Coco Coir Grow Tips For A First Timer : r/microgrowery - Reddit #6. We also have a Live Chat Room, which is a great place to ask questions, get quick answers, and chat with fellow growers. The selected raw materials are five times washed, blended without fine dust particles to make PCM OTBs for the required sizes.This product is specially designed to reach the optimum water holding capacity (WHC) and air-filled porosity (AFP). With auto-flowering strains the switch to the flowering stagehappens without you needing to do anything. The EC of the run-off is usually slightly higher than the EC of the nutrient solution inflow. I've only used 3 gal;. Selecting an effective growing vessel is one of them. pH Perfect Sensi Coco Bloom A . Give Cal-Mag at full strength alongside your nutrients for at least two weeks at the beginning of your grow. Can Air-Pots and Smart Pots Increase Cannabis Yields? If you started in solo cups, you should transplant tobigger containersonce the seedlingshave grown about 3sets of leaves. Any similarly sized bricks from a reputable company will also work. Maintain flowering plants until they are ready to harvest. This 2-part blended liquid formula should be used in equal amounts . If youre willing to rehydrate your coco at home, you can skip paying a premium for water. In soil, it takes experience to know when to water. When we mix nutrient solutions, we need to follow the feed chart recipes to arrive at the correct NER. If you are growing on your balcony or anywhere weight is an issue or will need to move the containers during the growing season, fabric pots weigh practically nothing. Fill up the fabric pot/bucket halfway with water. See What Youre Making Makes about 10gallons of potting mix, This will make about 10 gallons of potting mix, just enough potting mix for, OR 3 x 3-gallon containers plus a little extra, OR any setup that uses about 10 gallons of potting mix, Note: I hydrate the two bricks one at a time in the 5-gallon bucket because the 5-gallon buckets are easier for mixing in perlite, and the whole process goes by in less than a half hour anyway even if you do bricks one at a time. My observation "in the field" has been that of 2 plants of the same species, the one planted in the ground will most likely end up bigger and taller than the potted one. I would have been way better off with 1/2 the number. We use premium coco grow media triple washed, EC below 0.5, balanced pH between 6.2-6.7 Absolutely no switching costs. Why do some buds turn purple? This root environment creates thriving cannabis plants. 1.69 tsp/gal. A well-managed coco grow cannot be beat. You must log in or register to reply here. Coco Coir Open Top Bags | PCM OTBs | RIOCOCO I would not go smaller pot size unless it is shown to get better results. Will be 8 weeks on Saturday. Now that youve got your mix ready (or purchased a pre-made coco coir mix), its time to start growing! The feed chart determines the ratio of each nutrient, and EC determines the total dose. When you click through our links and make purchases you are supporting our work! It does so by producing sugars in its roots which draw water into the plant. 4.) Soil based growing media become oxygen depleted when they are saturated with water. Plants need nutrients in order to complete photosynthesis and grow. Yield per light? Since you are never giving the coco an opportunity to dry out, there is never going to be much capacity for it to hold more water. 4.7 out of 5 stars 5 ratings. If you can manage twice daily fertigation, then the 5-gallon final containers are best. The plant receives water through osmosis. It is important to follow these feed charts to provide the correct NER for your plants. Or, Heres the custom Flora Series + CaliMagic nutrient schedule Iuse for coco coir[PDF]. Plus, youll learn almost all the skills you need to grow in soil or hydro in the future. I personally like theGeneral Hydroponics Flora trioplus Calimagic(a Cal-Mag supplement) for growing in coco coir. You should end up with something that looks like this. 11 lb. (5KG) Coconut Coir Block of Soilless Media This moving gif should hopefully give you an idea. Day 50/f0 moved to flower tent 11/13 (flower day 0) Day 60/f10 defoliation. This can be used to fill 2 x 5 gallon pots, 3 x 3 gallon pots, or 5x 2-gallon containers. Ideally, mature plants should be fertigated 3-5 times per day. Nutrients must be present in the water for plant nutrition to take place. What Causes Cannabis Leaves to Get Dry or Crispy? A cage all the way around it would work too! Good hydroponic nutrients are