After the dinner we headed towards the metro, but it was shut down due to a transit strike. France has over 65 million total inhabitants; Switzerland, nearly 8 million total . Thankfully, this work isnt ours. (Mariah), I loved going to Paris. (Anonymous), The end of a mission is the beginning of a life mission to grow and serve. Lots of translating opportunities. (Kale), St. Brieuc, Chateauroux, Limoges, Talence, Nantes, and Montauban. But really, I didnt realize it would be some of the most fun Id ever experienced in my life and so much fulfillment and finding myself. But then she turned towards me and she said, this is the most beautiful street!! Basically love the Lord and the Gospel more than you love anything, anyone else and youll do fine. (Bryan), Cold wet winters. The prophets of the Book of Mormon regularly apologize for the weaknesses of mortal tongues because it can be the first and most intimidating barrier to sharing eternal truths with strangers in strange lands, but it can be overcome. After settling down on the train, a big lady in bright pink barely made the train and shuffled all of her parcels and bags around to sit across from me. 172 Years. (Dennis), Once they opened up to you, you had a friend for life. Ratatouille. Missionary Preparation. (Nicholai), The language was really hard for me. We studied listening to the Spirit and acting on faith. (Valan), St Quentin, St Omer, Brussels, Paris, Nantes, Tours. Tropical island Evan Long, a BYU student from Oregon, expected malaria pills and poverty when he opened his mission call to Antananarivo, Madagascar. We really should have gotten off, shouldnt we! (Kara), Personal discipline and a love for life. We try to keep this information up to date, but its a good idea to check the address with several sources, including your mission packet or the mission office. The country side is amazing. (Kara), It was a magical place to serve. Cheese. Can reach upper 90s with the additional heat index as well. Talking to people. In our first discussion with her, we felt the spirit so strong that my companion asked her to be baptized and she responded that of course she would beas if that was a silly question. He told us (in French) that he was excited to be there, but exciter in French means to be sexually aroused. Boots for rain. (Stuart), I suffered from debilitating migraines during my mission. Here are survey responses from France ParisRMs, to give you a snapshot into what its like to live in the mission. Sometimes I would directly translate English to French and confuse people too haha. I was also blessed to learn how to set goals and work toward those goals. (Kara), I mistakenly told a member in the hospital that I was glad that she smelled better, rather than feeling better. That ended my first porting experience and the Elders bought me my first French pastry. (Elsa), A gypsy kid stole my companions cheeseburger at one of the McDonalds on Rue Ste. She said she was hoping to talk with us more, and what a miracle it was that we just appeared! (Mariah), Had a great companionship study in the morning and really felt the Spirit. (Drew), While serving in Lorient, France in the spring of 2001, we were surprised to find the entire center of town and a 1 km radius around it under evacuation orders because a construction crew had discovered an unexploded bomb from WWII buried beneath the ruins of an old bunker that was being demolished in an expansion project for the local stadium (Lorient had been an Allied port and submarine base during the war). (Anna), People always told me it would be SO HARD. There are many Muslim people in France. How to see others in a different light and to love them and feel compassion for them. (Kale), Confidence, teaching experience, fearlessness, stronger faith, humility, much greater trust in the Lord, and an understanding of our place in his plan, better self image, empathy(Mariah), How to speak French. You dont generally need a large trench coat. I learned to love a large variety of foods. You can submit your own article, ideas, or feedback at Utah Salt Lake City Mission. I would not be the same person without that growth. Great way to finish! Caresser is to pet. But work is progressing, and swinging upward. Always practice the language. You were called to that area to talk to the people you will talk to for a specific reason. Still, the work is a daily challenge. Ways in which I was French, or like specific companions, members or investigators. It didnt usually get too hot except for when the wind blew in from the Sahara. (Alex), I made a slight mistake on words and told people we created God, not created by God. It was so frightening that one minister from another church ran out of the house yelling If this is religion, I want nothing to do with it. Two girls fainted. It snowed in Paris the winter I served in the mission office and I may have thrown a snowball at a member of President Bennions family. (Bryan), Almost knocked out a drunk Irish guy that kept jabbing me in the side trying to start a fight. (Chloe), Any kind of cheese and bread and Greque kebabs. She was getting married the next day and her friends were having fun getting her embarrassed. For my last few transfers, we were able to get 20 lessons a week, which is stellar for any mission, especially with larger geographic alliance. I technically served 2 missions. He participates in the temple preparation class we teach twice per week, and