smaller wings and assign a wing to each individual mission. Als. Does it affect just CAS or any aircraft with a CAS mission available, i.e. Even though tank divisions are excellent are attacking, you will want to spend the majority of your production capacity on planes, since without planes any offensive will be hard to execute. Air superiority can also affect other air missions such as: Air combat has a chance of generating aces. Strats can completely cripple the enemy, but requires a lot of IC. Enabling pilot exercises will disable all other missions. Since you can't tell your bombers what to target anymore, they're useless. The attacks are resolved as between land units, but they ignore defense, hardness and armor. Trains your pilots, increasing the stats of the planes in the air wing, at the cost of some accident losses and fuel usage. 1.4K. However I don't know how exactly strategic bombing works, and the wiki doesn't help much. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Reply. How to Strategic Bomb and Counter it (HOI4 and Hearts of iron - YouTube I think they changed it to local time a few patches ago so there'll be exactly one night sortie per day except maybe in polar winter? These planes will continue to air drop mines to the assigned strategic region until 1000 mines have been laid in the region, at which point the region is considered to be fully saturated with mines. Normally aircraft on carriers only participate in naval battles, but carrier task forces on hold outside of ports can launch missions in a strategic area.