able to deliver the correct doses of all the required nutrients at a reasonable total EC. in bottom of container to facilitate drainage (optional) Plastic saucers or other container to catch watering runoff Coco Coir Bricks for Plants - Set these coir grow bags in place, add water to expand thecoco coir mediaand plant. Free shipping for many products! Its only a few simple stepsget your coco coir mix in tip-top shape, and this tutorial will show you exactly how to do it. Compressed Coco Coir, 5 Pack Organic Coconut Coir, 1.4 Lbs Coco Coir Brick, Coconut Soil with Low EC & pH Balance, Coco Fiber for Herbs & Flowers . Maintaining the media between 90-100% saturated means that we should fertigate again when the media has lost 10% of the water that it can hold. Wait 8-10 minutes or until the coco coir gets fully hydrated. RIOCOCO PCM Commercial Open Top Coco Grow Bag, 5 Gallon - Pack of 6 Is there a huge difference in yield? Ready to start your coco coir tutorial? Automatic watering systems make growing in coco with high frequency fertigation incredibly easy, but they are not required. Hand feeding 2 x a day with floranova bloom (4-8-7) 1 part nutrient @ 700ppm. A commonly seen one called Cal-Mag by Botanicare works well (and is pretty inexpensive), and so does CaliMagic from General Hydroponics. However, coco is only a superior growing medium when it is properly prepared and managed. One 5-kilo bale makes up to 16 gallons. Coco seems almost tailor-made for growing cannabis as long as you follow basic instructions. If you are hand-watering, you should think carefully about your ability to commit to once or twice daily fertigations. Some growers will put their Rapid Rooters in solo cups, while others put their seedlingsdirectly in their final container. Cannabis plants do best when nutrients are provided at the correct Nutrient Element Ratio (NER) for each stage of growth. At Coco for Cannabis, our mission is to help growers maximize the success of their cannabis crops by providing scientifically accurate information and sharing proven growing practices. 3b.) wow, look at all that LIGHT,,, cool grow man, healthy looking plants too,, do you lift them out of the buckets and pour out the buckets?,, how do you drain off the water ?,,, sorry just trying to figure out your setup. 6.) I kept bouncing back and forth on what to do but u have changed my mind. Learn more about whichnutrients you should use for growing cannabis in coco coir. Philodendron Smithii - Full plant growing up coco coir pole When we say 20% run-off we are referring to the amount of water that you provide. As a result, when the coco gets dry the plant has a harder and harder time getting water that is increasingly scarce and salty. Use the tub for planting both flowers and vegetables. Some growers let it soak longer, especially if theyre using pHed water thats been supplemented with a Cal-Mag supplement, giving the coco more time to take in the good stuff. Medium: 70/30 Coco perlite by Mother Earth . [Checklist] Get Prepared to Start Growing Indoors. Line inside of 5-gallon bucket with fabric container. I use a 3 gal radicle bag in a 2x2x4 grow tent. Learn aboutother ways to germinate cannabis seeds here: This is a tried and tested nutrient system for any type of hydroponic growing including coco coir. Upright Coco Coir Grow bags | Fibredust 3 and 5 Gallon Pre-Filled Coir Grow Bags FibreDust's grow bags get plants off to a great start and keeps them growing till harvest. However, the EC of the inflow is only one factor that determines the salinity of the water that is available to the plant. After mixing the solution we need to make sure the total mix is not too salty for the plant. Drainage holes are predrilled. You can still train plants by gently bending too-tall colas, but avoid any major training once the plant has started making buds. I use self-draining saucers, and I think they are the best solution for removing run-off water. Heres the 10-gallon fabric pot& 5-gallon bucketin a bathtub. They are breathable and drain well. It's actually easier as long as you stay consistent with the ph. Recap:Do you have everything you need to make your coco coir mix? 5.) The fact that coco retains enough oxygen when it is saturated largely eliminates the risk of over-watering. #1 3 gal vs. 5 gal 11-29-2016, 10:17 PM Starting my next grow, using kind soil and coco loco for potting medium, and Ive used 3 gallon pots, but have heard that 5 gallon is better. 