his testimony is a blessing to everyone around him. (Merrilyn), We always road our velo solexes and scooters (1963 to 1966 without helmets). People will say they believe in God but they really dont act like they do. DC North Graff/Gottfredson 1992-98 Group. I love their wildness for football and tennis. The LDS Church in French Polynesia was founded in 1843 as the first foreign-language mission of the church. (Drew), Soak up the Temple experience while at the Mission Training Center as much as possible. John Taylor was one of the first missionaries here, but the church is still young. provides free missionary websites to LDS missionaries and their families giving them a great way to communicate and share mission experiences. John Conway and I took the weekend off and biked up to a mountain village. When we opened our call letters and read our unique assignment, we never could have imagined the obstacles we would face in the mission field. They were going against a whole lifetime of culture to live the principles of the gospel. (Scott), I would say to ignore and not listen to anybody who tries to tell you that Europe is super hard and that you wont get hardly any baptisms. But times have changed and there is so much work to do! Pack light. Here are T-shirts for the France ParisMission! It was just awesome. So are the Africans! We were having our district meeting that morning, so two companionships from out of town had arrived earlier by train and they were stopped and informed by police officers just outside our apartment of the situation. The very first one!? In short, it will truly be the best time of your life. American baggy clothes stick out like a sore thumb. About Us. To name two, I was blessed to learn to love people, even though I dont directly benefit in any temporal way from those people. The following statement from presidents of the German-speaking LDS missions in 1958 was intended to discourage immigration, but the disappointments and difficulties of employment it describes were often real enough: . Winters do get cold. (Jeffrey), A warm coat for winter that can withstand wind and rain. This is true for all those who have the desire to serve. (Matt), Each area has its own culture really. Has awesome preparation days. Learning to talk with anyone from any background. Very little snow (winter in Orleans). (Valan), Not been so nervous and enjoyed it more. I still have a copy of the flyer the police were handing out in my mission scrapbook. (Drew), Teaching the lessons and seeing the baptism of a young refugee from the Ukraine. You are hereby called to serve in the Arizona Phoenix Mission. Rainy springs. Utah Salt Lake City North Mission. The shirts make great gifts for pre-missionaries, returned missionaries and missionaries currently serving. Crepes, raclette, burrito fete, pastries, Had a knife pulled on me and was jumped by a group of young Arabs. I Had Left the Church. However, as we climbed the stairs I felt the migraine lift and strength return. (Jacob), St Maur des Fosses, Chelles, Sarcelles, Rennes. (Merrilyn), Learned a new language. Very brave people. Scott M. Naatjes, 53, and Jodi T. Naatjes, five children, Lake Marion Ward, Lakeville Minnesota Stake: Alpine German-Speaking Mission, succeeding President Christopher S. Brown and Sister Laura G. Brown. The members are incredible. Intermittent rain that youve got to be prepared for ;). There are 346 missions in this index. (Michael), Bread. I had a unique experience. 8 Months. Here are ParisMission Groups- for LDS missionary moms, returned missionaries, mission presidents and other alumni ofthe ParisMission. Everything you do/learn will apply to whatever you do after your mission for the rest of your life. Mainly humid. Also, most of our transfers were by train, not automobile. Each US mission has languages you are officially called to speak and then other languages that you might be asked to speak regardless of your call. It never got too cold, but spending too much time outdoors in the winter was chilly business. [2] U.S. State [ edit] You never know what the Lord has in store for the friendships you build with members and investigators. You will learn sacrifice real fast. (Matt), Let your mission be a compass for the rest of your life. In Phoenix, the Lord has prepared missionaries and members alike to share this important message in the French language. The first was humbling because he showed me that I was arrogant and inflexible. (Elsa), Asniere, Lorient, Nogent, Montreuil, and Evreux. Good wheels if you have them. (Drew), Pain au chocolate. You learn about traditions from every part of the world and celebrate with them. It about caused her to pull a stitch. (Bryan), Very atheist. Remember that youll be effectively living out of your luggage sometimes, and transfers happen unexpectedly sometimes. In general, weather is nice, except it occasionally snows in the winter and there are occasional heat waves in the summer. Missionaries called French speaking serve in Reunion and Mauritius and never see the mission home on Madagascar. (Anonymous), My companion and I were beat up by three Arabs about a month after 9/11. (Paul), A missionary asked if she could peter the dog, but peter means fart. Getting along with different personalities and people. (Kara), Colombes, Evry/Grigny, Versailles, Melun, Bois Guillaume, Rouens, and Nantes. (Anonymous), Cherbourg, Nogent, Vannes, Sarcelles, St Brieuc, Evreux, Niort, Soissons. Knowing