Backstory: While others were publishing shade-throwing click-bait headlines about our 2016 performance, Matt Drudge went out, found & published the first independent 3rd party 2016 election polling bench-marking. While thats possible, the site was raking in plenty of cash before the change, with revenue estimates ranging from $9 million a year to $30 million. October 6, 2019 October 4, 2019 by IWB. Joseph Curl Launches Competitor to Former Employer Drudge Report If you are fed up with letting radical big tech execs, phony fact-checkers, tyrannical liberals and a lying mainstream media have unprecedented power over your news please consider making a donation to BPR to help us fight them. B.J. 15 million pageviews last month. Drudge Report started distancing itself from the president last year, a development that was not lost on Mr. Trump, who said on Twitter in April: "I gave up on Drudge (a really nice guy) long. Rasmussen Reports, the influential polling company, tweeted Saturday their belief that Matt Drudge has sold and is no longer running the titanic news aggregator that bears his name, the Drudge Report. Word is he sold, just wa. The Drudge Report once cycled through 40-50 links in a single five-hour period. However, in recent months there was an evident shift in its coverage. tweeted the polling company Rasmussen last December. visits to drudge 3/01/2023 22,614,083 past 24 hours 667,217,462 past 31 days 8,406,671,559 past year reference desk. On Sunday the Rasmussen Report posted more evidence that Drudge sold the site or is no longer in charge of the content. Hes rooting on Mueller and praying for an economic downturn (at least according to the items he links). In the tweet above, Rasmussen Reports official Twitter account wrote that [w]e dont think Matt is there anymore and shared the rumor that hes sold The Drudge Report to a third party. Drudge hits 'mute' on Biden - POLITICO "He recently signed on with a Google affiliated company, which purchased Matt Drudge's father's website, RefDesk, as part of the deal. Screen capture of the website Drudge Report ( on Dec. 18, 2019. If the Drudge Report has indeed been sold, this would explain the shift in the site's tone. Drudge Report loses nearly 40% of its traffic since Matt turned hard left Jan 02, 2020 at 4:48 pm. [17] In 2011, he added to the staff Charles Hurt, most recently the Washington bureau chief of the New York Post and a columnist for The Washington Times. On Friday, conservative commentator and former Fox News contributor Dan Bongino announced the release of his new news aggregating website, the Bongino Report. After all, the problem may simply be that he's just getting old and lacking in ideas. Drudge has for more than a decade driven the media narrative on the right. Does Matt Drudge even work at The Drudge Report anymore? - New York Post The fact that the Drudge Report appears left of center is merely a reflection of the overall bias of the media. In fact, it appeared to contain zero reports about Inspector General Michael Horowitzs incoming report. Numerous aggregators have emerged, including The Liberty Daily, The Bongino Report,WhatFinger, Bad Blue News, etc. At times, his site is indistinguishable from The Daily Beast or any other woke propaganda outlet posing as a news company. The Drudge Report made its name by making life hell for Democrats in the White House. He rarely speaks to media outlets at all and has grown more and. Republican presidential candidates made wooing the famously secretive Drudge a high priority, and for several of them, including Donald Trump, it paid off big." Dan Bongino (@dbongino) November 27, 2019, Drudge has abandoned you. Drudge Report 2023 In September, Trump again slammed the site . Bongino taunted Drudge with a pair of tweets: The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, Sponsored by SLANTED from Sharyl Attkisson, for Monday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. According to the following screenshots, hes not pleased: Why did the @DRUDGE_REPORT make fun of @dbongino for being a Secret Service Agent and then delete the tweet? We will no longer be beholden to them but we need your help. (@Rasmussen_Poll) December 7, 2019. Backstory: Matt Drudge knows other pollsters have Likely Voters screens but dont spend the $$ required to keep them up year-round for political subjects. [118], The Drudge Report included articles about the debunked Pizzagate conspiracy theory,[119] as well as conspiracy theories about the murder of Seth Rich. The page is now updated only once or twice a day and almost never reacts to breaking news, as if it's being run. As of Sunday afternoon, for instance, CFP contained a link to a story from The Federalist by Mollie Hemingway entitled, How To Prepare For The Impending Justice Department Inspector General Report., Not surprisingly, The Drudge Report did NOT contain the same story . In 1995, Matt Drudge launched the newsletter that effectively invented clickbait.Operating out of his Hollywood apartment with only a dial-up internet connection, the then-manager of a CBS Studios . During Impeachment, Asks Jared Kushner to 'Look Into It', "Lists: What's Your Source for That? Drudge Report, a Trump Ally in 2016, Isn't in 2020 - The New York Times [I]s Drudge beginning to turn on President Trump? Fox News Jesse Watters asked during an episode of Watters World last month. How the Drudge Report ushered in the age of Trump Matt Drudge is now firmly a man of the progressive left. Afterward, several Twitter accounts in support of Republican nominee Donald Trump used the photo with the hashtag #HillaryHealth. The site has garnered much attention in recent months for a clear shift in coverage of the president, and its overall tone, seemingly turning against Trump and its historic conservative slant. Backstory: While others were publishing shade-throwing click-bait headlines about our 2016 performance, Matt Drudge went out, found & published the first independent 3rd party 2016 election polling bench-marking. Conservative Website Down Because Of Distributed Denial Of Service Attack, Matt Drudge Tweets", "Matt Drudge suggests US government behind cyberattack on 'Drudge Report', "Someone is trying to take down the Drudge Report, and it's a mystery who's behind it", "Exclusive: The chaos behind the scenes of Fox News' now-retracted Seth Rich story", "Las Vegas Massacre Gives InfoWars More Conspiracy Fodder", "Breitbart Made Up False Story That Immigrant Started Deadly Sonoma Wildfires, Sheriff's