5gal pots to a 7gal pot at final transplant, which i need to transplant three plants this weekend, already at they have only lived 3 weeks in the 5gal air pots, roots where showing at bottoms by end of week one. The rule with coco is you should keep it wet. I just drill holes for drainage and set the plants on top. 2.) (For the Biggest/Fastest Yields), Nebulas Guide to Cannabis Auto-Flowering Strains (2023). You're currently browsing the forum as a guest. The salts are more attracted to the water than they are to the coco. They thrived after the transplant. Is my plant a hermie? The coco coir should feel soft all the way through the bucket. Root booster? Shes growing flowers, but also balls. There are different ways to handle removing the run-off. Strains: Ganja Farmer Seeds Zkitzz Auto week0 by Ganja_Victoria. Way more techy and better than my last grow. 5 gallon bucket, coco/perlite 2-to-1, marshydro ts1000, GH - Reddit Shop 5 Gallon in HTG Supply Online Store You are responsible for knowing and following the local laws that pertain to cannabis cultivation, possession, and use. Perfect for Veg and Transplanting into a larger size open top. Class 5 Hydroponic Systems can be timed down to the minute to deliver premium nutrients to your crops. All growers are welcome, and it is free to join! Roots love it. Even if you have good targets for the EC of the nutrient solution that you provide, allowing the coco to dry out will cause the EC in the root zone to rise to unhealthy levels. I explain the Physics of Light Emitting Diodes and the latest horticultural science about photosynthesis, spectrum, and plant development, including cannabinoids. Cannabis nutrients tend to have schedules that give too high levels of nutrients for proper growth. This is my 4th grow and currently have a 2 tents. This tutorial will explain everything you need to know about when to harvest your plants: $ 11.95 Read more What's the Best Soil for Growing Potatoes in Containers? This is the main revenue stream that keeps Coco for Cannabis up and running! The compressed coco block, once hydrated becomes a ready-to-use cube. Visit for more information. This page was generated at 07:52 AM. And for the price of them, I will gladly use them at least 5-6 times. i.e. No change to grow technique. i use a roots original mix with coco. ), [HLG Blackbird] 600W Premium LED Cannabis Grow Setup & Shopping List (up to 1.5 lb yield). Dutch Plantin - Coco Coir Any nutrient shortcomings can be quickly corrected should they occur. I decided to switch to 5 Gallon Fabric pots for this grow and just looking for some info on the best way to water them. Pallet: 36 cases/pallet. Indeed, in coco, when the media is wet, the air to water ratio is ideal. Weeks . I would add 25% perlite. I use 2g and flood 3X a day. Sometimes significantly so. I tried a 10" net pot and the coco stayed put but dried out faster than the fabric pots. This is due to the physical shape and characteristics of the coco fibers which retain air even when the media is saturated with water. Coco coir is an excellent growing medium as long as you maintain the pH between 5.5 6.5 and make sure the plants have enough calcium and magnesium. 3gal vs 5gal pot for coco | Rollitup Growers need to wait for soil to dry out before watering again because otherwise the roots will not get enough oxygen and they will die. 5.68 ml/gal. It almost looks like soil and we put it into pots just like soil. Should i not waste my time with 5 gal bags? Once plants are half the desired size, switch to the flowering stage (if you have auto-flowering plants, they will automatically switch to flowering after about 3 weeks). Bags are available in 3 or 5 gallon size. 5 Gallon. But I usually wait about 10 minutes and go to the next step. We have specific guidelines for determining the best fertigation frequency for your grow in our tutorial, How to Water Cannabis Plants in Coco. You can also place the Rapid Rooters in a tray, making sure theres a very shallow pool of water at the bottom to keep them moist. 