that you gave your best and you know the truth now. (Kale), I would shore up your testimony and knowledge of the Gospel and Book of Mormon. (Bryan), The people are very kind and stick to themselves. (Jeffrey), Kebabs, crpes, coquilles St Jacques. (Stuart), Crpe, Burrito Fte, Donner Kebab, Brioche, Galette Brtonne, Crme Frache Pizza. Alabama Birmingham. One-hundred-fifty years later, in 1981, that number had grown to 71 (Deseret News 1983 Church Almanac 1982, pp. We do them ourselves using buses, metros and trains. (Elsa), I had three Mission Presidents: President Jones in Paris, Elder Andersen, and President Oveson in Bordeaux. She knew completely the truth and she whole-heartedly embraced the gospel from day one. (Anonymous), Where ever you are called, serve with all your might, mind, and strength. In a revelation to Joseph Smith the Prophet in 1833, the Lord said, "For it shall come . I love their appreciation and priority for music and the arts. (Doug), Seeing peoples lives change through reading the Book of Mormon with an open heart and mind. There is a lot to do. Courage, empathy, being able to work hard. Blessings continue to flow from service. Argentina Bahia Blanca. To this day, he recalls how miraculous it was to meet missionaries in Arizona who could speak his language. (Aaron), Communication skills, teaching skills (especially listening! (Chloe), Too many to appropriately list here. There are places in the world where the missionaries, even in their humble circumstances, are wealthier than the people they serve: dont insult them and embarrass yourself by over-dressing. My best reasoning is that however we got here as we are now (Big Bang or whatever), we are here. We soon discovered that the Arizona Phoenix Mission is home to a large population of French speakers originally from West and Central Africa, Haiti, and other countries around the world. (Drew), Paris West & East, St. Brieuc, Versailles. (Stuart), Well I had a French companion and I was joking and said your mom to him in french but in french that means a super bad word haha so be careful with your translations haha. 2 pairs of sturdy shoes, you will walk a lot. Bring a shoulder bag. (Jordan), Pain au chocolat, religiouse; quiche. An Apostle of Jesus Christ and his wife brought a familiar message of hope to French-speaking Latter-day Saints around the world on Sunday, February 21. (Nicholai), Temperate 4 seasons. How to talk to people from all walks of life. Here are LDS-friendly educational videos aboutFrance. (Paul), France felt like home and still does. Learn on your mission how to recognize the kind of person you do not want to be tied to and the kind you do AND LEARN HOW TO BE THE KIND OF PERSON THAT WILL MAKE A RELATIONSHIP LAST. (Doug), Good sturdy yet lightweight luggage. Whether we are full-time missionaries or not, no matter where were from or what language we speak, we can all invite others to come unto Christ and partake of the joy that can only be found in His gospel. We kept working through the crowd, and somehow, up ahead another block or two away was that bright pink. (Kara), Fresh bread and chocolate. Know the history of the restored Church just like you should know scripture. (Michael), Paris (twice), Tours, Meaux, St. Nazaire, Limoges, Cherbourg, Rennes. They were ridiculously good, not really sure why they were so much better tasting than everywhere else, though. I saw almost 50 baptisms in my 18 months. The second taught me patience and flexibility. Able to understand new members better. *Simply click on a shirt design to view the details and submit an order. (Kara), TIGHTS! Later that night, my trainer asked me Elder, do you remember what you prayed for before we left our apartment? Be humble, be simple. Charleroi is my idea of Zion. I smiled kindly and struck up a conversation. (Dennis), Planning, prioritizing, organizing meetings and much more. I returned to my first city nearly a year after I entered the mission and trained a brand new missionary there. (Anonymous), Crepes, bread, cheese, pate, patisserie, grec, kabab, etc. This is a list I made from information from Lifey, current language needs for senior couples, mission websites, and locations of non-English speaking units in the US. I should have just tried and learned rather than being worried about being embarrassed. (Paul), Forget about home and engulf yourself in the gospel, the language and the French culture. Well, Sunday came, and he showed up in a three-piece suit looking like he was a groom! I wish I wasnt so self-conscious about not speaking French. . if you dont know the truth when you first leave, I promise you will know as you let yourself go to work and you will come back a better person. It is so enriching to learn form people from every corner of the world and you can learn so much from them. We were thinking the same thing. Well, we started walking one direction out of the station. 