Office Says", "FACT CHECK: Were Gun-Toting Children Photographed on the United States Border? R. Tweets by @Rasmussen_Poll. 152 Rasmussen Reports @Rasmussen_Poll Replying to @CitizenFreePres and @DRUDGE_REPORT We don't think Matt is there anymore, CFP. And now, Rasmussen Reports, an arguably reputable polling operation, is calling Drudge out on Twitter, even suggesting that the site has been sold. CNN speculated that this meant there had been a falling out. be seen! [15] John Ziegler has said that Drudge blocked Breitbart from posting content critical of Barack Obama during the 2008 campaign for the US presidency. "[50] Professor Mark Liberman critiqued the statistical model used in this study on the basis that model assumed conservative politicians do not care about the ideological position of think tanks they cite, while liberal politicians do. Drudge Report, RIP | Mises Institute Drudge sold out to Big Tech! - Investment Watch Rasmussen Reports, the influential polling company, tweeted Saturday their belief that Matt Drudge has sold and is no longer running the titanic news aggregator that bears his name, the Drudge Report. Specifically, the time series analysis presented by Wallsten shows evidence of a "Drudge effect" on print and broadcast coverage for only five of the 10 political scandals that received the most attention on the Drudge Report between September 30 and November 3, 2008. Drudge wrote with a cranky anti-Clinton slant, but his juicy tidbits and old-time tabloid style made his intermittently reliable Drudge Report a must-read in political and media circles. This observation came a week after Rasmussen Reports called attention to a rumor that Matt Drudge had sold his eponymous media behemoth some time ago. Where Is The HHS. Word is he sold, just waiting for confirmation." ", Revenue for the Drudge Report is driven by advertising that was managed for 20 years by Intermarkets, Inc. During the summer of 2019, after many years of being known for "changing nothing" about the website, Drudge advertising shifted to a new company by the name of Granite Cubed. In 1998, Drudge made national waves when he broke the news that Newsweek magazine had information on an inappropriate relationship between "a White House intern" and President Bill Clintonthe Monica Lewinsky scandalbut was withholding publication. The Drudge Report's influence on media coverage", "Host Unhinged After Sales Figures Revealed; Calls Drudge 'Threat To Democracy', "Drudge Retort's Retort To AP: Personal Issue Resolved But 'Larger Conflict' Remains", "From the Drudge Report To the Drudge Retort", "PaidContent: where UK newspapers get their traffic", "Newsweek Kills Story on White House Intern", "The Drudge Report warms to the Clinton camp, or is it vice versa? The newest stories and those Drudge considers most important are in red, all under a single major headline in large bold type. Paula Bolyard is the editor of PJ Media. Word is he sold, just waiting for confirmation. I NEVER will. Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) December 7, 2019. In 2019, Rasmussen Reports reported that Matt Drudge had sold the site and was no longer involved in its operations, which would also explain the change in editorial direction; however, that reporting was On Sunday the Rasmussen Report posted more evidence that Drudge sold the site or is no longer in charge of the content. Lysiak's explanation before he got cut off was . The Drudge Report has become a conformist shadow of its formerly bratty, oppositional self. Drudge is now 54 years old and has never offered up his Clinton-Lewinsky source or explained how he found out about the affair. And now, Rasmussen Reports, an arguably reputable polling operation, is calling Drudge out on Twitter, even suggesting that the site has been sold. Rasmussen Reports, the influential polling company, tweeted Saturday their belief that Matt Drudge has sold and is no longer running the titanic news A change of ownership would explain the websites move away from the right. The news media are going easy on President Joe Biden, according to a majority of voters, who also think the problem of media bias is getting worse. So what's going on? [87] The blackout was designed to protect Prince Harry and the men serving with him from being specifically targeted by the Taliban. Please help us! So whats going on? [92], On March 9, 2010, The Senate Sergeant-at-Arms claimed that the site was "responsible for the many viruses popping up throughout the SenatePlease avoid using [this] site until the Senate resolves this issueThe Senate has been swamped the last couples [sic] days with this issue." be seen! be seen! Impeachment: American Crime Story - Who Was Matt Drudge? True Story Drudge Report | Library of Congress Winfrey responded in a written statement to news outlets by saying, "The item in today's Drudge Report is categorically untrue. European Union Ap Human Geography, Plausible, but is it true? Tucker guest exposes what made Matt Drudge - 'now firmly a man of the They just happen to believe that Donald Trump is a failure and a liability to the Republican party and to the country. [65], In October 2019, the Drudge Report began linking to articles which were increasingly critical of Trump, reportedly the result of Drudge himself becoming "exasperated" by the president. He reserved his banner headlines for Trump-friendly subjects such as immigration and trade, while running attack stories on contesting . However, as verified commentator Mark Dice notes in the tweet above, even the fan who runs the page seems to think Drudge has sold his site. What Drudge talks about Rush talks about and Hannity and Levin and Bongino and everyone else in the right-leaning media. If Matt Drudge sold out youll see one of the most trafficked websites in the world fall like a rock. Federal Judge Greenlights Nunes Lawsuit Against Washington Post - Breitbart Word is he sold, just waiting fo Rasmussen Reports 20-year track record of accuracy, transparency, independence and our bi-partisan team of pollsters is here to help you get true American public opinion heard. Alarm grows on right over site's anti-Trump pivot", "Trump Privately Frets 'What's Going on With Drudge?' Rumor has it that Matt Drudge isn't there any longer since he sold the site. Rasmussen Reports, the influential polling company, tweeted Saturday their belief that Matt Drudge has sold and is no longer running the titanic news aggregator that bears his name, the Drudge Report.