3.) It is only reasonable to fertigate 3-5 times per day if you have an automatic watering system installed. I've always grown indoors in a grow tent with Canna nutes. Convenient Pre-Washed LOW EC pH 5.6-6.5 White or Black After seedling grows first set of real (serrated) leaves, water with nutrients at normal seedling strength, and add a regular dose of Cal-Mag (Calimagic). Note: After adding nutrients (or even if youre giving just plain water), always pH your waterto 5.5-6.5 before giving it to your plants. Check Price at Amazon: 9: Coco For Cannabis: A Grower's Guide : Check Price at Amazon: 10 If youre using the custom nutrient schedule I created for you above, you can simply follow the instructions. High-frequency fertigation with drain to waste allows growers to provide plants with the precise nutrition that they require and maintain tight control on the nutrient element ratio (NER), Electrical Conductivity (EC), and pH. Growing Potatoes in Containers: Complete Beginner's Guide - Planet Natural Transplanted into 5 gal buckets. Optimally, you can add a Cal-Mag supplement and pH this water to 6.0 before soaking. Continue to water plants at full seedling strength of the included nutrient schedule for the General HydroponicsFlora Seriesplus Cal-Mag. It is possible to practice high-frequency fertigation in coco when hand-watering, but it requires a commitment. The white fibers are taken from younger, less ripe coconuts and are more flexible. You could use a 10-gallon Smart Pot, two pillow cases stacked inside each other, or any other fabric container that lets water through andis tough enough to hold 5 gallons of soil. Get Fast, Free Shipping with Amazon Prime. These young weed plants are growing in coco coir in 5 gallon cloth grow bags. Coco coir is a grow medium that consists of brown and white fibers these fibers comprise the material between the shell of a coconut and its outer husk. There are pre-made coco coir mixes, but they are usually more expensive than the cost to make a mix yourself. The air and water retention properties of coco enable us to practice high frequency fertigation. Growers are often confused how their plants can suffer from nute burn if the nutrient solution that they add (inflow) is not too strong. Yield per year? The bag design spares room for roots to grow freely and allows for drainage of excess water away from the roots with drainage holes. Coco Coir Rehydration Tutorial: What You Need. We have a wonderful community of growers, and you are invited to join! 5' use 5 gallon. I areate the tea and horticultural molasses for 2 days then drench the coco once a week, and continue with the normal feeding next time. No matter what kind of pot plant you end up growing, you should get a very good yield with this size of bucket. If you think the most you can do is once daily fertigation, then use 7-gallon final containers. This means that we water frequently, but the amounts applied each time are small. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. This Ultimate Auto produced just under 4 oz, which is the most I've ever yielded out of a 2-gallon container Small pots (3-5 gallons) For mid-size grows, and smaller grow tents. One being MH. Dig a small hole in your coco coir containers so theres room for the new seedlings. Because the function of run-off is to remove salts, you always need to remove run-off from the saucer or collection area quickly. All times are GMT-5. We use premium coco grow media triple washed, EC below 0.5, balanced pH between 6.2-6.7. For this tutorial, I used two bricks ofa standard 650g Coconut Coir Brick. 1/2 Gallon - Expanded size: 4" x 4" x 5" 1 Gallon - Expanded size: 5" x 5" x 5" Riococo Open Top Grow Bags - 5 Gallon Size - The inside of the bucket should be lined all the way to the top, and you need to have enough extra to be able to easily grab the top so you can lift it up later. In smaller containers, plants need to be fertigated more frequently because the media holds less water. Guide to Autoflower Pot Size | Autoflowering Cannabis Blog Honestly though I often use water right out the tap. Save yourself the time it takes to clean your nails after youre all done! Its non-woven geotextile construction allows for air and water exchange, a necessity for developing strong, healthy root systems. 100% pith from aged coco-coir. Our growbags: are 100% organic have low sodium and chloride levels thanks to our innovative production process G. week . You can mix the slurry around with your hands to get it to break up faster if youre in a hurry. 