188 Countries Receiving Humanitarian Aid (Since 1985) 36,639 Welfare Services Missionaries (Incl. (Chloe), People expect good manners and you learn good manners quickly when entering homes. The church and the work of the restoration will go forward and we can be a part if we choose. (Paul), A second language. Church-Service Missionaries. HenryB. Eyring, Prayers of Faith, Ensign or Liahona, May 2020, 28. I wish I knew the doctrine better or even had a stronger testimony on certain things. The next day, we were notified from our Mission President that missionaries were no longer to hold Halloween parties in any way whatsoever. We finally ran into one of our Evangelical African friends who cast out the demon in him. The grandmothers are all converts, and there are very few third-generation members. Now my son is also serving in the same mission I know there were about 100 + missionaries and maybe 20-some sisters It was a lot smaller area than it is now. We interview hundreds of returned missionaries each year, so check back regularly to see new RM interviews. She was overjoyed when we caught up with her! Make sure you have a mechanism by which they can attach together in case you need to book it across train stations! Organized on 18-Jun-1850 Then we were praying for safety. (Mariah), Getting city vendors to sell you little souvenirs for really cheap by having two of them competing with each other for your purchase. (Matt), Bread and cheese, snails, sauerkraut with various meats, fries and the different sauces that France and Belgium have to offer. (Jeffrey), Have a young punk kid saying ta mre and I laughed back at him because I realized he had just said youre mom which doesnt translate as a bad word into English. I can get along with almost anyone. Full-Time Senior Missionaries Senior Service Missionaries Service Missionaries Missionary Manuals Dress and Grooming Missionary Training Centers Online Recommendation System Missionary Recommendation Interview Questions Missionary Preparation Frequently Asked Questions Sharing the Gospel Online Mission Maps Home Missionary (Douglas), We joked with a Jewish man on the street, and told him that he should join us in another town for church on Sunday. (Alex), Force yourself to learn the language, talk to people, talk to your companion. My prayer worked and he left us alone and minutes later almost had a brawl with some Arabs up to no good. That was the last time I let him schedule dinner appointments. (Paul), Youre girlfriend will NOT wait for you. Dont make derogatory remarks about the French. (Kara), Being there when the first stake was formed in Versailles. Love the people. I just waited until the last possible month to earn it. I trained Elder Jeffs. (Chloe), Dont worry about trying to express everything that you want to say. Foofoo. The French are kind but you need to be real and sincere with themthey will see through insincerity very quickly. But when I got to France they used cheese on everything and I started eating it and could not believe how much I loved it. (Merrilyn), Our mission extended from Paris to Tarbes and Pau. Lots of rain In the winter. Now, as I work, it seems a lot of people only want to associate with those who can help them. Avoid accumulating things on your mission. (Bryan), Pack with quality luggage or large packs. (Anna), Lapin la moutarde, fraisiers, quiche, poulet aux arachides Africain. (Valan), They seem cold at first, but once they warm up to you they are super friendly. As of July 2022, there are 410 missions in the church. Chinese people are absolutely amazing, humble and kind. There was an incredible spirit in the room which we could tell he felt. Albania Tirana. (Chloe), Drunk people on the streets were sometimes hostile. (Doug), Paris is difficult at first but then, it just gets in your bones. One was when a recent convert learn how to read by sounding out words from the Book of Mormon and the Gospel Principles manual. People are proper and polite, they love their language, beauty and history. My new trainee stepped on dog poop a couple of times first day. (Michael), It will be the hardest thing you ever do. French Population. Other times, it was just having a conversation with the man in the park about death, and what he was going through. Some random guy didnt like that and ran up to my companion and I and threw a punch at me but stopped his swing right before it hit my face. We waited for the train going the other direction and it must have been 30-40 minutes later that we got off at her stop. Throughout our time as missionaries here, we have learned three important truths about missionary work that wed like to share with our fellow missionaries around the world. we just taught a lesson about Jesus Christ to a friend in the neighborhood but he then asked if he could have some of our hair. The people are nicer than what is portrayed in American media. My trainer replied Hey, Eldersonnerie means doorbell. (Zakarias), Baiser-careful!! The ability to speak to strangers and to do hard things. We taught them most of the discussions and they attended church several times and other church activities. The mission designs are printed on white shirts and are shipped to you. I hope I get to go back as a couple missionary. After the law granting religious freedom was passed in 1967, an independent Spanish branch was organized in Madrid. Her brother had just accepted the gospel and told her about the blessings he had received and she wanted to know more. I dont know if they ever got baptized, but I was definitely prompted to talk to him. 131 Blvd Carnot *Learn about living in Utah. That lead to us teaching he and his girlfriend. We were going to take a trip to Spain but decided not to. We hiked up a mountain one weekend when everyone from Tarbes went to a Missionary Training Session in Bordeaux and there was only room for all missionaries but one so another had to stay behind so we could be a pair. Heres a list of current and past Mission