5 Effective Ways to Prevent Cannabis Hay Smell After Harvest. Brand: MEKOLIFE. English. How It Works Start My Diary Login Sign Up. Like garden-grown potatoes, container-grown potatoes need rich, well-drained loamy, soil. New Grow. Then dont water again until the top inch or so starts feeling dry to the touch. Centigray Apr 25, 2020 Centigray Active Member Apr 25, 2020 #1 Hello, it's been awhile. Take a minute to sign upso you can ask questions, discuss your grow, orbrag about your plants with other real-life cannabis growers! I do add a pinch of Epsom salt to each gallon. The plant has access to everything it needs, all the time, at the correct ratios and growth explodes! However, we learn the most by paying attention to difference between the inflow and runoff EC. GroEzy 5 Gallon Prefilled w/70/30 Coco Perlite Grow Bag $1,200.00 USD $1,137.50 USD Sale GroEzy 3 Gallon Prefilled 70/30 Coco Perlite Grow Bag $1,200.00 USD From $800.00 USD Sold out GroEzy 1 Gallon Prefilled 70/30 Coco Perlite Grow Bag From $64.00 USD Sold out GroEzy 2 Gallon Prefilled 70/30 Coco Perlite Grow Bag $1,200.00 USD From $600.00 USD It is defined as having fertigation intervals of less than 24 hours or fertigating at least once per day. There are many supplements that provide a boost of these nutrients, and pretty much all of them will work fine. When EC and NER are balanced, fertigation fulfills the plants water needs and delivers nutrients to the plant in their most easily absorbable form. . 5 gal. If there is no run-off, then you need to continue to add water to the top until there is. When it comes to pot size, this is what I've noticed: i use the air pots now and i am watering about 2 days from last water/fed. First outdoor COCO/PERLITE grow in cloth containers. Both Smart Pots and Air-Pots offer advantages that standard growing containers don't. Read on to find out the differences between the two, and why you should look beyond conventional plastic pots. Colour Name: Black. For coco multi-feed dtw, 5 gallon only if vegging long enough for roots to fill and air prune. Cannabis growers can modify many variables to increase the health and productivity of their plants. When hand-watering you should plan for a 5 or 7-gallon final container. Coco should not get dry; therefore, it is important to fertigate at least once per day. Our New Year's Grow Challenge (NYGC) begins on January 1st. This chart will help you translate container sizes for standard clay pots and black nursery pots and give you an approximation of how much soil each will require (again these are dry soil measures): 4 inch pot (10 cm) = 1 pint (0.5L) 5-6 inch pot (13-15 cm) = 1 quart (1L) = 0.03 cu. Apply $1 coupon Terms. Automatic watering is easier and less expensive to set up than most growers assume. 10.) Here's how to prepare coco coir: Line the inside of your 5-gallon bucket with your fabric pot. The capacity of a 5-gallon bucket is just about perfect for growing one weed plant indoors. Continue to always adjust pH water to 5.5-6.5 before giving it to plants. Place your hands where your seedlings are and wait 10 seconds, if its too hot for you, its too hot for your plants. Grow bags come complete and include coco coir block. When does it start to smell when growing weed? When you add nutrient solution, you are adding both salts and water. New Grow. Apply $1 coupon Terms. We conduct independent grow light testing and have developed articles and resources to help growers understand the science of horticultural lighting. The key to unlocking the magic of growing cannabis in coco is practicing high frequency fertigation. It is important to understand that although you mix the nutrients with the water, the plant takes them up separately. This may sound daunting to new coco growers, but it does not need to be as tough as it sounds. A great option for growers looking for rockwool and switch to coco. This is important! Some growers will plant their seeds directly in the coco coir, and that works well, too. Blend ratios: 95% Coco Peat - 5% Coco Fiber Many guides recommend alternating nutrient solution with plain, pHed, or CalMag water. Mixture of coco pith and coco chips. $18.99 $ 18. As discussed above, plants draw in water from the media through osmosis. 6.) Take a butter knife and carefully slide it all around the edges of each solo cup, thencarefully transplant your seedling into your bigger coco coir containers. You, the grower, can precisely control the nutrients that are available to the plant by providing the proper ratio of nutrients at every fertigation. In this video, I do a deep dive into the science of horticultural LEDs. Youll need the following items to complete the tutorial above. Switch to the flowering stage. Quick list: What are the best nutrients to grow weed? Like nearly all cannabis nutrients, the includedschedule is aggressive and can burn your plants if given with every watering. If the run-off EC number becomes too high, then you can take the appropriate remedial actions. Mix Coir, Vermiculite, Gypsum (CVG) in 5 Gallon Bucket Pour 4 liters of non chlorinated water into the pressure cooker pot and bring it to a roaring boil. It directly follows the tutorial above for rehydrating coco coir and creating a coir-perlite potting mix.