Presidents of the ParisLDS Mission. (Matt), Being threatened numerous times and actually being punched in the face. Brother Naatjes is a former stake president, high councilor, branch president . Go all out! Catherine. We were there for 20 years before making the journey to America., Brother Luala felt grateful just to come to the United States, but the Lord had more in store for him. Laundry. In the evening that same day we were in a remote location far from the center and knocking doorsguess who opened one of the door we knocked at. Read the Book of Mormon in the language. (Anonymous), Getting along with your companion is more important than you ever would believe. Serve. I loved having meals with the people. The sisters where Im from wear black all over! We tried to explain to him that we werent nuns, and he thought that we were sad about it, so he spent 20 minutes reassuring us that someday we could be nuns. What doyou wish you knew/did at the beginning of your mission? (Merrilyn), I met a woman whom my dad had taught and baptized 20 years earlier and that reinforced the importance of sharing the gospel and strengthening get new members I also now teach French and LOVE the connections I still have in France as I have been able to keep several friendships strong . There are a lot of micro climates. Kebab. (Alex), Rainy, warm in country/cities, very rainy. Rabbit. Trying different foods. (UK), French is hard and the only way you can learn is by trying and making mistakes and learning if you speak and read and write French. After getting the huge table through the doors, the instructor repeated tableau so I could make the connection that I got the wrong item. (Anna), I had a missionary convince me to go ask for a soutian gorge at a pharmacy when I had a sore throat. Chocolate. Home France LDS Missions. I was blessed with the Spirit and was able to do so sufficiently well that no one laughed at me. (Elsa), The opening of the Bordeaux StakeElder Packer was phenomenal. No spirit, no success. Lardons & crime fraiche with pasta. In the summer, it was hot and humid. (Drew), I was a little nervous as plans fell through again with my first blue (trainee), and I was afraid she might be mad or frustrated that we werent teaching quite as much as she probably expected. Study skills. We were knocking doors, a little girl opened the door. (Alex), Having an Amish call and say that the Book of Mormon is true and that he wants to be baptized. In 1975, the first stake in France was organized in Paris. Bread. 5. You will be forever blessed in every aspect of your life. Charles E. Jones (1990-93) Group, Paris Mission- Dennis K. Brown (1996-99) Group, Paris Mission Heber M. Thompson (1993-96) Group, Paris Mission Moms and Friends (LDS) Group, Paris Mission- President Johnson (1987-90) Group, 30 Funny French Language Mistakes LDS Missionaries Have Made, Things That Keep People From Recording Their Lifey (And Why They Shouldn't), Paris, Orlans, Cergy-Pontoise, Caen, and Cherbourg. He then chased us out of the building with said knife. (Paul), Some kids were throwing dirt clods at an old man and we told them to stop. Rain gear a must. (Kara), Love every minute and never stop praying! (Jordan), How to speak another language. A knowledge of Gods love and His involvement and interest in my life. (Scott), Pack some short sleeve white shirts, I didnt haha buy good shoes, sturdy firm bottom, waterproof. (Michael), I served in Normandie so where I was it rained 295 days a year on average and was usually very cloudy. You can find happiness in anything if you want to. Utah Salt Lake City West Mission. Both times we helped those people feel the love of God and ultimately stopped the suicide. (Alex), The ability to speak and teach without having every word written out. (Mariah), I packed all the stuff on the list and used almost everything. (Doug), Tamil riot near La Chapelle that we had to cross in order to get home. Powerful tools to collect, organize and share your missionary experiences! As missionaries, we seek to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel.1 And as French-speaking missionaries serving in Arizona, weve found that our missionary work has also presented us with unique, diverse, challenging, and culturally vibrant experiences. The French are awesome people. Now reason thusly. You WILL go through several pairs. No smoking no drinking NO DRINKING WINE. Almost all of these people are warm and wonderful. (Jacob), Humid, which intensifies both heat and cold. Keeping my voice low when talking to someone else. (Matt), Belfort, Rouen, Villenuve Dascq, Mulhouse, Nivelles (Belgium), and Saint-Omer. It was right outside a train station and everyone stopped to see how I would react. (Valan), Dont bring tons of American clothes. They asked me if I spoke French. Less stuff to pack is less stuff you have to carry around and keep up with. (Matt), Having my last lesson on my mission where our golden investigator told us a story where he met 2 young men in white shirts and ties that gave him a book that forever changed his life and his families. So are the Africans, who tend to be very open spiritually. (Zakarias), Kebabs. . (Mariah), I have some of the most amazing friends who have been able to come visit in the U.S. You need to watch where you walk. They also do their own laundry, exercise daily, eat nutritious meals provided by each MTC cafeteria and stay in touch with family and friends via weekly emails.